Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Attention: The Right Kind and Wrong

Over the years Mr. Allen has posted endless photos of himself online, looking like an important CEO or messianic leader, and this makes us wonder, does he not want attention at all? He claims that everyone has tried to make him look bad...alright dude, so how are you making your situation better by these ridiculous photos and sites? How do you think people perceive you? Yes, you Mr. Allen, I am talking to you. This is Josiah and I have wondered what goes on in your twisted mind when you post this crap? No one could take you seriously with all of these photos, etc. 

You whine about your photos being altered and turned into memes, but you literally give us those photos on your sites. If you didn't want the attention, you would have scaled back your presentation online dude and emphasized your company or MMO more, when you HAD your MMO to talk about. That is old news now and part of Pirate Galaxy. The deal is done. I digress. I look at your WhoIs list of sites and find them redundant and pointless. Just a few domains would suffice, not 50+. That is overboard and out of control. Now, after so many years of rehashing the same stories and lies about us you develop these stupid flow-charts, thinking that they will do the job. They don't, except that they advertise that you have been obsessing on your targets far longer than any sane person should. Obsessions are occasionally fine but make no sense here, not when you claim THEY are the ones that are 'stalking' you. 

You go to events where you are not welcome, and are surprised that no one wants to be around you. What a genius. You talk crap about everyone, and slam the event and then expect entitlement. It doesn't work that way in the real world. No matter what your ego tells you, or your other mental illnesses, you do not seek negative attention only to expect positive from them afterwards. What an idiot. We remember the one event you went to wearing your stupid suit, with computer on hand at your table, pretending to be promoting your 'Beyond War', and all you did was walk around trying to appear important and better than everyone else, while playing Spore on your computer. It was lame. What did you accomplish in this? No one came to your table or cared, a few negative comments about your poorly made CGI samples were made by passersby people, and I think you even did a panel or two, lying to the audience. This was either Soonercon or Trick Con Treat around 2007-8. What did you gain from that attention? Nothing but resentment from everyone else around you, ashamed that you were there. Embarrassed actually. 

You are forever in this loop where you desire praise and attention from others, and yet you turn on them and make them enemies, so you get negative attention instead, over and over. Do you want to know what the flaw in your fame seeking is? It is you. Your life will be forever this pattern. Just last weekend at Soonercon 22 a small test was done, to see how much people know about you. Your name was mentioned often, and people had 'heard' of you, but in a fully negative way. They heard about how you stalk and harass others and spoke bad about the con. Oddly, we didn't ask where they heard these facts but they were right. See, bad reputations travel faster than positive. Sure people are talking about you, but laughingly and sarcastically. No one takes you seriously. After your stunt of appearing there last year, everyone was ready again, planning on teaching you a lesson about going where you are not wanted. NO ONE RESPECTS YOU MR. ALLEN.

Another thing you have a bad habit of doing is mingling with authors, stars, etc at events, trying to be in their crowd and soak up their fame and importance. When this backfires you place them in your many conspiracies assuredly. It is disgusting. John Ferguson is one of many that has declined in communicating with you because you are embarrassing to associate with publicly. Dude, if you want to have positive attention, do positive things, earn it, don't borrow it from those who have done their time. You have no accomplishments worth mentioning that will give you instant fame and recognition by peers. None. You are so incredibly mentally ill that you cannot see this. Sadly, you had the potential once but lost it. The window of that is now passed. When guests are at the conventions they do not want wackos hanging on their coat-tails trying to be just as important. 

Until you stop giving us photos, flow-charts, conspiracies and your constant name-dropping and accusations, we will never stop in our counter campaign to right our names and reputations after you libel them. The vicious circle will not stop until you do. Only then will it end. Yes, your sites are checked often by us, but it is only us mainly, and we do so to find out what new crimes you say we have done, or to laugh at your rants and completely wrong information. Attention. You have it but it won't be positive ever at this rate, not after a decade of libel, slander and harassment. You Mr. Allen are a loser of the lowest caliber. 


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