Tuesday, July 9, 2013

I am one of the Banned Parties to 'Beyond War', Oh no!

So here I am an 'alias'...AND I was involved in some sort of extensive extortion that went for three months and whatever the '$250,000' felony claim is...? If Mr. Allen had this money he wouldn't owe the DHS his $39,000+ in Child Support now would he? Of course this could be Wacko's imaginary assumption that his make-believe game is worth that much. Too bad he can't prove it has worth, but we assume that it is probably worth about fifty cents. Digging in my pocket I find some.Maybe I can give it to him and pay for it? Hahaha. 

Supposedly Mr. Beal endorsed me too, strange that being he and I have never met! Oh well, whatever insane theories float your brain Mr. Allen. Since you can walk through walls, why don't you do that now and make your way to my office down town to meet me? Use those dark abysmal powers and show me that you are the tough guy you pretend online? You and me dude, mono et mono. Just joking Jamie, we all know you are a sissy and nancy-boy. I don't see how you can get girls at all man, you are not only broke completely, but nuts, don't own a car or a house, or even have a job. How do you do it? I couldn't exist that way for sure! 

  • Alias "Josiah Deutch"
    - - Extensive 2011-2012 extortion July 15th to Sept 21 2012 in $250,000 felony claim
    - - Plan publicly endorsed by D. Beal in October 2012 with incitement to murder

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