Monday, July 8, 2013

You May Ask Yourself...Why Devote All of This Time and Space to a Loser like James Allen?

Well, that is an easy question. I have some limited free-time this summer, as I have every year, and since 2011 on I have made it my goal to right the many wrongs that James Arnold Allen has caused in peoples' lives since his libelous stalking campaign began in 2001. I see it as a chance to alleviate his hundreds of redundant websites a little. I am not going to devote THAT much time and energy to equalize his number of sites, but it isn't quantity but quality that matters. A thousand websites screaming the same libelous things to the world does not prove anything, it only make one strong proven fact - that the maker is obsessed and has mental issues. I can undo ALL of his lies, flowcharts, timelines and the rest just here alone on my own with satire, reasoning and logic. 

He spends all of his empty free-time on his sites, day and night, to spilling his libel, not caring that he is not staying consistent with his 'facts' or dates on certain important events. He becomes lost in the forest of his mind online over time and ends up running wild in it, plucking whatever he wants after a while and rehashing it or discarding it when desired. I know he devotes his time to search engines, hoping to find dirt on his victims, or on himself. What else would a loser like him do? Think about it.

By the end of summer I will be done with this site and back to my company and projects, leaving this behind as a warning site for those dragged into the James Allen Experience. If however, he posts more crap and rants, then I will return here periodically to highlight those updates for my readers. Such nuggets of fun insanity by Jimmy, or Jamie, cannot be ignored. I make it my goal to free the good names of his victims one post at a time here. Where he as tried to drag them into the swamps of his delusions, to try to ruin them by his string of accusations (libel I must mention again dudes), I will rescue them a little. Even though you the reader, may not know anyone personally here mentioned in his blog, it is hoped that you can make up your own mind on who is the stalker and libelous maniac in the end. 

If you had a chance to read over his rubbish, he tends to be purposefully wordy, not in an intelligent way, but by someone trying to sell you how intelligent and 'genius' he thinks he is in his head. He used to tell his readers (if he had any) in a condescending manner that he writes these full and lengthy texts because he is unable to do otherwise, and he held no apologies if the reader could not keep up with his genius. Well Jimmy, that is untrue. We have seen intelligence and genius and you do not have it, not even a shred sadly. If someone is trying to sell the fact they are, then probably are not. No one who is is aware of the reality, they are too busy doing what they do to stop and notice that fact about themselves. You Jimmy are an idiot and nothing more. When I read your lengthy, wordy crap I am bored with it. It has no spirit or fire in it, it is only droning on monotonously the same stuff. If you try to be technical or detailed, you skip the technical terms and language one uses if they were genius or skilled at it. The language used is trite and dull, something that a struggling student would use in college to sound intelligent...and that is just what you are! 

You ask, why do you use so many memes here? 

They can say a lot with few words and drive home the point as desired, almost like a Haiku. Used properly, they can make a solid point in under ten words emphasizing the photo in the background. Since Mr. Allen has graciously given the interwebz hundreds of selfies of himself looking important, dramatic, intense, etc, it was only right that this special brand of idiot be satirized also by his own image. One sign of a narcissist is the necessity to make many photos of oneself, to dominate the images and presence online that would otherwise be filled by important graphics or data. Mr. Allen throws his picture everywhere on his sites, in places that makes no sense other than the fact that he wants to remind people about him. As if his website isn't enough to tell you where you are at! Thanks to his plentiful selfies he has given us a wealth of hilarious poses, expressions and other goodies to emphasize a point when we need it, and I think we have used it to good effect. Most often we do not even need to add text because they are so stupid.

What do I do about his accusations of everyone? 

Ignore them all. Every. Single. One. No one of the accused he names has done a single crime or seedy activity, and won't in the future either. They are not the people that Mr. Allen pretends they are in his demonizing. He complains about his 'defamation' at the hands of these people but who is the one posting lists of crimes associated with them? He is. He makes them into the worst people he can try to conceive in his weak manner. Child sex trafficking, Aryan associations, extortion, industrial and corporate sabotage, and all of the other crimes are just his way of providing you a smoke-screen (like his 'company' and 'Beyond War') to the sad, little miserable man that hides behind a computer monitor day in and out unable to function or accept his fate. As witnessed by Mr. Beal in court last October 31st, 2012, Mr. Allen had no flipping clue about the law and how the system really works. After a long decade of him naming dozens of laws and treaties in his idiotic rhetoric he knew nothing about it all in the end. We don't expect him to ever either, his head swims with imagined delusions centered around himself daily. This is the guy that is convinced that the show 'Burn Notice' is based on his life! I do not lie dudes. When I first found out I was not believing it, that someone could really think like that, I was frozen in an almost laugh at that point expecting a punchline. I suggest going onto one of the background checks sites, plugging in each name of Mr. Allen's accused and see the results, you will be pleased with it. 

Will Mr. Allen ever produce his Beyond War game?

No. Think about it. How many millions of people have their pipe-dreams and talk but never do them? I am sure you know several if you asked around. He has had supposedly over a decade to produce more than a few lame 3-D graphics and incomplete website and he cannot do it. The going logic on this is that if someone spends all of their talking and making promises about it, it won't ever happen. Action takes priority, and those who cannot act only talk. He can promise you all day that his game is more original, better than those on the market, and blah, blah, blah but until you have it in your hands it is meaningless. Everyone has been waiting and there is nothing forthcoming from the great CEO and revolutionary game developer James Arnold Allen. Instead he gives you endless excuses and blames it ALL on his list of suspects. Lame. He has all of the time in the world since he doesn't work to produce it and finish it, he doesn't work. Of course, to mask his inability to show anything he cops out with the 'top secret' excuse, claiming that showing any of it would be violating 'trade secrets', blah, blah, blah. Yeah whatever Mr. Allen, just stop with the lying and pipe-dream. Walk it or leave, don't talk it. We are not impressed. The mega companies that have produced endless games, MMOs, etc have had their personal dramas, tragedies and the rest too but they STILL produce what they promise. 

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