Thursday, July 4, 2013

Dude, You Really Have Outdone Yourself This Time!

The newest flowchart is a work of retarded art! The mentally ill and handicaped should praise your efforts Mr. Allen! The over-the-top comments, incriminations and accusations on this load of stinking crap really have us amazed! I read over it and cannot stop from laughing. Not only has no one wanted to extort from you, but not one cares about you, not like you assume or hope. It is sad but true but you are a joke Jimmy. How could anyone possibly take your rubbish seriously? Dude, are you on drugs?

No one could think like this and remain sane. I know crazy people but none are as nuts as you Jimmy. You are beyond nuts, dangerously crazy. We are not surprised that you have shot someone at this point, because seriously, this is loony. Have you slipped into some netherworld of insanity not given to the rest of us? You constantly profess how sane you are and that you are not mentally ill, but no one who has full mental facilities can do this and be considered sane or decent. You must know this is true?

I would LOVE to see the face of the judge who gets to see this stuff. No wonder Kilgore ended your case suddenly and laughed it out, you cannot form a sane argument about things. Read this slowly Mr. Allen please, we know how difficult leaning is for you: MAGNUS IS VERONICA'S BY RIGHT OF LAW AND CUSTODY AND NOT YOURS ANYMORE! IT HAS BEEN 12 YEARS AND YOU ARE IN A LOSING BATTLE, SO GIVE UP AND MOVE ON. 

Get it? If not read again, and repeat until you know every word well as a mantra. Dude you are incompetent, if you weren't you would be doing one of those high paying jobs as you claim. Right now you would be showing everyone who really is boss, but sadly you are a failed exile from humanity. There is nothing redeemable about you either, nothing at all. Give it all up and find another thing to focus your crazy mind on, Magnus is no longer your concern. There is no 'bond' between you and him, he has no clue who you are or cares. Ok?

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