Saturday, July 27, 2013

Do You Even Read This Blog Mr. Stryx? Use the Matrix Dude, Control It.

We don't even know how often he reads this blog, but we would like to know for sure. We know that he must have obsessed over our older one, and that was a piece of art! We did save it all, thus you seeing some of it here. It must really bug Mr. Allen knowing that we have ALL of his crap saved and ten times of our own and he cannot do a thing about it. He seems to be only rehashing the same 'evidence' over and over with nothing new or substantial in all of these years, only his stupid charts reiterating it all.

According to him, his trademark look is a long dark overcoat, shades, a stylistic look that the Matrix stole from him, and other movies and shows. Soon I will find those posts of his stating this and place them here. That was my intention today but all of his sites are down...It is funny how he retracts saying those things now, as though everyone he has ever dealt with hasn't ever read it, or been told it by him personally! Does he expect them to forget it? Now that the outrageous claims made by him are being highlighted and made public by me (and others) he is shamed by them for some reason. He can't even stand behind his own narcissistic words at all. Mind you, this whole 'Neo' look thing of his isn't new, he has been stating this since those movies first came out and has boldly stated many times that he was copied from by Hollywood. Apparently he is an innovator and no one even knows who the hell he is...amazing dude. 

So the next time you see the Matrix, look at this picture of Mr. Stryx and remember that the directors 'stole' from him. His look was so original and innovative in the small town of Ada, Oklahoma, that Hollywood execs must have flown there to observe him before flying back to film their movies. These claims do not end there though, James Allen also claims that 'Burn Notice' is based on his life too. That obviously, considering his 'plight' and suffering, he has been burned too, and this show documents his exciting life and crime, drugs, violence, romance or more. WE ARE NOT MAKING THIS STUFF UP. Mr. Allen really believes this, and we haven't even been able to divulge more of his delusions, there must be a goldmine of craziness going on in his sick head.

Remember Mr. Allen, the stalkers are not really there (like the spoon - get it?), and you just have to use your feeble mind to change the world around you, not warp it. For someone who claims, or tries to subtly claim, to of genius level intelligence he sure is stupid. Profoundly so. Aside from overuse of the words 'law', 'pursuant', 'citing' and so many other dull and repetitive terms, he LOVES the use of the word 'underlining'. He uses that in everything to strengthen his argument or 'evidence'. Checking...his sites are back up for some reason with nothing new on them, so what was going on in his little sheltered world we wonder?

He has recently been trying to say that the mention of his Hollywood/TV nods, etc are just meant to distract from the 'kidnapping', etc that is really going on the background, but we find that he is uncomfortable with those facts about himself being brought up. Mainly because he knows how embarrassing they are deep down, even his extreme narcissism can't deny that. I know I would be!  This kind of talk by him underlines our point! That James Arnold Allen is insane. 


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