Friday, July 12, 2013

QSD- Quit Speaking (you) Dope

Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy, I read over some of your 'Beyond War' crap again and found the page you devoted to your 'QSD' or 'Quantum Singularity Drive' (or Reactor) and for a time thought it was something you came up with...then I put it into search. I found that you stole the entire concept and idea from Star Trek. Other Sci-Fi series have since copied it too. What a rip-off dude! You can't even be original on this, or on your ridiculous races and their STUPID names. How, prey tell, how Mr. Allen do you ever expect your terrible mockery of all things Sci-Fi to be made and respected? 

Even Futurama has the drive dude? Can't you be original at all? How shameful Jimbo. Farscape, Stargate and a few others have it as well and yet you act like it is your concept in your crap? Obviously, being the extreme narcissist you are, they must have copied you I assume? Meaning that before Star Trek Next Generation ever came out in the early 90's, you already had the idea while still in Junior High? With this, I also assume that you were given a 'nod' by everyone since then on it when they used it on their shows? Sorry but I have to call BS on this! You are so full of it that you stink and I can smell you across town. Those are not cattle-trucks, that is James Arnold Allen.

Your interpretation of what the QSD does is very...shall I say stupid and clumsy. You clearly don't understand its concept or physics. Why make something so dangerous portable? According to you, it can be as small as a watch and yet unstable enough to possibly explode sending everything into its suddenly made black-hole. This would not be practical to wear or use if it is that unreliable. See Jimmy, science is based around logic and reasoning, not impractical thinking. Sure, the application of scientific technologies can happen and do all of the time in your world now, but an advanced intersteller civilization would not undermine their own efforts by having these unstable devices or engines on hand. Pure stupidity. 

See dude, here is some of what you wrote, with typical arrogance:

The basis of the Beyond War technology, a body of fiction supporting the Beyond War video game by Raccoon Technologies Incorporated, is an energy source known collectively as the QSR: Quantum Singularity Reactor. A QSR acts as a device capable of collecting matter regardless of space or time, burning its potential energy, and venting that energy while adjusting the probability and causality mechanisms of quantum mechanics to omit the outcome of the particle which was "plucked" from the space-time path. In essence, it burns the fuel source and then the matter which was consumed is re-set and exists thereafter rather than being consumed.

At least, that is how a QSR is designed to work - in theory.

Like an engine, however, tolerances and material defects, environmental factors, and flaws in design can cause "anomolies" which fail to effectively carry out the intended harmless destruction of non-essential matter and energy with no persistent consequences.

Anyone familiar with "Schrodinger's Cat" will imediately recognize the concept of a QSR in function, as the argument regarding the cat proposes that the cat is not really there if nothing can perceive it. Likewise, the matter is "not really destroyed" if no observer can detect the minute slice of time in which reality was literally "burned" to produce fuel for the QSR process. The efficiency of the QSR, or other factors such as competition between selected matter among multiple QSR devices - each attempting to carry out minute changes in space-time independent and oblivious to one-another - may render unpredictable results. As the very nature of the QSR is outside the linear or relativistic flow of time, the potential for something "very bad" is therefore inherent in the system.

See Mr. Allen , ALL of this makes little sense. I know you are trying to sound technical and complicated, almost scientific, but the consumption of matter by nuclear fusion or any means with eradicate it eventually, eating away its life-span leaving nothing but a burnt out source no longer usable. For an example a star going nova. Once it expends its energies it scatters it, either by explosion or even a black-hole. Matter will go through its many forms; gas, liquid, solid, etc before it is done and gone, it won't leave another state to transform into unless you have discovered another unknown state? No...I don't think you have. 

Albert Einstein showed that ultimately all matter is capable of being converted to energy (known as mass-energy equivalence) by the famous formula E = mc2, where E is the energy of a piece of matter of mass m, times c2 the speed of light squared. As the speed of light is 299,792,458 metres per second (186,282 mi/s), a relatively small amount of matter may be converted to a large amount of energy. An example is that positrons and electrons (matter) may transform into photons (non-matter). However, although matter may be created or destroyed in such processes, neither the quantity of mass or energy change during the process.

You are assuming by some magical method that your consumed matter renews itself after it is used based on the Schrondinger's idea? Do you even know what that means Jimmy? Here let me lay it out for you:

Time-dependent Schrödinger equation (single non-relativistic particle)

The matter can be adapted for energy, given that it is contained and processed correctly, and how you are proposing this works is more fiction than science Jimmy. Don't you see? So you are claiming that your version of the QSD can constantly renew itself by reusing the matter, in a way of Time/Space mechanics, giving perpetual energy. Given that the universe has an infinite supply of matter, in all forms, the fuel source would be easy to find if you had the appropriate engine to use it. The void of space is not wholly so, particles exist in the vacuum that can be 'plucked' from the surroundings.

If you are claiming that each particle of matter in your QSD can be looped back into itself by Time Travel this would create a perpetual paradoxical loop disabling the ship (or other source holding the QSD) from ever moving or progressing into the future with the flow of Time - meaning that it wont ever go anywhere from where it first began. Surely you are not saying that the particle alone is caught in this Time loop and not the surrounding vessel? This makes no sense unless the perimeters for Time/Space and its relative mass of object are so advanced that the ship can move its mass unaffected? The paradox would make any effort by the civilization pointless once used. Simply turning the 'on' switch on would put the people around it in a moment frozen in time. Get it?

Anyone familiar with "Schrodinger's Cat" will imediately recognize the concept of a QSR in function, as the argument regarding the cat proposes that the cat is not really there if nothing can perceive it. Likewise, the matter is "not really destroyed" if no observer can detect the minute slice of time in which reality was literally "burned" to produce fuel for the QSR process. The efficiency of the QSR, or other factors such as competition between selected matter among multiple QSR devices - each attempting to carry out minute changes in space-time independent and oblivious to one-another - may render unpredictable results. As the very nature of the QSR is outside the linear or relativistic flow of time, the potential for something "very bad" is therefore inherent in the system.

The efficiency of the QSR may also pull differently-sized slices of time, making some designs much less disruptive than more primitive (longer span) models which are fundamental to the development cycle of any civilization which experiments with this technology. The potential to weaponize the capability of the time and probability shifting mechanism is likely more menacing than the potential side-effect of the actual event, or failure to carry out this "conservation of linear time" process at all. However, it is easier to "heal time" than to "specifically select the relative chain of events or matter involved in such events with anything but random chance spanning all physical material in our Universe, or any potential alteration of our Universe to an infinite number of branches. Threfore, to date, no species has been known to have "weaponized" the QSR functionality to this end - other than the potential impact of "The Great Cataclysm" in which 95% of all life in the known Universe utterly and suddenly disappeared.

Awareness of this fact, in concert with the discovery and true understading of QSR technology and its overwhelming role in the conflict prior the Great Cataclysm, eludes most species until they are exceedingly close to extinction. The relative risk of the technology does not end at the potential for abuse of causality, as many anomylous areas of damaged spacetime near major battles of the last great war indicate.

Jimmy is implying here that this 'mystery' technology was likely responsible for his 'Great Cataclysm' (real original name dude) across the galaxy. An event so bad that is was nearly extinction level after it happened. This makes for an almost good backdrop for the setting at large but having the same highly destructive technology still remaining in the setting at the present for players to access makes no sense, especially since it can detonate seemingly at random. Your Time talk here also makes no sense dude. You are trying to be wordy with concepts that you took no time to understand, and so it become muttered and confused. Massive supernova are known to send dangerous life threatening particles across space for millions of parsecs and potentially eradicate all life in its path, but this QSD thing is sort of stupid for an excuse. It would only take a handful of White Giant stars to explode and everything would be lost. 

I am not going to get into deep astrophysics with you here, you would not understand it. I took a lot of classes at ECU for my undergraduate degree in that area and what you propose here is rubbish! Even using the fiction part as your premise to disregard certain details you have large gaps in your logic here. The entire usage of your QSD is impractical and no advanced civilization would risk it, or weaponize it since it alone can cause so much devastation. 

To put an easier way Jimbo, you didn't really think this out that well did you? That, and you know little about Sci-Fi to develop original or dynamic ideas illustrative of advanced civilizations. After all, you are sponging off of Import and have no true education in sciences, especially not cosmic ones. THIS is why I had to take the scraps you had and pass them onto someone who could use them better and find an ideal home for them. You have no life experiences or creative/intellectual freedom to imagine something vast and diverse on your own, instead you have plundered others, renamed their ideas and then claimed them as your own. In academic parlance this is plagiarism. Not surprising coming from you since you are all talk and no action. 

I will analyze more of your crap Sci-Fi later dude, now I am off to have a Frappe at Mickie Dee's and go about town... 

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