Sunday, July 7, 2013

Private I is a Private Lie

Dude, I just found out that the Kristen Mac girl was your so-called 'Private I' and she is not even licensed legally to be one! How hilarious is that! Sure she is kind of a looker but she isn't legally able to act in your stead as an investigator. That is another case of lying, and this case to the law. I read the police reports dude, you can't slip out of this one. 

I wish that I had known that you were in court but at the time I was in Germany partying it up with the local Krauts about the money CrypTease just made from selling the rubbish called 'Beyond War'. Nuremberg is a party town! So you strutted in the court room in a tacky suit, oversized and arrogant, with your strategy (derived from watching too much TV) and your two mindless 'witnesses' (who were not allowed to be in the proceedings). This entire situation sounds like a comedy, or should be, on some show because it is so hilarious that I could bust a nut laughing! 

The more I find out about you and your life the more I pity and laugh about it all. Mental illness is a bad thing and can make a normal life not livable as you testify. In just 15+ years you have managed to destroy all hopes of having one, lashing out at everyone around you and forever gathering more delusional conspiracies and insane ideas in your sick head. So when is the big CEO going to return to working the Wallmart loading docks? Any time soon? Hahahaha.

Truly October 31st, 2012 WAS a historic day. You were put in your place by the system that you pretend to know about, and maybe it dawned on you a little that you cannot take your stalking victims to court over (of all things) stalking! The judge, any judge, won't tolerate your flim-flam stories and accusations without concrete evidence dude, the legal system fortunately works that way when it it needed, otherwise millions of innocent people would be in jail more than there is already, because of psychos like you. Your theories, and that is just what they are, are only true in your twisted mind. On the outside world, none of that is actually happening. I know it is a shocking epiphany but it is true.

How is life as a powerful corporate deal maker? Oh wait, I forget that I am talking to you, not a real CEO. You are all pretend and it is a shame that Import and Ms. Mac cannot be sane enough to see through the lies and act like we can. I believed your facade for a time before the curtain was lifted and now I see what a joke you actually are dude! There has never been a crazy on your level of it before. You really are one of a kind. No wonder your Step-Mother detests you, everything about you is bad. Everything you touch is tainted by your insane poison Mr. Allen.

I watched Star Wars yesterday and must have missed those 'nods' in your direction from George Lucas dude. Where were they? I watch all of these movies that you allegedly have some involvement in and find nothing. There might be the occasional name in the credits like 'Allen' or 'Arnold' but none of them are you, and a glance at the Actors database finds no one like you there. Why is that? Am I mistaken and not realizing that we are in the Matrix and you are Neo? That is right, there is no spoon after all. Yeah, I forgot about that.

As someone finding out about your life more and more, I am not surprised that you are tenuously hanging onto a barely poverty line of subsistence. It takes a lot of clout to be so arrogant and bully-like online to pretend otherwise but you have managed to keep that charade up until about 2008-9, now no one believes it in the state and convention scene. The game and lie is over for you disastrously now, and the reign of Mr. Suit/The Professor/Mr. Big Owl is done. No one takes you seriously dude. You have a terrible reputation because you are so completely insane.

Hahaha, I remember reading on your sites in the past about how valuable your witnesses were to making this case work and then on the day they were needed, the legal system did not judge them as important and they were booted out. Witnesses do not attest to interwebz activities, or other intangible things that are subject to change fast, reality does not work that way. If you were physically assaulted, shot at, or attacked in any way physically by someone and they were nearby to see it, THEN they could be called witnesses. I suggest you do some research on how this works. This way you won't be blindsided by reality again if you are ever in court, and you likely will be soon. See Jimmy, the real world court scene is a far different thing from that on TV or in your head. 

I am sure that you had perfectly envisioned the whole day in court, down to the last minutes when the judge will rule in your favor and the following condemnation of your victim(s). Every word, dramatic gesture and charge was imagined in your head leading up to that day. When the moment came it all fell apart and Judge Kilgore did not tolerate your fairy-stories about your so-called stalkers or what you believe they are doing to you, or how they 'stole' your business! I still grin and laugh at that one! It is so freaking funny, especially after reading the police report about it. I hate waking up at 2 AM and realizing, 'Someone stole my business!' I cannot smile enough about that prized moment. Did you seriously believe that the police would take your report for what you believed was true? That someone just snatched up your little make-believe company and sold it to Pirate Galaxy? To inform you, I am not Mr. Beal, or Young or anyone else you blame or accuse. I have told you that before. My famous '8 emails' to you attest to that fact. If you read them at all, I told you that everyone and everything would be better in the world if you stopped posting your libel about these people and you ignored it blatantly. I still stick by those words. Dude, you will never be taken seriously by a court of law if you have those stupid websites up and the libel posted on them, it will never win you a court battle, not even for a slice of bread. 

Your life is one of those stories where you believe everything is going one way and certain things are what they appear, only to later discover that you had it all wrong and opposite and that you are the very person that you thought you were fighting. You are the libelous writing, obsessing stalker that cannot see the reality in the world around you, not your victims. A second thought about that whole October 31st court thing that you were easily dismissed out of - your loss was our Halloween candy that night. What a gift! We can clearly see what the trick was (you) and the treat was you losing, so it was a truly good holiday. You already had your costume on, that suit must have looked as stupid as I was told Mr. Talking Head. Hahahahaha!     


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