Tuesday, July 16, 2013

What to Do About a Stalker?

See, unlike my peers in the 'James Allen Stalking Victims Club', I have only been a recent addition, since 2011, but many have had his harassment and libel since 2001. I feel sympathy for them all. They are good people living life and trying to be happy, all wanting to leave their past with Mr. Allen far behind. Unfortunately he does not agree and remains always hovering on the fringes, posting his lies and garbage with their names attached. Each time it is consistent and crap, and each time it involves the listing of lots of crimes and delusional attacks against him in some way - but all of them are wrong and incorrect.

Unlike Mr. Allen, his victims jointly do not have 'theories' or imagined problems arising from him, it is so well documented on his many sites that it is impossible to deny. Plus, there are about half a dozen people who can all confirm the same stories and evidence. Why are there not dozens of websites dedicated to destroying him by these people? That is an odd dilemma since Mr. Allen is owning up to having 100+ sites that do the same thing about them? It doesn't go both ways here, it is a one way road and Mr. Allen is driving...unless he is stopped for DUI as in recent times...remember that Jimmy? Yeah, we do.

Civil Suits are being filed, lawyers are being spoken to, and plans are being drawn to put an end to this long nightmare involving James Allen. His many years of wild libel and slander will be over with once and for all, one way or another. If the DHS doesn't arrest him first, he will have a summons at his step-mom's house's door before the fall season. I cannot image the lengthy torture that having to deal with James Arnold Allen has caused in his long-time victims. His claims to interrupting their lives, jobs, etc and his stupid theories dragging them all into his delusions to explain why his life is an utter wreck. It is all terrible.

This guy even has the nerve to say that he has purposefully made his victims lose their jobs! Isn't that a criminal action? Yes it is...and on top of this, Mr. Allen feels that he is invulnerable to the efforts of others against him legally. Every charge made against his is 'false' and a 'fraud', and that no one has any recourse of action to take since everyone is in the wrong. This however is his extreme narcissism, giving him delusions of grandeur and ego-tripping. He does after all assume that he is a vampire, immortal, and a messiah figure as well.

We all think it will be a happy day when he finally is taken down and his empire of lies is over with and he is silenced. It is agreed that James Allen is a very dangerous person. He, in his insanity, denies it obviously. Let's see here the tally on why he is dangerous:
  • Threatens to shoot anyone one sight anyone that shows up at his door. This includes the authorities (unless they flash a badge), or random people. He has made this threat many times in recent years stressing his guns and the 'right' to use them. This means logically that he has at least one in his possession. 
  • He has obsessively stalked his victims since 2001, never stopping. He cannot hold a conversation without constantly talking about it in madness. Many of his victims can testify to this as well the Ada police and Judge Kilgore. He has effectively proven that HE is the stalker in this and he cannot erase that past no matter how hard he tries.
  • James Allen lost custody to Magnus because he was too dangerous to be around. He took advantage of Ms. Peterson, getting her drunk and raping her one night, getting her pregnant with the boy he is now denied being around. Added to this, he has a history of stalking girls and trying to have his way with them (Ms. Cox, Ms. Schultz, Ms. Quincy, etc) to this very day. I think this takes care of any doubt alone. He has been trying to take a prudish stance, acting very Conservative Christian and bad talking promiscuity but he is the most guilty of it.
  • James Allen believes that he is doing no wrong in anything, that he is never at fault or causing (to use his often overplayed word 'incited') conflict, it is always everyone else...yet people everywhere across several states avoid him like the plague and do not want to be involved with him. 
  • This guy actually bad mouths the police, judge and DHS! The people that are informing him to the many things he has done wrong and will have to be punished for if he doesn't comply. Jimmy seriously thinks that there is some conspiracy against him on the Federal and national level too! Until they have him kicking and screaming in hand-cuffs, he won't stop.
  • Herr Magus Stryx - His vampire alter ego, need we explain more on this?
  • Since stalking he has made some appearances at events he KNOWS that some of his victims are present at, yet he still makes the effort to be there. Later he vaguely dismisses it on his adaok.org site, or somewhere else obscure as coincidence. He doesn't know that his victims have a heads-up to authorities on him being there, and may have him escorted off the premises if needed AT ANY TIME. With the pending Civil Suits, there maybe some Protective Orders against him in Oklahoma County to be safe too, thereby denying any future chance of him being at a convention 'accidentally'.


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