Thursday, July 25, 2013

He Just Doesn't Quit Does He? Really Dude? Beyond War...Still? Under Review By Whom? ;-)


All character names, places, and persons described in this game are fictional and any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental. All character names, places, persons, original device names, and titles are trademark items as elements in a copyright protected story or literary work. Use without license constitutes theft and felony violation of registered marks is a crime in the State of Oklahoma and has International jurisdiction under The Berne Convention.  

In his crazed, obsessive mind, Mr. Allen is still trying to flog his dead horse, 'Beyond War' with a new posting on his website. Trying to cite that by posting it he can retain its rights, etc. He even placed a Trademark 'TM' on each alien species' name now...mwahahahaha! He is also citing the 'Berne Convention' in excess to drive his lame point home! Sorry dude, it doesn't work like that. There are a thousand thousand web postings by hopefuls trying to proclaim their lofty ideas and creations for future use and it doesn't matter in the end. Until it is nearly completed, or absolutely done, and the legal paperwork is done to show it is in the ownership of the maker, the idea is just a floating, vague notion with no real weight. 

As a reminder, this is a treatment. Potentially patent related content and software feature lists are not public due to criminal efforts to infringe and harass the developers in an effort to obtain equity or other trade secrets unlawfully, using the abduction and concealment of a child from 2001 to 2012. The project represents substantial C++ and similar software sourcecode including patent-quality techniques protected by trade secret in the State of Oklahoma, for both client and server applications on Windows, Linux, and other operating system software.

Licensing for this and other proprietary image and game content art and objects are protected intellectual property also, and represent a substantial investment in industry in the State of Oklahoma currently being damaged by infringement efforts - resulting in loss of jobs and damage to the U.S. economy by criminal racketeering activity among several regionally active competitors. Acts to discredit the project are little more than commecial sabotage, using falsely the cause of a real and endangered family member of our staff taken for the purpose of "perpetual concealment" under duress and threat of murder in the year 2001, and frequently mentioned by those competitors to defend their ongoing concealment and abuse of the child, the father, and for commercial competition activity against Shadowdancers L.L.C. and other companies attached to the Beyond War product. 

A 'treatment' dude? How is this so? It seems like a desperate attempt to insist that you are not defeated and your lame project is not taken by Splitscreen Studios (which it is). The last sentence of the first paragraph is really trying to stretch the credibility of the project, and shows how outdated your programming is concerning it. Computer game programming has so evolved since then that you are left behind a decade ago on what to do, or what is right. In other words, you have it all wrong. 

What licensing is being protected here dude? Name it. You are skirting the proof as usual, referring to vague things as usual. Of course you name your scandals but not the technicalities of your precious project, you know, the ones that matter and make your case with substance. What loss of jobs occurred in this? Were you going to have factories churning out your 'product'? Slave labor going on? What exactly is being effected here in this so-called loss Mr. Allen? Oh yeah, commercial sabotage sounds so much better than admitting that your dumb project is failing due to you not doing it AND that your internet stalking is taking all of your time, it sounds better that way hahaha! Endangered family member? Ohhhhh! You mean Magnus right? No, he is safe and sound, but living very poorly to some extent because his Deadbeat Dad is failing to send the Child Support that would make his life even better. You are really trying to play the same old song here about the plight and suffering of you, him and the companies....yawn!

Even the contents or composition of image or film processing pipeline and special effects techniques used would be classified as trade secrets, and despite a strong desire to promote and sell the tool-set in combination with authorized vendors, the damage now posed to the parent company (Shadowdancers L.L.C.) is far in excess of the benefit of sharing information in the State of Oklahoma under the ongoing criminal duress and efforts to actively imitate, infringe, and take legal possession of the works of the firm in recent public fraud activity by the child abductors organized partners. Effectively shutting down a line of education and media job opportunities in the State of Oklahoma in favor of their own imitation in the Arts Community in Ada, Enid, and Tulsa (OK).

Suppression of industrial art businesses to gain local status and influence for smaller firms, ventures, fraudulent non-profit (business) entities, and grant writing to defraud the State and Federal taxpayers of funds by running free workshops and private education programs out of business, only underlines our ongoing complaint of organized racketeering activity in the City of Ada, Oklahoma by leaders of the group involved in recent (2011) false complaints and prior (1999,2002) death threats. Information now links the company (Scarbrough Designs) behind these claims to hosting of the Ada Arts Council - a grant writing group that benefits from the use of public monies and loss of programs and free education services offered outside the local East Central University and Pontotoc Technology Center by for-profit businesses like Shadowdancers L.L.C.. Placing the council website on the same company servers as used by Scarbrough Designs, the front company "Midwest Guests" claimed as employer after prior identification as a "Director" of "Infamous Productions L.L.C. (of AR)", and network business for Internet colocation and hosting then operated by Donald Beal and hosting his defamation domain established July 2011 to attack James Allen as an engineer with privileged access there at (per his letter to Mary Rounds of Riggs, Abney Turpen Orbisen and Lewis).

What follows is the abstract from the "13 species" document written in 1996 at 105 E Townsend, Ada OK. Including predictions and updates on the software engineering and high-level network and parallel computing theory used in the design of Beyond War, which have as a result of presentations (like those given in 1996-1997) become almost common sense hardware discoveries only 15 years later. Terms in psychological dynamics of game theory and persistent worlds, also, including use of a "Cataclysm" element to provoke new addition and expansion to established worlds, have been taken up by multiple developers in the last half-decade. The core science of Beyond War and its infrastructure network, remain trade secrets now (patent development contents).

Oh my Mr. Allen, even the smallest sample of this project is under danger? Not even a slide of a graphic can be shown to the public (to prove it exists beyond the random mentions and hype?) or revealed? No matter how tempted you are doing so you can't give us, the eager interwebz audience a taste of this brilliant project? PLEASE. Face it, you have nothing to show for it, nothing, and you know it. Now that Splitscreen Studios owns the bits and pieces of your stupid project you are trying to assert how it is yours a little too late. Here we go again with Mr. Allen claiming that his precious unrealistic project was going to benefit everyone, by education (?) and jobs (??) for Oklahoma. We would LOVE to know how more but again you are vague. The second paragraph is just one large conspiracy rant, talking about the same crap all over again. The only new element is that the Ada Arts Counsel and Ms. Scarborough's sites share the same server address - oh no, another plot against you! Dude, she doesn't care about you and your dumb project and has no plans to sabotage it, you do it plenty enough.

This third paragraph is filled with turd claims made by a turn maker. So this '13 Species' (feces) document is historic? What presentations are you referring to? 1996-7? Those imaginary visionary talks you claim you did at a convention that predicted future software innovations, that would help make your imaginary game real? No one was there for them, no one talks about them - anywhere. What the hell are you claiming here in this same old tired banter dude? We see NOTHING that you have created or claimed that is innovative or inspired. No one even knows you exist in the video game industry so how can you possibly influence it? You are not even on the lowest level in the industry. Don't act like you have top secret 'trade secrets' Mr. Allen that are so precious and important that people MUST have them, that is a child's game to play. If you really did have ideas of merit, you would not be acting this way, there is a difference between those who can and those cannot, and you are in the last category dude. Splitscreen took what you had, there is nothing else you have that could be taken. How long are you going to be hiding in your cushion fort Mr. Stryx? You are not convincing anyone with newly thought up propaganda about the 'core' and infrastructure nonsense.

While the term "Beyond War" was later adopted upon designs of the project in 2002 publicly, and privately in 1996 and 1997 as witnessed by regional business owners at events like DarkCon in Oklahoma, the core project software development began in 1991 and design documents in 1990. The expertise related intellectual property and differentiation from established media titles including the source material for many "Western classic" art and screenplay pieces, are the core skill of the lead developer, citing works back to 1953 and 1959 in research documents, and software titles from 1981, 1986, 1988, and later in comprehensive research on film and video game intellectual property rights. Piracy groups and anti-copyright groups have frequently targeted the work to attempt to damage it, in retaliation for citation of piracy operations in Oklahoma, Texas, and related International works studied by the firm (Shadowdancers L.L.C.) as part of its due diligence and consulting role.

Qualitative indie-style games often take substantial time to develop, are prone to imitation by predatory competitors, and frequently targeted because of the perception that the victim has no money to fight a lengthy legal battle upon infringement. The companies developing them are prone to sabotage, and under the best circumstances may not be able to thrive in very hostile or abusive situation, such as regions where law enforcement fail to provide equal protection of criminal law. For those reasons and many more, the full artwork, background story, and content (end-game) material will not be available here prior official launch and public sale. Use in commerce covers development, labor, construction, and financing, however, and so acts to deter that right or protection of intellectual property are criminal acts.

This is a preview site, used to legally reserve the name in limited example commercial use, and substantially restricted after purposeful infringement activity damaged plans to hire only locally in the State of Oklahoma irreparably - forcing the U.S. firm to look overseas for qualified and educated labor competent in The Berne Convention and Intellectual Property Law.

THE FIRST PARAGRAPH IS MAKING NO SENSE JAMES ARNOLD ALLEN! You are talking in circles with flawed logic as well. Try as you might desperately, you will not change the way things went in this dude. The simple fact of the matter is, no one can 'damage' you or your work since your work doesn't exist as such. There is nothing that can harm a pipe-dream that is never getting off the ground in your sick head. The fact that you are defending it like a child with a new toy shows that you are insecure about it. As you are not a creative or productive person, you have no experience in dealing with keeping your projects underwraps in the correct way, or how to guard them until they are released. 'Qualitative indie-style games' is what you are calling your imaginary project? Come on, get more creative than that. After an alleged 20+ years you have nothing to show for this quality or project worth defending. Why act like you do? Clearly you see that we do not believe you? You are just admitting in a wordy way that you have nothing to show for your hype and lies with 'Beyond War'. How do you expect to drum up support and enthusiasm for it if you DON'T promote, advertise and sample it to the public? Crowdsourcing is what is happening now Mr. Allen, get caught up or don't claim you are doing it. Why are we not seeing you use Kickstarter for this? Lord British made over a million dollars on his recently...why haven't you? No explanation?

James Arnold Allen, you post these frantic updates on your badly designed websites about how safe and protected you claim you are with your stupid projects and you assume that it is damage control. It is not, it is revealing how your buttons were pushed and makes you even more paranoid and worry than before. Face it, Beyond War IS NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN. It never will, not in any form. Actual indie game companies are creating wondrous games that you look at in wonder and confusion. We think the only chance you have of seeing some of this stupid project being made is if you can manage to put together a rough version for the new XBox One, now that they have enabled indie game creators free license to upload and test them with other gamers. THAT is the only chance you have. Even then, you still have to sit down and create it and we both know you won't be capable. That is BEYOND your skill and BEYOND your patience. I mean dude, you have had how long to produce anything and you still have nothing...? Yeah, case closed here.   

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