Monday, July 15, 2013

Import - Elisabeth Botelho - Oompa Loompa - OR Mr. Allen's Benefactor

Who is she? Someone from England originally that immigrated over with her family over a decade ago to the States. What is her background? Why is she so stupidly obsessed with remaining with our narcissist Jimbo? How can she not see what an insane loser he is? These questions and many more have yet to answered about her. Why would someone who, at first appearance, seems normal and decent, even intelligent, be with James Arnold Allen? No one can answer this fully.

This was taken before she gained LOTS of weight in the intervening years living in the shadow of Wacko's ego. Now she is bloated and still pays everything for him. His bills, court fees, convention trips, 'business' expenses, etc, you name it. Somehow she is working herself nuts (or even more so) just to keep Wacko out of jail and trouble. In her time in the company with Mr. Allen she has not gained anything career-wise only a shift-manager position with Wallmart in Ada, OK. Look for her!

From what we gather about her, she is thinking that she has quite a prize in being with James Arnold Allen. This is not some attempt to shame her, she is doing that already with her weird obsession with our narcissist. She is his transportation around town and beyond. She is the sum of his 'staff' and the 'British Citizen' that he mentions so often being threatened, etc. THIS is her. Where ever he is, she is sure to be nearby, or out in the car. 

We cannot reason why someone would even envision Mr. Allen in such a strangely good light unless she too is just as crazy. She has drank the Allen Kool-Aid and won't go back, and that is scary. Liz is a part of his cult so to speak, as Kristan Mack. We almost feel sorry for her but she does have many opportunities to escape and live a better life. After a decade we surmise that she knows nothing better poor thing. 

That is fine, we can see her at Wallmart when we visit and she has no clue. We are not stalking or threatening, we are customers there as thousands are daily. I am sure she has warned her bosses about me and what I look like...hahahhaa...that blue apron does not make her look attractive. Every hour on the clock she is paying something for him, and she doesn't even understand that sad fact. He sits at home stalking and masterminding new charts to show evidence of his conspiracies and theories, earning no money or good reputation. That would be a terrible life. 

How could someone devote so much time and money to a person that is clearly insane? We wonder that often. She is not a counselor or caregiver (professionally) but she is doing those jobs for Mr. Allen. It was in his 20's that his mental illnesses set in, dramatically too, and it has been a rapid decline ever since. His mind has increasingly become worse and Ms. Botelho has to see this. There is no way she could ignore it day to day. JAMES ARNOLD ALLEN IS MENTALLY SICK. He ignores this fact as often as it is brought up, and it is, this is one of the main reasons why he lost custody of Baby Boy Allen. Yet, Ms. Botelho seems bound to serve him. It cannot be out of love that she is doing this, that would be too cliche. She must know that she is replaceable if someone younger, prettier and just as stupidly devoted comes along - we thought Kristen Mack was going to be her replacement recently but she returned back to Tulsa to tend to her grandmother apparently. 

If Ms. Botelho could read this blog and its posts and use some intelligence and judgement and assess what happened to her once promising life, she might wake up. James Allen is a loser. He holds everyone back, who is around him, and she has no future with him. She has no career or wondrous opportunities coming her way. Instead, it is day to day boring matters, trying to take care of Mr. Allen and his 'special' problems. What is she gaining out of being with our narcissist? There is no physical pleasure from it for sure, and far from any intellectual one either, and the creative thing is not even a reality. SO WHY MS. BOTELHO? She must assume that someday the DHS, with sheriffs and police, will knock on the door to take Mr. Allen into custody for not paying his overdue Child Support, and shuffle him off to jail (yay!). Unless that is her out, knowing that the time will come, and it will, and then leaving for a better life after Mr. CEO is locked up? The clock is ticking on this and the six months have been over now by a few weeks, and we know that he did not pay his $6,000 as was demanded in January by the DHS. Mr. Allen calls this extortion too, but he does that about everything. Everything BUT his own attempts at financial demands with his pleas for 'damages' over the decade that is. 

Ms. Botelho, when will you wake up and get your act together? Mr. Allen is not even acknowledged by his own adopted family for good reason. His step-mother doesn't even mention his name on her large website at all except in one small sentence, and that is now deleted. He uses his dad for money when you cannot pay him, and no one likes him at all. Multiple felonies are about to be dumped on him for many misdeeds over the years, that your money and time enabled I might add, and he is going to see the bad karma of his ways finally. There are only so many ways we can tell you that he is a loser, but you ignore them all. I refuse to believe that you are THAT stupid Ms. Botelho. We know he is, that is not disputed or the question here. Why remain with such a lowlife? A no-good, meaningless dredge that cannot sustain himself by his 'companies' or 'genius' level mind, what good is someone like that? He is a liability and a waste of time.   

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