Monday, July 15, 2013

Authorities Take Note - James Allen Is Threatening To Use a Gun

This very interesting post by Wacko yesterday on his 'SDP' page on Facebook says it all. He has threatened to shoot people before in previous posts in various places online and this was just yesterday on 7/14/13. So how is he going to behave if a police officer without a uniform or badge comes to his door? Is he going to shoot him? Yeah, that will work out well. The irony here is that he complains about how his enemies threatened to shoot and harm him yet he is blatantly doing so here. It is a double standard in the world of a narcissist nut-case apparently. The only difference here is that he has proof of his intent whereas his alleged enemies have none. If you read this, be sure to call the Ada police and give them this evidence. It seems that Mr. Allen's paranoia is growing by the day as the time looms nearer for the DHS to arrest him after failing to pay his $6,000 for this period. 

  • SDP Multimedia Group More than one person threatening blackmail and child abuse have learned that I have no qualms about explaining 76 O.S. 76-9 after stalking parties wrote a solicitation to "cut the brake lines" of my car in 2008 because I would not let them into my office again (after their arrest and written threats to extort and blackmail staffers).

    The term "blow your damn head off" is not a metaphor. Access is limited to appointment, warrant service, and law enforcement (with badge), and emergency personnel in response to a registered call.

    All other parties have no legal right to come off the sidewalk (public property) and may be cited if lingering on the road (city property). By the by, there is no sidewalk.
  • SDP Multimedia Group I'm coming to understand, after 20 years in business, why my grandfather carried a shotgun in his golf bag. After running a finance company for half his life, I realize he knew people pretty well, and his "twelve iron" was good for gophers, snakes, and unwanted conversations.

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