Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Here is a Stryx Paradox - Figure This One Out

James Allen, forever ahead in the computer science technology race, has figured out (in his mind) how to stop screen captures and the Internet Archive - ok, well HE thinks so. It isn't possible or true, but that means that he HAS seen our blog and our repostings of his older sites condemning him and his present retractions and denials. The Wayback Machine/Internet Archive will not go away, nor be blocked by doing its job, so a large part of Mr. Allen's past cannot be hidden like he hopes. Sorry, it ain't going to happen! James Allen is a special kind of retarded stupid...

Here is his post about it below. Think about it, and his wording. If you cannot see this site already, then how the hell do you read the disclaimer telling you cannot and why? Duh....

2013 July 31st

[Pending Release]

If you cannot see this site from your ISP or carrier, it means that it has participated in the attack activity and been banned.
Banned Parties include OVH Hosting Inc., Ahref, Choopa LLC, The Internet Archive, Meanpathbot, Screenerbot, etc.
All visitor traffic is logged for potential use in criminal felony prosecution and meta data analysis subject publication.Attempts to archive or copy the site using spiders or screen grabbers are STRICTLY PROHIBITED in our Terms of Service,

as is use by any agent or proxy party on behalf of or direction or to the benefit thereto of the named beligerant parties.

Typos, names, etc are mentioned here but guess what? I AM STILL READING IT ALL! 

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