Saturday, July 27, 2013

Here are Some More of Mr. Stryx's Lies

In his constant attempts to appear better and to one-up doubters and his perceived enemies, Mr. Allen has tried to create these various stories about how well things are going, and that prosperity is on the way soon with his 'Beyond War' nonsense. Don't believe me? Here is a post by our favorite narcissistic vampire CEO:

Sept 27 2012
Binding Non Disclosure Agreement
Shadowdancers L.L.C. is currently under a non-disclose agreement with a major firm related fire control and logistics technology in online entertainment, during which time no details related that area of technology may be legally released. Attempts to FORCE PARTNERSHIP, MEMBERSHIP, DEMAND EQUITY, CLAIM EQUITY ILLEGALLY, OR OTHER FRAUDS to obtain disclosure will be considered industrial espionage and reported as such in intereference with this International contract for beta testing and development.
Similar Non-Disclosure Agreements apply to all persons working now on the BEYOND WAR PROJECT and BEYOND WAR, and repeated unwelcome demands for information or disclosure during closed testing will be deemed criminal industrial espionage activity covered under attempted larceny of trade secrets in Oklahoma Criminal Law.
Our offices are closed to the public, do not accept contact without appointment from non-parcel-carriers or agents-of-the-court, and our retail business is handled both online and by 3rd party vendors who - FOR OBVIOUS REASON - do not disclose their trade relationship with us to deter criminal stalking and history of material threats to that business. Vetted legitimate clients may be referred to our offices by those authorized contracted agents ONLY.
Impersonation of a partner or authorized reseller is a Federal Crime. Identity Theft is a Federal Crime. Approach of our officers or employees under false credentials on business is a commercial (criminal) fraud. Efforts to take part in such action will result in report and recording of the party and possible lifetime ban from our premise, service, and/or related license or rights at our sole discretion.
Actions by members of groups or institutions will be reported to their organization as acts in whom that group will be held liable jointly in sanctions, and standing or rights to those organizations equally limited according to law as is our legal right pertaining licensing and consideration for any possible hiring.
Attempts to intimidate our employees or our business in employment and hiring, are crimes in the State of Oklahoma.
(21 O.S. §21-837 and §21-838)

He loves to play pretend. The crap above shows that! If he was in some agreement with another (real) company over his delusion, he would have the money to pay his overdue Child Support and no longer lie. Apparently his 'game' is a high stakes affair with industrial espionage and a list of crimes. Dude, I bet I can dig up some Beyond War stuff soon and post it, and devote an entire website to it and make it as real as it has ever been...and people will believe it. Tempting, I might have to soon. Yeah, I think I will do this. For the first time, this stupid make-believe project will get the online publishing it deserves AND get seen by normal people. Soon I will reveal the 'Beyond War' project officially, and we will see by this time next year who will get it done first. He had supposedly 20 years head-start to work on it and has done nothing. I will give myself a year to do the same.

Let's see what happens dudes! 

Mr. Allen likes to do what most people call 'whining like a little bitch' over nothing, everything is imaginary in his sick mind but he wants attention and to always the center of it somehow. He invents 'state officers', 'staff', 'shareholders' and all of these other important sounding titles and positions in his make-believe company to scare, threaten and intimidate, but NO ONE falls for it. I suppose he assumes that no one knows what is really going on in Allen house and will be bothered by his talk. He isn't 'wordy', he is stupid and cannot use his words well. Much less his throwing around of crimes and incriminations, that is beyond his bounds to utter or accuse. For example, one of his utterly ridiculous sentences above:

Impersonation of a partner or authorized reseller is a Federal Crime. Identity Theft is a Federal Crime. Approach of our officers or employees under false credentials on business is a commercial (criminal) fraud.

He is just on a roll here! As the Joker says, "Look at you go!" He thinks he can just state various laws and that they all apply to him, and thus he can tell the authorities the crimes committed against him, but it doesn't work that way, not in the REAL WORLD. I think YOU have the false credentials Mr. Stryx. You are a lair on so many levels that it is no wonder you have no career or profession, or even expertise. After all, you lied to get your Nortel job, and even had a 'friend' lie to get you in as a false reference, but strangely you don't talk about that...

Impersonation of a partner or authorized reseller is a Federal Crime? Where do you get this stuff man? I mean really? Where in your twisted head are these coming from? I can't wait to see what he says when he sees the upcoming Beyond War project I have in mind. It will take Sci-Fi to a whole new level of imagination and fun. 


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