Monday, July 15, 2013

Mr. Allen...where are you?

As an occasional lurker over Wacko's sites (to see if I am ever mentioned - and I am a lot!), I noticed that he goes on these ranting binges, where he attacks everyone, posts his newest conspiracies and 'evidence' and then sits quietly expecting some sort of response by his victims (us). There is a major flaw in this since he has chosen to block all access by email or otherwise to contact him and he instead can post his usual libel in a passive-aggressive way. Up until a year or so ago, when I emailed him those infamous 8 times, he was slightly more accessible. I stray from my point...

It wasn't until February that Mr. Stryx decided to emerge from his silence of stalking to post about the dead mole on his porch, with photos, and then a whole series of lengthy and pointless posts about the fallibility of Mr. Beal, and basically how much of a 'bad guy' he is. At the time I had no idea why Mr. Stryx was choosing to pick exclusively on Mr. Beal until I found out about the disaster of the court trial that occurred on October 31st, 2012 in Ada. Then it all made sense. Mr. Stryx assumed that if he could post more 'evidence' about how terrible Mr. Beal (et al) were that maybe Judge Kilgore might see it and review it all again - but that isn't how the legal system works. 

One would assume that Mr. Stryx was more knowledgeable about the law since he quotes it like crazy in everything he writes but he has NO FREAKING CLUE. His flowcharts do not mean a thing in a court of law unless every point in the data is supported by physical evidence along the way. Simply putting a post-it-note with a number on an old email or screen-shot doesn't cut it dude. That ISN'T evidence.

Then months later after his wild attacks on Mr. Beal he went quiet again, just occasionally posting a new news link to something he thought was important to his theories, or a new flowchart. Not impressed dude, nope. 

 By the start of the summer Mr. Stryx was at it again on his site, posting lots more of his conspiracies and charts, expending so much wasted time on nothing. His attempts to elicit the FBI or police to react and presumably do raids and mass arrests on his victims were not happening. Instead, his own pending fate going to jail looms more and more by the week as he MUST pay the DHS/Ms. Peterson his behind Child Support payment of $6,000 or else. Of course in his delusional mind, this is just a false matter, fraud, and another means of extortion. In fact, at the start of this year, he posted a long demonizing post about how evil the DHS were and how they were 'harassing' him by their calls and visits demanding that he pay Child Support! Yes, he actually did this, and he even posted a scan of the letter by them on his site and named the Head of the Pontotoc DHS awful things as well. 

Strangely, soon after a few calls were made to some friends in the DHS about this matter I noticed that Mr. Stryx took down that anti-DHS stuff, within a day too! I don't know what happened on their end, if anything, but Wacko got rid of it all. It seems to me that James Allen has an infantile mind without any grasp of action>consequence in the real world. He spends all of his time trying to create this image (and that is ALL it is) of a smart, creative genius/CEO but really cannot even hold a job or have an actual career. If you look at his LinkedIn page here, you will see he lists his 'skills' and tries to say that 'people are not their jobs'. This goes against EVERYTHING that he has ever posted regarding his make-believe company garbage. We all know the story about how he lied his way into his job at Nortel around 2000-1. The accomplice who helped to get him into that job is now doing time in jail for similar crimes at the present. I think...that is fraud! I maybe no genius but that sounds like severe criminal behavior to me. Naughty, naughty Herr Magus Stryx.

At the moment, it has been a few weeks since he has posted anything new, proclaiming new 'evidence' in his charts or otherwise.When his sites are quiet he is up to something. Stalking the usual suspects. Lucky for me I have NO internet presence aside from his mentions and on here. I have learned how to mask my presence from stalkers like him, too bad my fellow stalkees were not able. I know that Mr. Stryx has tried to look me up on search everywhere and has found nothing. Hahahahaha! That is something I love about the interwebz. See, Mr. Stryx has lied about his 'knowledge' of the interwebz and computers, he has NO FREAKING CLUE about it all. Mr. Beal and I both make a living on it, and have certifications and qualifications, whereas Mr. Vampire Boy doesn't. Not even in the least. If he did logically, he would be done with his super assume un-equaled 'Beyond War' project by now, but he can't even spend a day on it without stalking us all and devising new plots. THAT shows where his priorities in life are, and it is making a waste of it. 

Right now Oompa Loompa is at work at Wally World trying to pay for Mr. Stryx's Child Support AND other bills too while he sits at his borrowed home stalking, or playing an online game, with insane mind a buzz with conspiracies and delusions. This is all very sad because we know it is true. It is always the weekend in his world since he has everyday off, playing imaginary CEO and game designer and full-time victim. It must be tough! So that brings my question:

Mr. Allen...where are you?  

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