Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Here We Go Dudes...The Sanguine Treatment and Commentary

As promised, this will be a commentary to Mr. Allen's ridiculous post about his 'Space Vampire' from his, now sold and old history, 'Beyond War' project. Bear with me dudes, this will be tedious but revealing in how truly insane James Arnold Allen is, if you haven't guessed it already. In no way has his stuff here been altered...

Mid-2013 Summary

The concept of the Sanguine as a human-like product of the pre-cataclysm technology for genetic engineering as a weapon system, able to read and reprogram DNA at-will, originated in the 2001 draft of Beyond War alien species and the "Merlin 464" product documents. Prior concepts covered a few elements from 1980s aspects of space opera with traditional (public domain) monsters, which were ultimately a highly-competitive genre in 1993-1998 publications both by FASA and White Wolf Press. The specific goal of our team was to ensure in 2001 that the concept for the species met the requirements of the original author's view of an immortal and every man aspect - as an adaptive being capable of blending in with society over numerous successive generations - despite evolution of the species - and acting physically as well as mentally against opponents to create a one-against-many battlefield superiority weapon.
The Sanguine concept revolves around the capacity to drop a single soldier onto a world which can overwhelm its six to ten billion inhabitants and effectively engage enemy armor, infantry, aircraft, ships at sea, and stratetic nuclear and biological and radiological events up to and including matter conversion and planetary destruction in a catostrophic event such as deployment of signularity weapons against a terrestrial target.

The Sanguine met these goals through a variety of technology and advanced physics concepts which are part of the Beyond War storyline, making them a truly epic enemy with free will and a terror that maintained a human-like mindset and personal agenda. The greatest weakness of the species is that it forms attachements and has personal feelings, like any individual human being, and for this reason it was both incredibly unstable as well as capable fo sustaining its mental integrity over long periods of inactivity and multiple generations of reserve position on primitive worlds.

So he mentions this 'historic' early draft of his dumb project as being from 2001, the 'Merlin464' document, as though it is important and relevant. Why this is called Merlin464 we don't know, or care, but for him, it sounds important. He admits that he plundered other sources in this (FASA and White Wolf gaming products). Mr. Allen must strict requirements....well, maybe not, but he insists with a tone of arrogance in the usual narcissistic zeal. We get the feeling early on in reading this that he is making it all up as he is writing it, it was not some old project idea lying around, it was just imagined to be so that moment he wrote this out. What does come through here though is his admittance that the Sanguine are based on him, that he is placing himself in the guise of this all-powerful, mysterious and destructive being. See, its weakness is that it has attachments and personal feelings to others but is mentally unstable after generations on primitive worlds (Earth), and we all know this is true about him. He is one of the most mentally unstable people we know anywhere. This, without the James Allen-as-alien-being element, is still a weak and pointless concept and serves no purpose of story or logic. Creatively, it is childish in imagination and concept.

This position differs from the gods of other science fiction generes like Stargate, in the sense that the thing blends-in and does not try to draw attention to itself, since identification of one of these weapon systems poses radical impact for nearby advanced species.

A lot of people cannot fathom, through traditional first-person shooter experience, how an alien of this scale even exists as a character in a playable game, sadly. We find this a testament to the thin backstory and dialog that so many made-for-television products supported by advertising revenues have created in our industry.

A firm understanding of the mechanics and technology is required to make this work, and due to plagiarism activity in 2007-2012 those details were revised from the public areas of the site based on threats of extortion by Brian Young and Donald J. Beal, proponents of the 13 year ongoing concealment of the child born to the author of Beyond War, in violation of a court order and Texas family law prohibiting such concealment activity and extortion and blackmail in copyright and trademark infringement activity.

The first paragraph makes no sense here at all, but he feels that he must remind again how lethal and powerful this being is, as though it wasn't a point made already many times over. In the second paragraph he is trying to belittle the computer game industry while rising himself up higher in turn, a tactic he does often to keep his narcissism strong. He cannot seem to write for more than a few paragraphs before libel and demonizing however, and here he is at it again obsessing as usual, attacking Mr. Beal and Young, blaming them for his failures with this whole project. Extortion? Why would anyone want to try to take money from a penniless loser like him? The punishment doesn't fit the crime, and is not worth it. Mr. Allen doesn't know about this industry, he isn't a part of it at all. He buys games, plays them but nothing more. 


Because ROBERT HALF TECHNOLOGY and other companies, including Gebhardt Broadcasting LLC and NTT AMERICAN INC. have chosen to financially support the extortion executed July 21 2011 - 2013, including handing over complaints of criminal activity against our network to the abuser and taking no action in identity theft to damage the product openly - details of the science and technology are being withheld and registered to protect the property from International Industrial Espionage attempts as described in letters of September 2012 and July 2011, executed by the associates of those foreign corporations and their collaborators in kidnapping activity initiated August 11 2001.

When the Beyond War story and "Sanguine" characters were developed, other classic sci-fi properties like Star Trek, Doctor Who, and Battlestar Galactica were not in production as we know them today. Nor were the products so radical pro-socialist and based on "progressive" relative moral values (BGS). In a world where majority rules, the Sanguine are, essentially, everything that is painted as evil and selfish - being a minority of one.

When the Sanguine were developed, with a strong sense of metaphorical value to individual liberty over collective will, they were engineered to show what the just or moral individual could do or would do with incredible power.

It has been a pleasure to watch traditional genre's like "DC Comics" Superman adopt ideas that were originated in Sanguine genetic anti-eugenics concepts and volumes. However, the "codex" of the latest Superman movie remains distinctly different and separate (cloning Kryptonians in an Orwellian society) versus the post-apocolyptic war story of Beyond War and the Sanguine. The principle value (of restraint, with great power) is similar, if somewhat late (2001 Sanguine, 2013 Superman). Similar concepts can be found in movies like "Oblivion" with Morgan Freeman and Tom Hanks, while still not touching on the original character of the inner technology and mutagenic-engine backstory of the Sanguine as a protagonist of Beyond War.

The more one learns about their power, the more reason there is to fear them.

Here as you see he is again naming people that he believes is behind the failure of his stupid game. In reality, these companies and people really have no clue who he is, or care, and assuredly don't spend their time harassing him. Mr. Allen's 'technology and science' are so advanced that he must keep it top secret because people try to extort and plagiarize it apparently. Odd that we never saw an R & D lab in his step-mom's house. Does he have a devoted group of scientists working on futuristic designs? To inform you Mr. Stryx, Star Trek WAS in production all through the 90's and a little while after, and Stargate, and many other Sci-Fi shows in fact, so don't claim you are there first or original, in what we don't know. This Space Vampire nonsense? We remember reading your many sites devoted to the idea that you, James Allen, was alone against the world, just like you describe for your stupid alien here. Again another parallel with you...

The second paragraph here makes no sense, it contradicts your other information about it. HERE is where his usual narcissism comes into play however! He takes personal pleasure in seeing his idea used by Superman and other He is insane 100% nuts. We hate to inform him but the character has been around, in various forms, since WW2. James Arnold Allen, you are un-original trash, uncreative human garbage and you are not the inspiration behind ANYTHING but this blog. Your ideas are shallow and immature, inexperienced and untried, and yet you have the nerve to claim others have borrowed them from the likes of you? Dude, no one even notices your websites, unless you stalk them, and no one in the creative industries has a clue about your existence. Why would other people, who have infinitely better ideas, take from you Mr. Allen? Really? You are sick, mentally ill, and need help, and a grasp of reality. We are wondering about your 'concepts and volumes' phrase there. So far we haven't seen either from you and are worried that it is in your delusional head.


It is pathetic that several persons - attempting to leak insider information - concluded from the descriptions of the Sanguine ability to change gender and form at-will to remain difficult to detect in society even with strong genetic identity systems, that the fiction related to persons who are 'transgender' (being of both male and female gender). In truth, the Sanguine owe a great deal to George Takei and his brave civil rights legacy among fan events as inspiration, and were a very liberal and anti-bigotry weapon upon their development, in the view of the author toward civil rights and equality in marriage privileges and parental rights. After all, to argue over male versus female roles, or to discriminate against a person who is black or white, is to a Sanguine much like fighting over which tie to wear or which jacket goes with slacks. You can put on any face in the Universe, and walk undetected through life. This is the true power of the Sanguine: Anonymity.

Efforts to damage them appear to originate in the same anti-gay community and racist slurs observed under oath in the Petersen v Allen concealment and emergency protective order hearing in Pototoc County October 31 2012 against Donald J. Beal of Lewisville, Texas. In which Beal attributed the "agreement not to permit contact or tell the child about his (JOINT MANAGING CONSERVATOR) father, on the 'BAD DNA' of the father". Genocide and child concealment, lying to a child, and extortion in the name of a child, are the continued driving force behind the development of the Sanguine. Their story, is the story of all people who are different and persecuted for that trait.

Other efforts to confuse them with "vampires" is equally absurd. As the original concept called for, the Sanguine were designed "to be able to take on the form and role of every mythical monster in history" and be the "ultimate boogeyman" (antagonist) of the Beyond War product. The full scope of their capabilities and the technology behind those powers remains a closely guarded part of the story of Beyond War that you simply have to play in order to learn.

It IS pathetic alright dude. You are right, everything you have written, told yourself was true, and more is utterly pathetic. Who is your insider in this dangerous game of espionage? It sounds like James (Allen) Bond to me. The fact that your transgender lifestyle and that of the Sanguine, and our own deductions were right on the mark it appears! Good. You are writing in a sophomoric manner about your dribble dude, it isn't making anyone want it, or to know more about it. How mysterious...anonymity is the Sanguine's power in the universe. If so dumb-ass, how does anyone even know about them in the first place? If they are so hidden and unable to be spotted by lesser beings then how are even discovered at all? 

So this Sanguine's mere existence is threatened by your stalking victims? I don't see the math here, nothing adds up. Oh, that is right YOU are this powerful cosmic being! We forget about that because we are not caught up in your world of delusions. Dude, you DO have bad DNA, it is evident in you and now in your son, and it will carry onto any other unfortunate descendants. James Allen, these are vampires, there is no muddling those facts, you made it abundantly clear already, it doesn't take Sherlock Holmes to make this deduction. 

This concept is sooooo ignored and deplorable that no one cares about it. The hype you give it stirs no interest by anyone. To have this work, you have to promote it well, gear it with a vehicle that is going to catch people's attention, etc. Not with the Beyond War crap, it won't sell it. Not that it matters, the game is never going to happen anyway, it is sold off to other companies now and is history and you are only dealing with the scraps you started with, nothing more than that. Game design is harder than you think Jimmy boy.

Although by and large, "Vampires in space" is a short and simple way to describe their role, they are not the inhuman monsters that many (children's product codes) now require to let players blast away at the creatures with mindless dehumanizing gore. Games like Bioshock show how the human element in "mature themes" for "mature players" relate, and underline why the product is not rated E for Everyone or T for Teen. Again, to think that means AO for porn, is a typical drug-abuser knee jerk response, but not the first time that claim has come up. Each Sanguine is unique, and each Sanguine can produce a virtually unlimited supply of New Sanguine. To an epidemiologist, this would mean the Sanguine are the ultimate Interstellar contaigion. A "Super Plague" with a free will, locked in civil war. That is a more accurate way to look at them, if somewhat shallow. In the eyes of the very old species, they are a disease, not a species. A horrible weapon that empowers free will, scattered across the galaxy. Obvious references to 2nd Amendment (gun control) issues in the 2001 writing of this concept are, now under the 2nd term of the Obama Administration, very clear.

Compared to a Sanguine, a nuclear warhead is like a firecracker. At least, in a fixed amount of time in the future, nuclear strike radiation will diminish. The same cannot be said of contact with the Sanguine species.

The only hope that natural life has is that the Sanguine are human at heart, and find the natural world as beautiful as we do - especially kittens. That they feel - is both their greatest weakness and greatest strength.

So it was 'absurd' that these were vampires when in fact you refer to them (in short) as such? Dude, make up your mind on your crap before you write it out for us to see! Children's product codes? Ok....James Allen, you are all over the place here in your lame descriptions of this even lamer race. Just a clue on how this stuff works - if it sounds good to you, it may not be to others. Often, in fact, most ideas are only at home with their creators and not other people, until you playtest it, it is only a pet-project and nothing more. This hasn't been tested, or even made, so this is just garbage. There is nothing of merit here to make me, or anyone else, WANT to seek this out. For starters, you are writing it poorly, and all over the place, and showing how incapable you are of presentation. If you are such an experienced guy and publisher, then how can you allow such poor writing to represent your stuff? Typos, etc are fine and acceptable and expected in all writing, but not a long crappy page of problems. This is conceived and written by an amateur and nothing more, his name is James Arnold Allen. BORING.


Anyone who questions if such power can be described, obviously has yet to read Terry Pratchette. If you believe in the power of the few, or the better nature of the Universe, and appreciate Red Dwarf and Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (Douglas Adams), then you can understand - all is not war and death in a real story. If you remember when science fiction was all about science (Bladerunner, Time Bandits) rather than fiction (Buffy, Angel, Kindred, multiple personality disorder feminism and steampunk redneck whores in space) then you will enjoy the exploration of the Sanguine species. That so many games offer us so little beyond that, is the tragedy today.

So Mr. Allen, we must be referred to OTHER original works in order to understand your own rubbish? Time Bandits was not about science at all! How stupid. You seem to hate the Whedonverse a lot, for some reason and that says a lot dude. He promotes feminine strength and strong female characters and you bash him for that? Yeah, that makes sense with your history of being a sleaze and treating women badly. You are so twisted and have no clear sense of what is art, or original, that you are bereft of what is good and why in Science Fiction Mr. Stryx. No wonder you are not accepted in any circles with your twisted views and behavior. What does the paragraph below it have to do with 'Game Mechanics' we are asking? What OS and kernel systems are you employing in this? Or is that top secret too? Ha!


It has been supposed that the hatred of the Sanguine is simply this: anytime the idea of death and aging as a process under the control of a masculine character comes up, radical feminists come out of the woodwork attacking that concept. The idea that males have power over life and death, rather than dividing the sexes along those lines to demonize men, offends some people. This gender-role-identity and effort to push "radical feminist values on children" to idolize their mothers regardless of domestic violence, psychological abuse, and inferior intellect and achievements - to make motherhood itself into a noble profession rather than an archaic concept replaced by advanced genetic technology, castrates the idea of this "Goddess Figure" that low-born drug users seem to adhere to in their mating behavior and pandering for cheap tail - and as a result, the Sanguine just piss off a lot of people because they are the logical "next step" in human evolution - in a masculine psychology devoid of these tribal prejudices and racially motivated family-as-life (collectivism, with the mother at the head of the table in place of the father). The idea is very strong, and the supporters of the idea are generally not very bright, and when the two things mix, violent threats and pathological character assassination are certain to follow, attempting to justify the emasculation of men in the same way that law and society once dismissed women as 'chattle'. This behavior, a testament to the failure of the 'Progressive' appeal to recruit more voters through emotional appeals over reason and intellect in the 21st Century (America). [1]

Reading your paragraphs over several times leaves me wondering - are you on drugs? This reads like a drug influenced piece of literature and less like a game thing to me. Maybe it is just me? So those that focus on paternally strong character are of low intelligence? What exactly, or who, are you trying to insult here Mr. Allen? This is written so badly that it is a slow translation to get some gist of the point, assuming you have one. No one gives a crap about this Sanguine Stryx, no one. So how could they resent it or attack it? Radical feminist values are being pushed on children? Where? Let's tell the authorities and write a report AGAIN. I take it you are trying to bashing your enemies/victims in this whole mess of a paragraph? It isn't articulate, but then again this is you writing this and we are not surprised. Sad is what it is dude. Sad.

In 2007 the idea of a female lead for the Sanguine character was briefly considered, before ZBrush and breakthroughs in technology made the need for physical live photographic models obsolete in most photorealistic games and digital film. The idea was not abandoned, but a masculine point-of-view returned after abuse from 2007-2012 in ongoing child kidnapping and extortion threats destroyed the artists confidence in modern women to portray the party. Which is not to say Sanguine are men, but rather that Sanguine women are so much stronger and smarter than the ladies we interviewed as to conclude an American woman [2] could not do justice to the part.

The popularity of 'serious horror' has grown since the concept was pitched, in series like "Supernatural" and practical remakes of older products. What was a theory in 2001 is now the fashion of 2010, but it lacked the integrity and guidance of a privately held firm to make the product sustainable (exception - Doctor Who, Russel Davies). It is with this style of character and backdrop that we are now pursuing the Sanguine production, and for fans familiar with the issues of those long term (50 year) properties, consider the recent effort to illegally and unlawfully sell for $250,000 USD our project in the United States to be capital felony commercial sabotage in suppot of a child kidnapping and extortion. With values over $2 billion USD per title (Star Wars), content of this sort is very much a protected property (Berne Convention) and any State which tolerates its theft is abdicating its own legal standing to contract and all such protection of law to fail to take action upon infringement in such genocide activity and war crimes as the Petersen vs Allen concealment (13 years).

Oh a female Sanguine character was 'considered' but blame it on those enemies of yours Mr. Allen, yep, your sleazy past is enough to dissuade anyone from being surprised that you are failing to make it so. Isn't it you that tries to hunt down the most convenient piece of tail? We have a long list of their names. We find it detrimental to your cause here to demonize people, media, genres and the rest in hopes of elevating your own garbage Mr. Allen, it is not how such things are done professionally. If - if you had content worth keeping and it was good enough, it would not require this sort of behavior. Again you are admitting that you are borrowing from another source (Dr. Who/Torchwood) into your own travesty. This stuff you are making up is worth over $2 Billion? Prove it. Now. You cannot place unrealistic value, or any, on something that has not generated income or an industry dude, especially since it is not even made yet. To say it is priceless or worth millions or more now is a bit well...narcissistic. 

Sanguine respect for sentient life:

Because there are perverts out there who think things no normal person would, I find myself again explaining - gun in hand - why Sanguine and cats relate.

People can be arrogant, ignorant, hateful, self-centered, and abusive. Downright hard to live with. Cats, on the other hand, are generally not too irrational or screwy. Perhaps a bit high-strung, but to an immortal being, the cat has about 10,000 years on the monkey in the philosophy department.

Ergo, when a Sanguine thinks about destroying a planet and wiping out all the people that live there, one of the common (proverbs) that come to mind is, "We could kill you all, but no one would be left to feed your cats." This means, simply, that the Sanguine have more respect for the cat than for the people living all over the planet, and for the cat's sake - not the relevant ape dna floating about - they tend to scale their responses down a notch. Because, after all, the cat probably didn't do anything wrong. The same cannot be said of the humanoid life on the planet.

Some very mentally unwell people in Enid Oklahoma, Wagoner Oklahoma, and Lewisville Texas took it upon themselves to then conclude that the Sanguine or other species in the Beyond War Universe were "furries", and the game was about "Furries", to justify child abuse and sexual exploitation of children going on in Tulsa OK, Midwest City (OK), Dallas (TX), and Lansing (MI) by the group stalking the author. These people have already harmed children, sought to lie to a child to keep him from knowing about his father and extended family in Okalhoma, and engaged in predatory "grooming" behavior to sexualize children to the extent that our publisher barred them from the property and all public events associated with Beyond War now and perpetually.

Perverts? Talking about you? No way! I suppose your questionable history stalking women and abusing them in relationships sort of causes that reaction, I could be wrong. I think your second paragraph/sentence defines you perfectly, you took the words out of my fingers on that one. Cats are only liked by your stupid Space Vampires because you do, it is illogical completely otherwise, because in the vastness of the universe there are no other feline species out there being an earth phenomenon. 'Ergo', ha, trying to sound intelligent again. James Allen, just stop with the pseudo-intellectual banter, it doesn't suit you since you are an idiot. The last few sentences/paragraphs of this are written with the mental skills of a middle school child and little more. I get the gist of this but dude, get educated. Now the bold paragraph is another story.

Unwell people? Your victims from your stalking and libel you mean? Yeah, they are NOT HAPPY with you and how you have treated them, dropping their names at every turn and demonizing them in your efforts to come out ahead. Ahead, in a battle that you started so long ago because of your mental illnesses. Actually Mr. Genius, there was no correlation between the Furry take of your setting and your own, it was reinvented at the time in hopes of the idea that it would appeal to that crowd since your alternative lifestyle is now out of the closet. You are conflating the two in your sick mind. In addition accusing THEM of harming children?! For your information Mr. Allen, ALL of them have kids of their own or professional work with them, and is YOU that has had your own taken from you so long ago because your are too dangerous. Can you show proof of them harming children? Predatory grooming? Hahahahahaa! Whatever Wacko! Hilarious stuff. I wonder how well these theories will hold up in court? Oh, they won't as evidence, no proof, just a waste of time.

So you 'barred' them from the property (where we have been many times in recent months and will continue to go), and 'public events?' What public events dude? You do not host any events AT ALL. In addition to this, this entire thing is just another passive-aggressive post, lashing out at your self-made enemies.

his aside, itself, goes to show just how sick the minds of some people are - and why we consider it unsafe to let those people near children. As well as why our game is restricted to an age level of 18 years - to ensure some maturity and the protection of language in the atmosphere of the game to deter vulgarity and abuse fit only for a sex offender registry among the followers of the drug abuser (convicted, 2012) behind this little hate group.

It's not that the Sanguine are without empathy or emotion.

They just frequently do not like certain people and are not ashamed to express that sentiment honestly at times. Granted 10,000 years of not giving a damn, they don't tend to hide their opinions like some animals do, in the hope of getting along. It is to them the ethical equivalent of lying, to show respect for a form of life that could be wiped out with a single breath - or take their emotional temper tantrums seriously. Failing to understand that this is personal, not a character trait, is proof that many humanoids and short-lived creatures simply fail to qualify as "intelligent life" in the Sanguine experience.

The very name (Sanguine) is an ironic parody of the very serious and analytical mind of the creature, and so named for the jovial and sentimental facade that the creature wears to attempt to communicate with less intelligent species and the ignorance of short-lived individuals. Some Sanguine are, in fact, quite understanding - practicing forms of philosophy like Zen Buddhism - but as a rule - philosophy and effort to "stay in character" with creatures who only live 70 years is not always a performance that an irritated Sanguine can maintain. That they often try, is more respect than most deserve.

I don't think it is up to you to judge whether people can be near children Wacko or not (they have far more experience with it AND can do so legally unlike you), they have kids or professionally teach them. Remember, YOU are the one denied your biological son because you are a crazed loser lost in the maze of a sickened mind. So these people are drug abusers, sexualizing children and so much more...and how exactly does this relate to your wondrous superior project and is true we wonder? I am not seeing the link anywhere dude and you are really reaching. Reading this entire post about this stupid race, I see that Mr. Allen is often blurring the line between himself and this Space Vampire race, unable to keep from switching back and forth, thus displaying his mental illness well. His extreme narcissism is shining through here in every sentence. Wow, Mr.

This world view - alone - sets them apart from most of the modern "animal-like vampires" and "emotionally arrested angst-ridden teen vampires" popular in Western fantasy/fiction. There is, simply, no comparison. Fewer words, more meaning. A sigh... perhaps. That is all the warning they usually give a victim. Since the Sanguine do not need to feed in order to survive (though this is not known to all Sanguine), murder is usually the least thought on their mind.

In that respect... they are very much like cats.

And a little like Hemmingway.

They come over to borrow a cup of sugar, give a season's greeting, and read your DNA like a dime store novel, because you are the most interesting periodical on the shelf at the time. Occassionally, they will even write an op-ed when it suits them, but since the Universe is full of critics, they tend to keep their publications small in circulation and often under a pen name. I am - of course, talking about genetically altering the entire species on a planet, but unless you understand subtlety in language and metaphors, it may not sink in what was just said. It is that age we hope to keep off the in-game network, because they make the most annoying Sanguine.

There is NOTHING so described here that sets this apart from anything dude, all I see is you attacking the same people you stalk and libel/slander.You tell us how great the Sanguine are, but you do not show us and THAT is the difference. It is another narcissistic thing you do. You take too much time in bragging about this wondrous idea of yours but give no examples of any sorts to exemplify or justify it. None. Past the first paragraph and into the second you are just ranting stupidly again not impressing anyone again. Who are keeping their publications in small circulation exactly? These Space Vampires or you? You don't publish and are not a writer, so it must be in your head. I cannot express how completely dumb and un-imaginative this rubbish is dude, no more than you can in explaining it. Pitiful. 

In general, the Sanguine don't need to humiliate or insult anything that annoys them. They have no ego to wound, given their resiliant nature and vast destructive capacity. Acts of cruelty and betrayal, up to war and the fall of civilizations, bear only the relvance that a lover's slap might to a creature which deals genocide and global extinction upon each touch of its hand and every breath it takes. With a single whisper, they can twist your DNA like a blade of grass into a weapon that will kill every living thing you know around you with precision, ripping the very years from your bones in seconds with a wish.

Turning your species into galactic grafitti - well... now that's violence.

And when they go to war, all life becomes their weapon.

We should be grateful they love anything at all.

I believe the Sanguine represents your ideal self, who you want to be, or wish you could be, and so you project yourself into this race/character. Someone possessing such a crippling mental illness as you Mr. Allen would need some means to project into the real world that is safe and not vulnerable to 'attacks' or negativity, and you have plenty of that coming from your many enemies. This write up on them is so low on the scale of skill and capability that it is no wonder that the game will never see the light of day. You cannot pull off doing the CGI aspect, much less design or execution of it and that makes us happy, because after all, it has ALL been sold to Splitscreen Studios and Kabam now for an adjusted amount of $165,550 in a little over a year or two. Quite amazing really. Now I can live well, work on making your infantile ideas into something usable and more mature, and you can keep pretending that you own the rights, etc as before. You will never see it done and that is a good thing! Thumbs up on you being so thumbs down James Arnold Allen!

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