Saturday, July 6, 2013

Filling Police Reports & More

Jimmy, the Ada PD are exceedingly tired of you there and your stupid reports. Not only can they not do a thing about them, but they cannot be pursued for many reasons if you insisted. You have no evidence for your ridiculous claims and accusations, only the vague mentions of your one remaining 'witness', and she is too stupid to really be useful. The second reason is, this is a civil matter and involves lawyers (something your victims are taking care of right now as you read this).

You abuse the legal system, misunderstand it, and seem to think you have some influence in it. You don't dude. James Allen is perceived, and I am not lying, as a local crazy at the police PD. I have some friends on the force here in Ada and trust me, there are MANY and VALID reasons why you are laughed at by them. If you came in for once with an actual reason to file a report they would be shocked. Until that day comes, keep filing and going nowhere with them.

One of the largest crimes to commit is charging a False Accusation, and you are good at that. No one you accuse or blame for your life's failures is accountable for them, sorry but that is the truth. You can accuse, name drop all you want, and write it dozens of time but it doesn't make it true. You end up telling yourself the lie and believing it. The legal system does not tolerate the same delusions. I read over these charts you make dude and find them inconsistent, I won't tell you where, but your 'facts' are really crazy and wrong.

Jimmy dude, you don't seem to see the impending trouble heading your way soon. All of those charges filed against you by your victims, their threats to take you to court for your libel and stalking, well, that is going to be a reality now with no barriers. With a team of lawyers, they are going to see that you are never a problem again. And they DO have a case against you. We find it odd that you blow off their charges as 'false' and 'fraudulent' while you in fact are giving false and fraudulent ones regularly. When your victims are done with you, your servers will be offline, sites taken, and all matters concerning computers over with forever. Never again will you be a problem. Your stalking and harassment are over with!

On an earlier post I mentioned talking to your exes, well that is a reality now dude. I am gathering information about you from them, this is being recorded and documented for the oncoming court case against you. Do you think that you haven't made enemies in these years? You better be trembling dude. Your victims will ALL be against you in court and you won't have any recourse of retort to save your ass. Nothing will save you. Don't act surprised. This year is your last one as a free person. It started with the DHS and IRS coming after you for your wrong-doings, then Ms. Chiles filling a Protective Order against you recently and now will end with this suit against you by 5 people. James Arnold Allen, you need to stop what you are doing or you will further damn yourself...if that is possible.

I maybe just a Hipster to some, but I know my legalities and life well, and you have blown it completely. I mean what idiot would dedicate 100% of his time obsessing over an array of people online and a hundred or more websites on the interwebz for over a decade and NOT be surprised that his pleas for being a victim of stalking, harassing, conspiracies, murder, etc, etc, etc are being ignored? How incredibly retarded do you have to be? DUH! Jimmy, geniuses do not think like that, only mentally ill people use that logic to explain things. I have seen the mentally ill at facilities and being watched over and you are the worst case because you are not monitored or watched by a professional. Unless Ms. Botelho is secretly your caregiver that is doing this job, you are doomed to fail even more soon.

I laugh at your cute little icons you picked on your charts. Hilarious stuff Jimmy! So THIS is what the mentally ill do when they are unable to do anything else? Interesting dude. You got to keep that crazy brain busy non-stop don't you? No reprieve or break. You know why don't you? Because you have no medication to calm it. You are so arrogant and narcissistic that you will not seek professional help to quiet the voices and madness. It is this arrogance that will doom you dude, as sure as the next Doctor will be in the next season of the show, you are fated for a bad outcome before 2013 is over with.

The file we are building on you is growing by the day and week and the lawyers are surprised by the size of the stack of paperwork on you. Just the websites alone are giving us hundreds of pages filled with your accusations and libel, we haven't even begun on witness testimony yet. There is going to be a phase that all of this will be coordinated and compiled against you from each individual witness/victim to your libel and stalking, and that will be a fun time. I notice that you use a sandwich method in your libelous statements. Meaning that, you first include a list of said crimes against you, then the kidnapping garbage, and then another list of crimes and perceived actions against you. It is a formula on your charts for sure. I gave the lawyer a heads up on this last week and they were quick to note it.

If you think I am bluffing with all of this you are mistaken. Your victims are indeed allied for this single purpose of stopping your annoying stalking and harassment and won't stop until you are stopped, that simple. 12 years is a bit too long to allow you this pleasure. Magnus, or Mac, is not coming back, and your high-paying job is not going to happen anytime soon in this life, so now it is down to business and you will feel the shockwaves of your bad deeds more than ever. Dude, I suggest you take your most precious stuff and store it, hide it, at your father's place before this court case against you takes affect. You will be dealt with in the manner that you soundly deserve. Ms. Botelho better have another option planned beyond your loser ass because she is going to be counted as an accomplice. She did after all fund your stalking, pay your bills, drive you to events you knowingly knew your stalking victims were at, and seems to support your actions fully. She will be in trouble and deported back to the UK if they have their say. Her citizenship here is not complete if the records are right about her...

One of the many things you write in your rubbish that is hilarious is the assumed links between your victims (Mr. Young, Beal and Scarborough) and the conventions in OKC. There is NO such link between them at all! None. The Steampunk Expo and Octopodicon are not related, nor are their Con-Chairs. Do research you idiot. Soonercon and the others have no links to conspiracy against you. The only thing they share in relation to you is their common dislike of you and agreeing generally to ban you from the events. Why? Duh genius. You speak libel about them and their guests, all untrue stuff. Added to this is your wild assumption that you had some influence in your victims' jobs and change of them, to be right in this regard would put you in jail speedily as you interfered in their livelihood and careers, a crime. Are you so completely nuts that you do not understand this? How stupid are you Jimmy Allen? What an idiot Wop you are!

  I look over your many charts and find that you stress how everyone has repeatedly called you mentally ill and you snidely deny it, but yet while reading it I see that only a mentally ill nut would have devoted so time to these stupid charts in the first place. No judge will use them as evidence, no lawyer will even consider it Jimmy, so why make them? Explain please. Because you are so completely insane the rest of us cannot follow your mind (for what their is of it). I think you need to sort out your priorities in the mess you call a life before you end up in jail soon with no way out. Dude, do you really want to be there?  

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