Friday, July 19, 2013

Live Life and Be Productive Dude!

I had a chance to get away from town recently and go out into the countryside and camp a little and it dawned on me just how time consuming and utterly ridiculous James Allen's obsessive stalking actually is. Me and some other dudes were sitting around the fire talking, sharing some brooskies and laughing about Mr. Allen and his 'campaign' to destroy his victims' lives - over a boy he never even claimed as his own until the unavoidable DNA evidence said otherwise. We laughed hard about this the most of all. 

Think about it, he knocks up some girl, Ms. Peterson, after getting her more drunk one night, in what was essentially a one-night stand, while dumping his previous girl-friend Ms. Scarborough. Finds out later that Ms. Peterson is pregnant and then a twisted relationship develops. She is now staying with him while the months drag on into her pregnancy while he treats her abusively, saying that she 'cheated' on him among other things. He kept her in one room in the house, the kitchen, and did not allow her to move about. (I am not making this up either dudes.) After the birth, even though he still denies the boy is his, he intervenes and names it Magnus Vincent, a pretentious sounding set of names. Allegedly his parents footed the bill for the whole hospital stint of Ms. Peterson, but I tend to not believe it since he is practically disowned by them.

After birth, it was MORE than evident to Ms. Peterson that Jimbo was not the stable and sane guy she needed to be the father of the boy they had together. His nine months of abuse towards her because increasingly worse once Magnus was born. At this point, Ms. Peterson also had a little girl from another father and so had both children now living with Jimmy and this was quickly getting out of control. It took Ms. Peterson 18 months of prep-time to find a way out of this trapped and dire situation. Jimbo lied, with a friend's help, to get a job with Nortel doing computer work. He stated he could do many tasks and had skills that HE DID NOT REALLY HAVE. This job was supposedly to make money and give Mr. Stryx a chance to pretend he was a responsible fatherly adult, for a time. 

It took two cars full of people and a plan to separate Jimmy, Ms. Peterson and her kids one night. It was the only way deemed wise. One car was meant to take the mother and her children off and away into Texas, across the border ('across statelines' if you remember Mr. Allen's often phrased expression on his sites) while another took Mr. Allen elsewhere. Don't forget that Mr. Allen is a notorious stalker, especially of his exes, and so they have to make sure that he is completely unaware of where she is going. The goal was simple: once she and her kids get safely away into Texas, she finds a new home, goes to court and gains custody of the boy and keeps away Mr. Allen completely. 

By the time our 'genius' realized that something was up Ms. Peterson was now far and distant from him, she stopped at another location, packed everything completely up, and took that last drive into Texas. Wacko knew where she was stopping to load up and fought his way there to get to her, by the time he did arrive she and the babies were already gone. It took a team of people to make this happen, THAT is how dangerous James Arnold Allen is. Remember, this is in 2001.In the following aftermath to this Jimmy was only concerned with finding Ms. Peterson, NOT the boy. As far as he was concerned and believed in his sickened mind, Magnus was another man's child and that she cheated on him to conceive the boy. He had disowned Magnus 100%. There was no kidnapping, etc, blah, blah. It was an entirely different matter in reality, and it was something that would fester in Jimbo's poisoned brain until he reinvented it again and again.

What stung at Jimmy's core was that he was duped and that Ms. Peterson 'got away' from him, something NO ex of his can claim. He stalked them all but in this one case he could not, much less, she had their son and was making sure that his dangerous presence was nowhere near the young child. At this time Mr. Allen was still in the thick of his 'Herr Magus Stryx' belief and so he was talking his 'Vampire Lord' rubbish too. His mind wasn't yet filled with conspiracies, internet stalking or fake business prattle. He was just a disturbed little boy with nowhere to put it yet. Ms. Peterson got away, and with her children too, and that was rare since Jimmy stalks his exs to the ends of the earth, or at least until he get beaten up or threatened. Since those days he has even considered Ms. Peterson's taking away of her own daughter (before being with him) as kidnapping her own child! 

A hearing was given to allow Jimmy some rights and custody time with Magnus and he failed to appear, and so being merciful, Ms. Peterson opted for a second hearing to give our Ada genius a chance to appear again, but he didn't. At this point, he still considered Magnus as being another man's and that she cheated on him, so the boy was a non-issue with him completely. He just felt that getting Ms. Peterson back would satisfy his ego in some way, because NO ONE gets away from him. He was wrong. To this very day she has managed to avoid him, win custody of Magnus in a court of law, and live her own life. This eats away at Stryx's ego and narcissism because he cannot undo it, alter to his favor, or come out looking better. He simply has to pay Child Support, $39,000+ of it, and this is something he cannot do. He has no company, makes no money and is not successful. What is amazing is that she hasn't pushed even further to have him put away in jail as a Deadbeat Dad (a term he apparently abhors! :-)). This time around though, if he cannot pay her $6,000 of it he WILL placed in jail - and this is a moment we are eagerly waiting for. 

So in all of this, the gist of this post is about Ms. Peterson. Use her approach as an example on how to live life. She realized she was too deep in with his lunatic, had his boy even, but left for a better life and has never looked back. Instead she has led a life of her own, never letting Mr. Allen have an opportunity to stalk her directly (only by continuous mention on his many stupid websites), and even marrying another and burying the James Arnold Allen in the ground, in the past, where it belongs. To show the crazed extent of Mr. Allen, he even claimed that they were married and that he suffered spousal abuse! Yes, look over his sites and you will be amazed by his insanity. James Allen has never been married - ever. 

On a related note, it wasn't until Magnus was four years old that Mr. Allen finally acknowledged him as his 'son' but it was the DNA Paternal test that made this happen, nothing else. This was likely in his attempt to prove that the boy was not his and so therefore he won't have to pay Child Support. He was wrong! In this twist Jimmy now reinvented the story to focus on his 'kidnapped' son and even the conspiracy that was behind it. Since 2005 this story hasn't changed much, and it is a story too as you see. So don't let him fool you, he never cared or considered the boy at all, and that is now something recent in a ploy to keep from paying Child Support that he can't humanly pay. Magnus was caught in the middle of this drama and has no idea about truly insane his biological father is, but he also has many mental problems, so it carries in the genes of James Arnold Allen and explains everything. 

One of Mr. Allen's 'witnesses', Kimberly Joyce Chiles, had a child when she was 18, but when she first found out that she was pregnant she locked herself in her bedroom and used a fork to stab at her stomach until it bled and she had to be given medical help. It didn't negatively influence the unborn child, just her physically, and a testament to her insanity. This did not end there however, after giving birth to the boy, Gabriel, she dumped it on its biological father, who now lives in OKC. Not once since has Ms. Chiles attempted to raise the boy or be his mother in anyway. She was simply too insane and ill-responsible, something that her entire life to this day proves. Just like Mr. Allen, she has never worked, and found people to pay the bills, be a caregiver, and she has mental issues, a plethora of them: compulsive lying, extreme alcoholism, a personality disorder, violent and the mentality of her former 18 year old self. Both Mr. Allen and Ms. Chiles went to school together, hung out and even had a brief fling allegedly while in High School. 

Please, read this well, take in its words, and if you need some evidence, I am sure we can supply you the links, etc.    

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