Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Dude, Where are Your Rants? Didn't We Piss You Off Enough?

Humbly I know that I cannot possibly post as much as you have in your 12 years of interwebz stalking and insanity, but I am trying, there are about 215 posts here in just over a month! Usually you are on top of your stalkees and post in quick response, taking LONG rants to vent out your passive-aggressive rebuttals or whatever they are to the world. Did your angry dry up? Are you in jail? What is going on dude? The most recent posts on your stupid Raccoon Technologies Facebook page were on Sunday and they are quite vague in a way - meaning no direct link to this venerable blog. 

You have been supporting CISCO since 1998? No we don't think so, maybe you were buying from them but not a certified vendor, and still not, a BIG difference. It is shame that you know nothing about the IT computer business dude, because to the average person on the street who reads your rubbish, this almost sounds authoritative. I notice how you specifically say that CISCO has been a solid 'vendor', not you, this is something that you chose to say? Knowing that you cannot sell their goods in any way because you are not a real company. No one wants your identity, no one wants your name James Arnold Allen. I couldn't keep up the facade on here for long because you are an uncomfortable and awful person. Who would want to be in your mind or persona? (Shivers).

When CCIE and CCNA members make threats about our "Cisco Registered Partner" status, it just undermines the whole certification process and points out how incompetent some of the people going through the cert programs and hiring are. After threats of extortion by ROBERT HALF TECHNOLOGY employees in Texas, we don't consider degrees issued in that State for employment purposes anymore - business or technical. Companies engaged in extortion and fraud by false claims against competitors and in identity theft are the cause for our refusal of service. 

We have been supporting Cisco since the 1998 projects era, and as a result of violent threats, hosting of domains by NTT AMERICA INCORPORATED, and their endorsement of JUNIPER NETWORKS, we do not permit JUNIPER products on our client networks or Michigan firms to sell to us. Death threats and child abuse threats are very serious misconduct, and the use of by NTT and ROBERT HALF employees underlines our commitment to not do business with sponsors of terrorism against Oklahoma businesses and families.

Cisco corporate remains a solid partner and product vendor, despite this criminal abuse of our staff in fraud against NORTEL NETWORKS shareholders and Oklahoma families, and we will continue to support their work for their ethics in the past 15 years of experience with their brand.

Another post of yours is the most typical of them all, it is the many paraphrased mantra you have stuck with, more or less, since your interwebz campaign of stalking and libel began. There is no 'court order' except to you by many sources to comply Mr. Allen. Yeah Mr. Allen, you are so observant (teehee!), we can only guess what 'fraud' you are aware of since none of us have anything to our credit that is considered a crime. Generally, if you are secure in your sexual orientation then there are is no defamation going on dude, but hey, you can deny it all you want, only a few of us know the truth (wink, wink). Parody? No, there is no parody here, only an expose on your libel, activities and sites. Oh no, not name dropping names again Mr. Allen! There they are...Mr. Young, Beal, and Ms. Quincy, etc. Oh noes! Paragraph three is simply put - hilarious! Every part of it. THAT is art! Wow, and wow again. Not feeling so smart and powerful eh? If you were NONE of this would have happened, real or not. You are ONE lucky nut. I know of no one else that can claim to have had these things occur to them ever! We keep telling you that there is no business to attack and damage dude, you HAVE NOTHING. What would anyone gain by this? Really?

'Domestic Terrorism' sounds so deliciously terrible! So do the other listed crimes against you, there is no other greater honor. I find it amazing how you can dismiss degrees from other states with a wave of your powerful hand! Oh, to have those abilities is akin to the Avengers or Fantastic Four. You are flexing your crazy muscles well Mr. Allen, we commend you on this post, it is keeping consistent with your many years of doing the same. Magnus is held in legal custody by his mother, there is no kidnapping or extortion or child abuse you nitwit. Don't forget, you denied he was even yours for the first four years of his life, until the DNA results came in to prove it. By then, everything is old news.  

As of June 30th, the parties at ROBERT HALF TECHNOLOGY and ENID PUBLIC RADIO 104.7 FM who threatened our families in violation of a court order, have again begun soliciting to damage the firm. Be advised we are aware of the fraud and you should report any contact of a negative or sexually defamatory nature to local law enforcement as violation of law (blackmail, extortion, and interference in Interstate Commerce) as "false or reckless disregard for false defamation" as specified in "Hustler Magazine v Falwell", which would fail the test for parody and free speech involving the child abuse and 12 year concealment in violation of a court order of a minor child.

We consider this attack, in addition to extortion letters on behalf of Brian Young (July 15 2011), public threats to cause commercial damage (July 19 2011), and threats thereafter (Nov 10 2012) by Brian Young and Alicia Scarbrough, Susan Quincy, Donald J. Beal, and their common business interest at in Texas and upon servers belonging to NTT AMERICA INC. Directors under the joint domain used in .ME identity theft, to be criminal activity - subject Federal and International criminal prosecution in child trafficking and extortion activity for commercial advantage in open and public competition.

Sexual Orientation is the latest tact taken, in knowing fraud, by the party as promised in 2009 extortion letters toward Raccoon Technologies Incorporated, paired with 2009-2012 website, 2012 false sale of property upon Twitter, Craigslist,, and in identity theft activity consistent with criminal stalking (18 U.S.C. 2261A). We consider this organized crime (18 U.S.C. 1961) so described as an "enterprise" in Federal Law, effort to sell $250,000 in contracted property of the firm illegally using registered trademarks known to the parties, and impersonation to commit fraud in false instigation of disputes with other firms (Rackspace, Tek Systems, German Government, U.S. Government) which constitute criminal activity and bar these parties and their associates at Soonercon, Octopodicon, "Beautifully Bound" (BDSM community), TRANSGENDERDATE.COM, Liquidweb (host of the prior domain used in threats Christmas 2011 and upon in 2009-2012), as an ongoing effort to conceal a minor child in kidnapping for extortion.

Claims to instigate fraud such as alleging we "attacked" servers in Dallas where the parties worked, which did send 8.3 million ICMP packets (4.1 million per hour) to our network to execute Denial of Service July 25 2011, underline the fraud we now associate with companies in the Dallas Texas area in our industry, seizure of our trademarks and brands and products for sale in fraud to foreign companies and as original material, and other forms of pathological impersonation to deny recovery of a child taken at the tender age of 74 days after birth for premeditated concealment.

The failure to arrest the parties places liability upon the STATE OF TEXAS, STATE OF OKLAHOMA, and UNITED STATES in ongoing denial in violation of the terms of the ROME STATUTE and CPPCG (U.S. Treaty, 1988).

Prior the parties have directly approached and solicited persons on our pages to damage our business, including in September 2012 toward persons in the United Kingdom, Canada, and United States.

We consider this "Domestic Terrorism" and cite the Oklahoma Anti Terrorist Act section 3 (b) and our right to notice in such case under Oklahoma Constitution Article II section II-3 and II-22 in notice of potential scam, fraud, hoax, and harassment with serious injury to a child hostage.

And then there is this fragment from a larger turd you posted. Strange to see that you deny ALL degrees related to computer science, IT and business being that you presumed that Mr. Beal was only possessing a High School degree, to later discover that he has a Masters in the field. Oh no! That is TWO of your stalking victims with Masters degrees leaving you in the dust. The truth being told, anyone can pretend they are in the business (as you do) but a real example of their skill, knowledge and dedication is by having those degrees, it also shows integrity and a means to having a higher ambition. Besides, you cant hire anyone really, so why try to demean those who are better educated than you are? I remember...because they, by having their higher degrees, automatically displays a greater intelligence than your own! Oh yeah! :-) Is this diagnosis of people with Masters and PhDs having a sociopathic personality a professional one? We are confused since you only have a BS (and it is BS too!) and no standing credibility in the field. We would love to see these 'child abusers' you speak of dude, we really would. And what child is being abused? He have no freaking clue what the hell you are talking about Jamie Allen.
Regulation (certification) is not a solution, as anyone can buy a cert in today's market, no different than previous "commission" buying in European society in the 14th-18th Century. Like google, we no longer consider a college degree (B.S. or M.A. or PhD) to be a valid measure of potential employee capacity. Criminal psychology and criminal history, behavior, and ethical evaluation are far more important indicators of capability than credit hours of instruction, and tend to attract sociopath personality types to the false standing that a degree or certification may imply.

Anyone can be taught to use a computer. Not everyone can be taught to treat other people with dignity and respect in business.

This is our position statement.
It has no room for abusers.

Especially child abusers.

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