Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Extortion...We Tire of This Word Tough Guy

Mr. Allen has no money. He never had. So therefore, why would criminals of any level want to extort from him? He has no money, it is as simple as that. Does he really assume that people are seeking this from him even if their dialogue with him is completely otherwise? Makes no sense as usual.  If this loser HAD money why would the IRS and DHS be after him? They wouldn't obviously.

A friend of mine, 'Axe' as he will go by, will be driving around Ada with his cycle gang looking for tough guy James Allen, or Ms. Botelho, to say....hi to them. Axe is so mad at Mr. Allen for the lies and campaign of libel that he wants to punch his face in at the very least. So Mr. Allen, know this, I am not threatening you, but Axe and his thousands of biker friends across the state of Oklahoma ARE. Anywhere you go in the state they will be keeping an eye on you! Nowhere is safe from them. Who knows...the next group of bikers you see could be him and his posse. Want a picture of him? Ok...

As of today, the gloves are off. Axe and his bros will be driving around Ada looking for you, out for blood. You better get a taser or pepperspray dude, I can't control my friends, especially when they are pissed off and they fucking are! When he found out that you were living in the SAME town and had been causing so much grief over problems that you created, and poor Magnus, he went ballistic. Keep those ears trained for the posse, that is all I can say dude. That is all I can say...

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