Thursday, June 6, 2013

Lack of Relief 2001-2013

United States officials remain adamant no crime has been committed, despite State criminal law (21 O.S. 21-891) and Federal (18 U.S.C. 1201-1202; 1513; 1951; 1961; 42 U.S.C. 1981-1989) statutes against such abuse in the use to influence or intimidate a business to surrender property and defamation to damage our securities and commercial reputation.

At the time of the alleged default, the defenant was held against his will in the lobby of the courthouse of DALLAS COUNTY and prevented entry by COURT STAFF against his will, under threat of being refused all right to participate, and on no cause - resulting in an 11 year loss of contact and criminal threats against his business and property, of personal bodily harm, and refused all protection of law without cause in the extortion of $108,000 USD from his person to constitute over 65% of his income after assault at gunpoint following the trial immediately after calls for his murder publicly by the plaintiff and her assocaites in written publications and threats sent to witnesses to suppress their testimony in this matter.

Summons for the hearing above were taken by persons without consent of the defendant and concealed from the defendant until 24 hours prior the hearing, then handed over only then and without time to prepare an adequate defense. The defendant's accounts were frozen during the trial terminating his legal represenation, and no notice delivered to him of this termination of representation both by his attorney and by the judge upon presentation of himself to demand mistrial and refute the claims made against him the same morning of the hearing as soon as he was released by the staff of DALLAS COUNTY COURT.

Since that time, the Attorney General of the State of Texas has threatened to arrest the defendant for inability to pay, in violation of the court order, despite notice of loss of income and interference in career and professional activity by the child abductors prohibited in Federal Law (15 U.S.C. 1673; 18 U.S.C. 1513).

The Director of Oklahoma Department of Human Services (OKDHS) has likewise threatened the defendant upon the fraudulent order to further demand money or surrender of property and license to work and do business if the defendant did not abandon his career and role in favor of other employment at the expense of his business and without consideration for the 10-year ongoing concealment of the child in a premeditated kidnapping for ransom and $10,000 theft of funds in fraud prior the abduction, taking the child out of the home in Dallas County, concealing the child in Denton County, and fraud upon the court record attesting to the claim the child was still in Dallas County at the time of the trial and hearing contrary to the claims made to the father and other witnesses in the child abduction by the abducting party, by the child's mother, and by the child's maternal grandmother in kidnapping activity.

A Federal Civil Lawsuit against the Counties, States, and UNITED STATES is under preparation citing waiver of immunity in International Treaty by the United States and on behalf of all its member states.

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