Friday, June 21, 2013

Stupid Arny....Stupid, Stupid...

Western Law Enforcement appears incapable of investigation or witness protetion in their effort to dismiss the severity of this activity as a civil or domestic issue aggravated by Internet technology and ease-of-abuse, and have forced our office to adopt firearms and force protection measures in the United States to remain operational under such conditions and in spite of violation of a court order constituting kidnapping for ransom, fraud by a District Court in false record, false trial without due process or right to face the accuser (defendant held in courthouse during proceeding, refused entry during entire proceeding, refuse right to plea mistrial or other claim in conference with judge after hearing, refusal to provide defendant court order for 10 years on demand paired with threat of arrest and loss of freedom should he enter the State in pursuit of the record himself by Texas Attorney Greg Abbott's Office in written letter). 

Yes, it appears that Western Law Enforcement is unwilling to investigate these spurious and constant cases given by a well-known lunatic in Ada, wow, what a surprise. These are dismissed because they are given by a person who has is clearly known to have mental illnesses and his plentiful websites proves this. And...there is no evidence to ANY claims of incrimination. ZERO. Not only is there no fraud, but no kidnapping, ransom or any other wild claim by Mr. Allen. It is no surprise that he considers any charges made towards him, and court hearings, 'false', this is the extreme narcissist showing its colors. Everyone, high and low, ignores Mr. Allen, and it will remain that way for ten more years or more. 

As the court order shows by clearly enumerated rights being violated in criminal and premedtiated fraud to extort under false cause and claims related commercial advantage, this is a fraud and kidnapping. "Beyond War"™ and its related products remain intellectual property that are privately owned, and efforts to release or duplicate the claims herein remain a form of criminal activity spanning 2001-2013 in the United States. 

Here he goes trying to protect his Beyond War again...and failing. He doesn't understand that since he has nothing of substance about it, it really doesn't exist except by name. A dozen people can use the title alone (and have!) already. It is no longer his anymore because he did not secure it enough, or give it a reality to be secure in. Boasting and bragging about this wondrous project does nothing. It is just megalomania in its fullest form. 

Recent claims to use Raccoon Technologies Incorporated "Flex"™ hosting brand, in context to $2 billion financial round in Dallas (TX), continue to indicate a "culture of plagiarism and bullying activity" which has now solicted funds from IBM investors for "SoftLayer", and further reduced confidence in the continued efficacy of "The Berne Convention" in the United States for non-corporate entities (individual artists, writers, and small businesses to include privately held companies). It is better to refuse the right to contract with parties engaging in piracy and kidnapping, than to try to argue or enter into Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) attornment and binding mediation as provided by the United States public courts. 

This is more imaginary stuff by Mr. Allen. He is playing his online games at home through this service but nothing more. He cannot hold claim to it, or own it for sure. No one cares about his game playing, or what or how he plays. No one. Please Mr. Allen give it a rest. 

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