Friday, June 14, 2013

Some Observations about our friend Mr. Allen

Mr. Allen was likewise accused by peers of similar claims at a similar age, and local certified psychologists determined he had a genius level IQ, reading at a college level at the age of 11, and selected for advanced placement programs piloted by McFarland in the City of Ada. These skills make the subject an excellent abstract thinker, which can confuse persons with mental disability or personality disorders who are incapable of anything above concrete thought patterns, and appear disjointed to persons with low IQ or substance abuse history (see D. Beal, DUI conviction 2012). 

This is some recently posted rubbish by Mr. Allen making claims that he was college-level in reading skills by the time he was in grade school and possessing an extraordinary high IQ - we completely disagree, and here is why:

In our dealings with him over the many years we have found him to be very limited in his thinking or knowledge base in general. He does not use 'big words' nor concepts in his thinking, reverting instead to a constant use of citing laws and treaties as his version of sounding intelligent. If he were to be so highly intelligent, it would be apparent in his actions, involvements or simply his work but we seen none of this. What we have observed is an average person trying to be above average to get different, or to get attention by others. This is common in delusional types of people, as it fits into their projected view of themselves in the universe, agreeing with their delusions. At the very least Mr. Allen could have been made a member of MENSA to show it, but it actually involves so much more to display extraordinary intelligence. Personally, we have seen all ranges of intelligence over the many years and know the indicators of high or low ranges and he does not posses a high range.

There have been countless cases of people, similar to Mr. Allen in mental illnesses, that perceive themselves to have a 'higher calling' than the rest of man, and to include a high IQ is a part of this framework. Added to this paradigm is the messianic mentality (of which Mr. Allen had displayed many times already) and the Narcissistic perception. If sat down to be tested for IQ, Mr. Allen would not succeed in proving his 'peer' observed intelligence. Sadly, he would likely have an average IQ range (94-105) and little higher. This is not his fault completely, it is genetic as well, and as we can see he is flawed in his DNA terribly. Magnus displays some flashes of higher intelligence at times but they are brief, being so burdened by his own mental illnesses. There will come a time when Mr. Allen must confront his own declining intelligence and mental instability and do something about it. Until then, it is a continual repeat of his words, actions and insistence that he is brilliant. 

We can expect the same average or mean of behavior from Mr. Allen for a long time until his mental illnesses increasingly are worsened in time, and they will be. He will become more dangerous, lashing out physically and not passive-aggressively online anymore. He is not satisfied with his own intellectual performance and that is obvious. His attacks on those with terminal degrees, denying them their accredited degrees, is proof of this. He especially seems intimidated by those (of his stalking victims) with Masters' degrees or higher, and rightfully so because their IQ range is 125+ average, whereas he falls far below them. We were informed that Mr. Allen's obtaining his BS in Clinical Psychology was almost not possible in his last two years of university due to the onset of his serious mental illnesses. His hand had to be held through the final years because he was too mentally incapable. This degree is more symbolic than functional for him since he is not in the industry he tries to persuade others he is in, whether computer programming/gaming or psychology.

We have read how he attempts to belittle those with Masters or PhDs however possible and this is through the obvious intimidation he feels around them, regardless of the topic of expertise. That is the key word - expert. Mr. Allen is not an expert on anything, not even Clinical Psychology since to get anywhere in that field requires a Masters level education or higher, the BS being just a starting point. Mr. Allen has tried to insult those of higher intellect but his words fall on deaf ears. If Mr. Allen was really possessing a higher IQ we think his direction of approach to confront those of a higher education would be better. Otherwise he is just a lunatic screaming at intellectuals, as his sites prove time and again. Essentially, a large portion of Mr. Allen's world is posturing and nothing more. This is his extreme Narcissism acting out, a problem that limits his life.  

We have read and analyzed his words many, many times and do not find them intelligent or sophisticated. He uses the pattern of throwing large legal terms at his readers and remaining completely mysterious in his dealings with computer related matters (due to not being able to perform them skillfully). This assessment here is provisional but still remains wholly factual however. Mr. Allen is by no means of a 'higher intelligence' from others around him, it is his illness speaking, trying to differentiate himself from everyone else in the best way he thinks he can. He has never taught in an academic environment nor remained in one, it is only there for his convenience to use in his hopes to sound authoritative. Many times over he tries to prepare his readers for his 'long essay' style of writing, sounding condescending in the process, but in reality he has cluttered wording, sloppy composition and an overall lack of intellectual formatting. His writings are tedious and largely unnecessary and only confuse the reader into believing early on that he is truly an idiot after all. 

Einstein said it once and it holds true, intelligence is taking the complex and making it simpler. This accords in both practice and writing, two things that Mr. Allen does not understand. He is convinced that to 'sound' intelligent, he must throw many words in his writings, cram them full of legalese and other technical terms and this will do the job. He also clings to nerd culture in hopes that it will make him 'fit in' but it does not. He is not in the ranks of those that have earned their place whatever it might be. He assumes that he can automatically be a part of these groups because he has dabbled in video and table-top games, Dr. Who, etc. Evidence shows on the contrary that nerd culture rejects him soundly, because he is not one of their own, and it is plain and clear this is so. Otherwise Mr. Allen would be fully involved in the 'trade show' aspect (as he puts it) and other involvements within that society, instead he has his pretend game clubs ('Chess with Guns') and other exclusive groups that in the end are only he and Mr. Botelho. During one convention Mr. Allen was given the chance to show his stuff and had a booth. He brought his computer, wore suits, and strutted importantly but in the end he was playing on Spore and ignoring the people that came by, in addition to having nothing to display for his work, he was only going through the motions of appearing important, to feed his Narcissism. 

We find his dialogues tedious and dull, lacking any creative or intellectual fire. He is not of a higher IQ, and barely sustains an average one. We suggest that he take intelligence exams to sort out his mental capabilities rather than make the non-qualified assumption that he is superior to others. He clearly isn't on the professional and creative level alone, that evidence is in abundance. Intellectually he is limited, fitted with a glass ceiling and not seeing that he cannot go farther. If he wishes to dress up as Einstein or another famous genius for Halloween that would be great but to pretend he is daily is not healthy. He is not supplying himself the evidence that he is, and his insistence proves that he has doubt of his own intelligence.    

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