Saturday, June 15, 2013

James Arnold Allen - The Messiah?

If you have been keeping up with the posts today about some of the serious mental illnesses that James Allen has, you should know already that he has had the idea that he was a messiah recently. This is no lie or exaggeration by any means. By 2010 he took the websites down from his servers after his renewed campaign of internet stalking and harassment began on different people who were sure to use this against him.  

There is only one surviving image from that period that was saved and archived but sadly the rest was not saved as easily. He went more often under his assumed 'vampire' personal name Herr Magus Stryx, here is that image:

Since those days he has downplayed this whole 'messiah' thing greatly, trying to dissuade everyone, who doesn't know, that it is propaganda used against him. It clearly is not and he realized too late that his delusions aired online will have repercussions. Now he pretends this 'Herr Magus Stryx' idea is just some LARP phase from the 90's when playing 'Vampire: The Masquerade'. While he and a few others DID play this in the park in Ada, and did so for a short time, it was not just a game for James Allen. In fact, long after the game ended and the players went their ways he continued in the Herr Magus Stryx personal WITHOUT the game. It is assumed, given his Narcissism, that he was the 'Lord' part of the LARP group since it placed him in charge of others who had to appease him. 

Somewhere online there might still remain a copy of his old sites. If so, we will find them and post them here for all to see. It is quite revealing of the person behind it. James Allen also considered running for president and even had his own agenda and sites set up for it, but these all went offline around 2010 once he made serious enemies with his stalking and libel. It is odd that he never took his previous enemies so seriously in that he left these sites online but once the academics were involved...this changed. Now he is out to demonize and belittle (in his own childish way) academics and those who have higher degrees than a Bachelors. Click here for a link to last incarnation of site.

We find it a complete 180 that he has disregarded and ignored his 'Herr Magus Stryx' side since his renewed stalking and attacks in 2009 on. This was a precious idea that he held onto for a decade or more and now he has submerged it under his mountains of accusations and wild theories of conspiracies, an aspect he did in a slightly less quantity before 2009. One wonders where this messianic mentality is now hiding? He cannot assume that he is like everyone else relatively speaking, it isn't in his nature. He was trying in every possible means to obtain true power over others, using his 'kidnapped' boy as the impetus for it. 

The next question is: what manner of messiah was he thinking he was? Jesus reborn? Or perhaps another entity from mythology or from his own narrow imagination? We can only guess. What was gathered from his Herr Magus Stryx sites tells the idea that he could walk through walls, transform into other things, and was a master of nightmares. Added to this was his fondness for thinking he is a warrior, a liberator and hero for the masses. There are some photos of this nature that have been saved, he even has them on his current profile.

Try as he might to convince his few readers that these are just photos of him 'playing around', they are not. Keep in mind that he also believes that Neo on the Matrix is copied from him, and many other characters from movies, TV and literature. These are all part of his delusions and grandiose ego that will never go away. THESE are some of the reasons why he is not allowed to be around his boy, who also suffers from mental illnesses as well. James Arnold Allen, and those who support him and his insanity, are the worst part of society. They are not medicated, nor treated by professionals and believe in what is termed 'magical thinking' of the highest level. 

We could understand if Mr. Allen was a Cosplay participant or still a LARP gamer but he isn't, he dons the patch for appearances, poses in front of the camera and presents a strange image to the public online, an image he doesn't understand displays his mental illnesses. No one is trying to pin the mental illnesses on him to make him look bad, he is providing it himself for us all freely. I know it means seem odd or overwhelming to come across this site being unfamiliar with him and the circumstances around him, but this disturbed person has caused trouble for half a dozen people online and in person for far too long and must be stopped.

It is in our utmost earnest hopes that he fails to pay his Child Support back payment of $6,000 before the deadline and he can finally serve time in jail for being what he is, a Deadbeat Dad. It is highly doubtful that jail-time will humble him, it will keep him from doing more harassments and stalking and that is what matters the most. The rigors of jail-time won't stop his ever-present mental illnesses and might make them worse in the end, pushing him to become homicidal finally, or even suicidal. He exists on a fragile edge of reality at all times and it takes little to nudge him into a Narcissistic Rage as has been proven a thousand times in these many years. 

We wonder what messianic powers he assumes he possesses? If he had them, he should have used them by now to solve his problems, and there are many. As is usual, he doesn't have these abilities and cannot change the events he set in motion many years ago as hoped. 100% of his life is filled with Magical Thinking and this is what guides his image he is trying to project online, underlying it all are his intense mental illnesses. He cannot have one without the other. We challenge anyone to seek out his 'Chess with Guns' gaming club, try to join it and see what happens. These are some of the observations that one will notice:
  • There are no other members at all.
  • The fee to join is outrageous and unrealistic.
  • He is free to do a background check on those who join (paranoia induced), and keep your money if he doesn't like you.
  • They have no regular scheduled events or gaming.
  • Unrealistic criteria for joining combined with lack of place to do so.
Once we know if his older sites are online somewhere we will place them here for posterity and let everyone see how truly crazy he really is, there already is no denying it but it is nice to have more data to supplement it.

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