Sunday, June 16, 2013

Some Thoughts on Mr. Allen and Magnus

One constant point that has been brought up here about Mr. Allen is his boy, Magnus Vincent Allen/Peterson. Mr. Allen has been ranting and on a crusade about getting his boy 'back' after he was supposedly 'kidnapped' in 2001 and how it grieves him to not be the 'father' he should be. We are bored beyond comprehension about this crusade and everything he has posted, and his mind numbing rhetoric...he is never going to get him to watch or look over as a parental figure. Never.

The more that Mr. Allen acts up the less chance he is given to see Magnus, it is that simple, and this brilliant wacko HAS acted up plenty. He has bad mouthed the DHS, DA, Judge Kilgore as well as his usual suspects recently complete with elaborate flow-charts and refreshed conspiracies. Does he think this online passive-aggressive venting goes unnoticed? Why is he surprised that no one wants to help him on his mindless crusade?

We feel, the ONLY time that Magnus may visit his biological father is when Mr. Allen is terminally ill and/or dying in the hospital for some various cause out of mercy but little more. Mr. Allen has left no sign that a visitation under any other circumstance would be advisable, he is too dangerous, more than he was in 2001 to be around. One of our earlier points is that Mr. Allen could not support Magnus if he DID get him back, there is no way it is possible. 

Mr. Allen has no career, expertise or resume with substance to be hired from and provide for Magnus. He can blame everyone he wants but it is up to him solely to rise above the problems, real or imagined, to continue on. His supposed areas of expertise are not readily available to be seen on his websites or otherwise, there is nowhere that it can be found, and with his employment track record he is back to working the loading docks at Wallmart again someday. Not much of a CEO is he? Nope. Big talk does nothing when reality comes screaming in, as it does with debts and other responsibilities.

Mr. Allen is not a responsible individual, but that is obvious already. He blames all hardships on others, anyone that has come across in opposition or negative to him is an enemy instantly. Waaa, what a baby. Mostly everyone has had a hard time in life by others somewhere along the way, but we do not make 50+ websites about it preaching to destroy them or make them suffer by accusations of drugs, child-trafficking, etc. WE GROW UP. 

Mr. Allen, to have the legal authorities take action on others, they must first do something accountable with evidence, otherwise it is just childish nonsense of blame. Remember school? Yeah, like that but now in the adult world. No one has done a single crime you accuse them of ever, and you never will get them for them either because they are not the people you imagine them to be in your delusional mind. This is what happens when you do not take medicine or counseling Mr. Allen, your maddened mind goes wild.

Your enemies' innocence in things bothers you Mr. Allen, and we know it does. You hope that you can pin any crime on them to alert the authorities but it won't work. One DUI or so from them is not enough to get your assumed revenge for what happened in 2001. Now we don't know if he is even reading this or will, but if he does hopefully he can copy/paste it to his records. He hasn't read anything from the past at all advising him on the sensible and sane course of action, that is clear. He never will, his Narcissism and other mental illnesses won't allow it. 

James Allen should just resign his decade long lies of having companies, a game project, etc and get to reality. He lost his boy because he was too insane and it hasn't improved since then. It can only get better if he makes it by effort, by admitting to it and taking the steps to see it through. It won't magically happen. His enemies won't magically get in trouble and be forced to do his bidding and will, Magnus won't magically be returned to him, none of it will ever happen in that way. 


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