Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Better Business Bureau Doesn't Seem To Have Mr. Allen's Company Listed....Hmmmmmm

So with all of his boasting and bragging over these many years, Mr. Allen's 'LLC' has no validation in any business related sources, none. From CISCO to the BBB he is missing from the lists and data bases and this can ONLY mean that he is lying to the world about his companies. This is no real surprise knowing him, but we checked for some measure of credibility or integrity and found none. This of course means that the IRS had a valid reason to approach him over vague and strange tax details in recent times. In his narcissism he ignores the fact that he cannot lie to everyone the same and get away with it.

We decided today to do some searching around on the Interwebz, you could call it stalking a little but it was for real reasons. Mr. Allen has a continued habit of listing his 'businesses' on sites and online phone-books but not with any that would grant him accreditation, thus no CISCO or the rest. He is guilty of perpetuating this most serious lie of them all, a false business front. The very thing that he accuses others of having in his many past posts, referring to them all as 'fake' or laughingly as just 'dba' in nature, he is the most guilty of. Unlike him however, these other business have hosted, organized and performed events and services and there are thousands of customers and witnesses, easily dredged up if needed.

At this moment, looking over his LinkedIn page, he lists NO certifications or valid accreditation from any IT related company or service. Zero. None. He is skirting around the issue. We remember many months ago into last year he claimed he had CISCO certification and even posted it on his sites for a time, now that is gone. Did his run in with the IRS change this? We wonder. To be certified, you have to take registered courses in class-rooms and show the skill in doing it. He can claim many things, as he does normally, but this is where the line is drawn. He is committing the largest fraud of them all (a word he loves to use). It is the usual cliche that the person accusing others of something is more often the person doing it, and Mr. Allen, in his madness, is just that. A fraudulent fake. 

If he had ANY certifications it would appear like this roughly on his wall:

Since he doesn't have any official certifications to prove his expertise in the field of computing and programming, he is wasting peoples' time with his meaningless sites. Pitiful. Any competent and competitive 'expert' in this field would have their certifications up-to-date and never fail in doing so. This is one more major hand that he had in ruining his own so-called companies. How could anyone take him seriously with these lies?


Raccoon Technologies Incorporated (RTI) was formed in May 2009 to compliment partner services of an existing LLC, retail computer service center in Norman (OK), online training services in Oklahoma City (OK), and relationships with British, European Union, Australian, and South American contractors.

The firm acts as the retail publisher for software products, services, and proprietary application licensing of SDP Multimedia Group and its parent company Shadowdancers L.L.C. - Raccoon Technologies Incorporated is a privately held corporation in the State of Oklahoma, based in the City of Ada (OK).

(This was from his site but a search of Raccoon Technologies on CISCO revealed this interesting nugget:)

CompanyRaccoon Tech
Cloud PartnerNone
Cloud and Managed ServicesNone
Services ResellerNone
Cisco Powered ServicesNone
Cisco Authorized PartnersNone
Other Authorizations- Registered Partner
Industry SolutionsNone
OK   74820
Site Address130 N COUNTRY CLUB RD
OK   74820
Phone Number8667992140
Partner sinceLess than 1 year
Partner Description
Business focused on small clients transitioning into Cisco Equipment and security needs for self-hosting via broadband services.

So...knowing this, it brings the question of what manner does he have a 'partnership' with them? Since there are NO specializations listed, how can he? This is all vague and makes us wonder what he did to be listed with them? We know he took no classes to be certified, that is loudly clear. On his same site he has listed his area of 'expertise' interestingly...

3D VisualizationMaxwell, Modo, Zbrush, LW12, etc.
ProgrammingC#, gcc, c++, ASP, PHP, AS3, AIR
VoIP PBXAsterisk PBX, Avaya, Cisco VoIP
Business Dev.Incorporation, CRM, Supply Chain
SecurityPhysical and Network IDS, Response
MMO CRMNiche Market PR & Management
GroupwareCost-effective crypto VoIP + file tx

Mr. Allen, do you even know what the hell you are doing dude? None of this mess on your sites makes sense to us, and we KNOW the IT programming business. He is a liar of the utmost highest order and is lying to the populace about his 'services', so we say, send in the IRS again. Give him some the run through with a complete audit and detail to see what we are dealing with. To add to this, the 'genius' also claims boldly that he is a part of the local Tea Party, also targeted by the IRS. Somewhere is his messy website for that group too, unless he took it offline judging from recent events.

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