Friday, June 14, 2013

More Observations on Mr. Allen

The analysis of James Arnold Allen would take volumes because of his mountain of issues and problems, these brief analyses are to highlight certain key points in his mentality, explaining his rash and foolish actions, and there are many. He was adopted from a teen mother when born, and likely had Alcohol and Drug Fetal Syndrome, this is usual in these cases of sudden adoption from underage mothers. This condition has many traits that are unmistakable, here is a summary of this condition:

Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) is a pattern of mental and physical defects that can develop in a fetus in association with high levels of alcohol consumption during pregnancy. Alcohol crosses the placental barrier and can stunt fetal growth or weight, create distinctive facial stigmata, damage neurons and brain structures, which can result in psychological or behavioral problems, and cause other physical damage. The main effect of FAS is permanent central nervous system damage, especially to the brain. Developing brain cells and structures can be malformed or have development interrupted by prenatal alcohol exposure; this can create an array of primary cognitive and functional disabilities (including poor memory, attention deficits, impulsive behavior, and poor cause-effect reasoning) as well as secondary disabilities (for example, predispositions to mental health problems and drug addiction). Alcohol exposure presents a risk of fetal brain damage at any point during a pregnancy, since brain development is ongoing throughout pregnancy.

Fetal alcohol exposure is the leading known cause of mental retardation in the Western world. In the United States and Europe, the FAS prevalence rate is estimated to be between 0.2-2 in every 1000 live births. FAS should not be confused with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD), a condition which describes a continuum of permanent birth defects caused by maternal consumption of alcohol during pregnancy, which includes FAS, as well as other disorders, and which affects about 1% of live births in the US. The lifetime medical and social costs of FAS are estimated to be as high as US$800,000 per child born with the disorder. Surveys found that in the United States, 10–15% of pregnant women report having recently drunk alcohol, and up to 30% drink alcohol at some point during pregnancy. The current recommendation of the Surgeon General of the United States,the British Department of Health and the Australian Government National Health and Medical Research Council is to drink no alcohol at all during pregnancy.

It is logical to assume that it is highly unlikely that Mr. Allen came out of this with a high IQ, instead he has been given a burden of mental illnesses which have made his life difficult to live. Observe the physical traits indicative of FAS and then in a photo of Mr. Allen (this isn't Marfans as he likes to proclaim):


It doesn't take an expert in medical science to see this correlation. Mr. Allen is the product of FAS when he was adopted over as a newborn. His mind is the worst affected, since childhood. His time spent in the household of the Allen family was turbulent and he was constantly in trouble, not for the usual childhood things but because of his issues. The question stands, has he ever met his actual biological mother? If so, what transpired?

His most apparent mental illness is Narcissism, it permeates his life in every aspect and is not a small problem. It colors his actions, words and endless photos of himself, there is no escaping it. According to the average consensuses on this mental condition, these are the many criteria:

A 2012 popular book on power-hungry narcissists suggests that narcissists typically display most, and sometimes all, of the following traits:[5]

 Literally every example given here is what he exhibits strongly, as though it was written with him in mind. What is more frightening is that he is unaware or wont admit that he has these problems. Mr. Allen is a very disturbed boy and there seems to be no relief in sight.

Hotchkiss identified what she called the seven deadly sins of narcissism:[6]

  • Shamelessness: Shame is the feeling that lurks beneath all unhealthy narcissism, and the inability to process shame in healthy ways.
  • Magical thinking: Narcissists see themselves as perfect, using distortion and illusion known as magical thinking. They also use projection to dump shame onto others.
  • Arrogance: A narcissist who is feeling deflated may reinflate by diminishing, debasing, or degrading somebody else.
  • Envy: A narcissist may secure a sense of superiority in the face of another person's ability by using contempt to minimize the other person.
  • Entitlement: Narcissists hold unreasonable expectations of particularly favorable treatment and automatic compliance because they consider themselves special. Failure to comply is considered an attack on their superiority, and the perpetrator is considered an "awkward" or "difficult" person. Defiance of their will is a narcissistic injury that can trigger narcissistic rage.
  • Exploitation: Can take many forms but always involves the exploitation of others without regard for their feelings or interests. Often the other is in a subservient position where resistance would be difficult or even impossible. Sometimes the subservience is not so much real as assumed.
  • Bad boundaries: Narcissists do not recognize that they have boundaries and that others are separate and are not extensions of themselves. Others either exist to meet their needs or may as well not exist at all. Those who provide narcissistic supply to the narcissist are treated as if they are part of the narcissist and are expected to live up to those expectations. In the mind of a narcissist there is no boundary between self and other.
If you stripped away ALL of Mr. Allen's sites in reference to himself, deleted the countless vanity photos and all other references to being important or powerful, he would not have any material left. His 'business' angle is deceptive on many levels. It presupposes that he is making an income on his activities and is actively in the midst of commerce (in which he is not and is impoverished in reality), and you have to go straight to him for it. There is no 'staff' or help in this vain enterprise, only the insistence that what he is doing is important, highly valued and priced. On a related note, he has admitted a fondness for the Torchwood character Harkness, who is the most Narcissistic and vain character of the show. He is arrogant, tries to be charming and cocky, all traits that Mr. Allen sees in himself, even if they are not true. The internet is the worst place for someone as Narcissistic as he to dwell, he can exploit the opportunities to post photos, make epic statements and even quote himself (something he does often). 

Mr. Peterson was correct in saying in 2001 that Mr. Allen is a monster. He is. Of all of his mental illnesses, this is the worst and most destructive. This illness lost him his boy, his mother and any success in business that he might have contemplated. His skills did not match up with the expectation of his Narcissism and ego and in the end he is nowhere. Surely living in his step-mother's house on borrowed time and on her conditions is a blow to his ego? He must pay the bills to stay, and that is tenuous. In addition to this, with the near constant attention by the OKDHS, police, DA and AG it must be annoying for Ms. Klepper and her patience is running thin. 

Mr. Allen's persistence about the loss of Magnus is not what it appears. This is a strike against him as a person, not for the boy's well-being. Only that Mr. Allen feels slighted in this does it matter. We know he is dangerous to be around for a fact and agree 100%. Magnus is only secondary in this ironically. There is no human way that Mr. Allen could raise or even provide for the boy, we can see this in his own personal life as an example. He blames everyone else for his failures and problems, as a Narcissist would, and cannot even succeed independently, he is not capable. Success comes from hard work and skill, and in some instances luck and timing, he has none of these going for him sadly. So the logic goes - if he cannot provide for himself, he cannot for his son. Mr. Allen is unable to realize his own failings and issues, to confront them, and to improve himself. He clearly assumes that he is perfect already without any other effort needed. Wrong.

His Narcissism won't let things die down or go away, it eats at him. As in the current situation the Attorney General has told him he must do - catch up on $6,000 of child support payments for Magnus' care. If Mr. Allen HAD a successful business, with millions of dollars invested, etc he could come up with the funds for the DHS easily. This is the same situation that arose in the Fall of 2009 when Mr. Young, assuming that Mr. Allen was this rich and powerful businessman as he pretended, could donate some funds for a Halloween convention that was short $2,000. It was tax write off if he did, but instead Mr. Allen became hostile and grew into a resentful monster, stalking and making libelous claims about him. Now, four years later, and Mr. Allen still lists him as trying to 'extort' from him this money, details he never gives, only that he was asked, nicely, to be a part of the event since EVERYONE in OKC assumed Shadowdancers LLC was successful. Case in point - Mr. Allen doesn't have the capital to spend on anything and goes into a Narcissistic Rage when asked. 

Mr. Allen has played the 'I am a successful businessman with a super-secret game project' card too long online and it must end. No one believes it anymore. His Narcissism is starting to give way to time and people are looking passed his illusion created online and briefly in person. The legal system doesn't have time to waste on his lies. If you are reading this Mr. Allen, and got this far, know that no one believes your stories. If they did, they don't anymore, your illusion is over. Now it is time to seek help and get your life together and be an adult. Here is some simple advice for you Mr. Allen, if you want Magnus in your life you have to do these things:
  • Upkeep on your Child Support payments and be in good standing with the DHS in Texas and Oklahoma.
  • Seek Psychological Counseling to find a way to control your mental illnesses, and show with evidence that it works over time.
  • Build integrity and an income with a line of work that is not intangible or vague.
  • Fix your relationships with the members of Ms. Peterson's family to let them know that you are not dangerous anymore.
  • Rebuild your life most of all. You have only a semblance of a life, feeding off of your step-mother like a parasite and expecting things to fall in your lap for free. Life doesn't work that way, you should know that by now. 

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