Sunday, June 23, 2013

Me...Josiah Deutch, It Seems James Arnold Allen's Nemesis! Yay!

Tomorrow dudes I will post a bit about me, perhaps my resume just to let you know more of who I am and why this going on. See, Mr. Allen has been a really bad boy and he isn't wanting to come clean about it to the world. Since he is using the interwebz as his outlet to lie and pass around his delusions, I figure, I will use the same interwebz to tell the truth where he cannot. See, he cannot because is a very mentally ill guy and has no reason to be acting this way if he was as smart as he claims. A genius would be able to seek medical and professional help if his mind is preventing him from functioning at his top level, he could not make rational decisions or maintain his job. Mr. Allen is living in a fantasy world and he doesn't know it, the shame. 

He believes I am some dude that is a felon from a nearby town and he is so far from true in his wild conspiracies. I live in Ada, not far from him actually, close to the plaza where Ross' store is found out, by Macdonalds, just a small drive to Ms. Klepper's house where Jimmy resides on borrowed time...

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