Sunday, June 16, 2013

Father's Day But Not For Wacko

We find it odd that Mr. Allen chose not to include the names of Veronica and Magnus in his former 'Allen Laws' website when he had it online (2009-11) even though he gave all other information freely, much less he did so on his 50+ other websites elsewhere. Why did he not go ahead of let loose there too since he has no problem name dropping whenever he is given a chance?

He tries hard to fight the stigma that he has mental illnesses at every turn, as he is paranoid of what will happen if he just admits he has problems. Of course, given his actual mental illnesses, he tries to appear infallible and perfect, any weaknesses he advertises are circumstantial (like Marfan's) and do not dominate his daily activities. If he truly had these alleged problems we would think that he would live better knowing his life span is so short.

Today is Father's Day but not for Mr. Allen. He has never been a man so how can he be a father? His internet behavior since at least 1998 has been filled with delusional and crazed activity, making enemies everywhere he goes. He was trolling before it was a term online, and we know he has, thanks to the Wayback Machine! His finger-prints online show the same mental illnesses over time but a loss of mental clarity and composure since 2004 on. Before that time, he was writing clearer and more organized but it has since fallen to pieces, the result of his progressive mental illnesses over time.

Until he stops naming people and accusing them of crimes they by no means committed, sites like this won't stop existing either, it is that simple. The facts have to be put out there about this lunatic to protect everyone else who might cross his path someday. It is unfortunate that people like Mr. Allen are allowed to live outside of professional care, because they are delusional and dangerous. He professes to have guns at his house, and has a burning hatred for people that barely know or deal with him, people that he has listed many times on many sites over the years (including those who make this site). James Arnold Allen is dangerous.

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