Sunday, June 16, 2013

Perhaps We Should Give This The 'Blacklight'?

Oh, the good old days of playing Eve Online and being involved with 'Magnus Stryx' (as he called himself on the game). He was trying to 'host' it on one end while talking about 'free speech' on the other as he tried to ban me and others for playing it in our own particular way. He has no idea how deep our connections go from then to now...

Sadly my character and account are gone, mainly because of adult world concerns and the game ruining its magic after a while. James Allen was being an arrogant Narcissist then too I remember, the same twit he is today unchanged. The only difference is that he is more insane now than ever. I knew my references to booze and drugs would push his delicate buttons - and they did! He went over the top and went running to the EO admin to get me taken off of there as soon as possible. This really didn't work, I had other accounts and characters, I mean, who does Magnus Stryx think that 'Lord Zap' was? Duh.

Being that Mr. Allen, or Stryx, was trying to act so prudish and authoritative, it was easy to push his buttons and since he wasn't an admin to this MMO he was powerless. Still is. He wasn't really hosting this since it was already on the EVE servers and site, he was just pretending to be someone important - again. 

I happen to find this old remnant from his Shadowdancer's site from 2004 about the whole mess and it reminded me of those good days:

"Industrial Drug Hoover" - But Boosters Are All He's on now...
This bio, revised Dec 13th 2004, replaces the old bio promoting use of booze and IV drugs. With due credit, it's much better, but still doesn't get around the basic fact that Blacklight has promoted himself in the past on a pro-drug platform and reportedly lied and bullied his way along in Eve at the expense of other players and the game itself.

Now a good fight is fine by me, and between Lord Zap and the old m0o corp - Snigg - LOD - and even DIE, a few honest threats with a little action are fun. But I draw the line at being lied about and bullied on false pretenses, as have been all my encounters with Blacklight over a year of playing Eve. His corp-mate BARF also called our merchant a scammer for returning 88M isk to another player (who themselves afterward admitted fault due being a real scammer). CCP then reacted to a complaint by the publisher of the drug-language bybanning the reporting account for one day. The ban was extended to from 12-13-2004 to 12-17-2004 (one week) for this report, showing CCP support for the language extending even to a format outside their product.

The information posted on Blacklight's IRL identity relating to the promoting drug use in a T for Teen game served it's purpose: to get his attention and effect change. Both in the new (less specific) bio and hopefully in his attitude toward people in game. As the scammer said to me in our convo, some people feel it is ok to act any way you want 'since this is only a game'. That's as sorry an excuse as 'I was just following orders' - which is our underlying grief against BNC policy and behavior under Blacklight.

Moral: "It's only a game just doesn't limit liability or guarentee anonymity"

Okay, what part of T for TEEN does this guy fail to understand?

"Industrial Drug Hoover" - Booze, intravenous drugs.

The title and bio say it all, Blacklight is promoting drug use and terminology in this bio. He has amassed a large in-game following in the T for Teen (ages 13 and up) interactive game Eve Online. It should come as no surprise, since finding a station in outer ring bearing the term 'Minmatar Hooker' in its title that using drug terminology isn't very far off the mark. For those who want to know, probably because you have kids of your own, to the best of our knowledge Blacklight's... [RELATED INFORMATION REMOVED AT THE BEHEST OF CCP BY ACCOUNT BAN OF THIS REPORTER]

CCP has presently banned the reporting player's account from 12-12-2004 to 12-16-2004 for relating what they consider IRL information associated with the BNC organization and this bio, thereby taking active steps to protecting the identity of its author and his online behavior through direct punative action.

To the best of our knowledge, pushing alcohol and IV drugs or promoting them toward Ages 13-17 is a crime in England and the USA. Now CCP hasn't taken action to remove Blacklight's language from their game, EVE Online, for over one year. After the ban the revised bio features a winking smilie, and appears to have suffered no such account ban despite content. This is consistent with a past tolerence for drug themes in EVE.

If our 'No Drugs' policy has offended CCP enough to issue an account ban over this article, we can always go to the general media. The bio to the left is an actual game screenshot from EVE ONLINE, unedited in any way other than cropping. Before buying EVE for your children this Christmas, consider that this player is waiting for them online.

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