Monday, June 24, 2013

A Little Summary About Humble Me - Josiah Deutch

Well, where to start? I was born in Ada in September 13th, 1981 to a moderately well-to-do family and had an average childhood, nothing too amazing or traumatic. I went to Washington for my primary school, before the renovations, and then to Jr. and High school at Byng like everyone else from this small town of 16,500 people. 

During those years I was always tinkering with my father's electronics and taking apart the Atari system to see how it works. I knew then my calling was different from my peers, everyone else was into the same stuff in the 80's and for most of the 90's but not me. By the time that the first Commodore computers were available I was already programming, learning the codes almost in a month. In three months I had my first game designed, keep in mind dudes this was around 1989-90. Unlike our friend Mr. Allen, who lives in a make-believe world, I CAN prove my words. 

In these early years of High School I remember James Allen and his small crowd of rejects, they wore black and followed him around as though he was someone important. I know that what made him important to the others was simply a book - Vampire: The Masquerade.

Mr. Allen and his group played this at the park often, running around acting like vampires in their minds, the only difference is that he believed he was one, Herr Magus Stryx, and that the others were his followers. My friends and I would catch them there often, with Mr. Allen in his black duster coat trying to be dark, we thought it was ridiculous and laughed about it often. I am into gaming, not this kind, but understood the idea, unfortunately Mr. Allen took it too far. This game fed into his Narcissism and other mental illnesses like crazy! He was not only the Vampire Prince, he was for real (in his head). I saw him many times there playing, probably about five or six times, and he never even noticed. 

By the time college came about, I went to Southeastern University to get a bachelors in something, I wasn't sure what at the time. Lo and behold Mr. Allen was there too! Years later. He was getting his Clinical Psychology degree but he had to have loads of help, mainly by Ms. Scarborough. I later found out that Mr. Allen's mental illnesses were beginning to be a severe problem in this time (late 90's) and were making him incapable of functioning like a normal student. He was by no means a genius or brilliant, but in fact struggling, this is shown by his GPA of 3.2 (not that impressive for someone claiming to be 'genius' level intelligence). To see a discussion about Mr. Allen as Genius look in earlier posts.

I tore through my college time fast, earning my BS in Computer Sciences and Minor in Business and ending with a GPA of 3.9 I must boast (and I don't claim to be a genius). Quickly I was hired to do IT work in town over the next four years, going from business to business acquiring my experience and growing network of contacts. Ada, for its size, has a lot of jobs for someone so skilled, it is odd that Mr. Allen could not find these opportunities, but then again he is a fake or poser too. I worked T1, T2, and T3 servers, programming and on the side kernel dynamics to begin on my own OS in these years. I routed networks, media services and more as a grunt working my way up the ladder of importance and skill. 

I fell in love and married my (now) separated wife Angelina in 2002, a little young I know, but quickly we made a family and lived for a while like a normal couple. Within three years we had two children, a boy (Reginald) and girl (Ally), and a nice apartment in town but eventually she and I were at odds and fell apart. To make a long story short, we split in 2008, and then returned to split again later in 2010, our babies only just four and three years old by this time. Here they are in a picture on a trip to Alaska (she now has them in Oregon with her parents):

In 2003 I was CISCO certified and earned my other IT specializations as well locally and nationally. If I remember right, I did a check on Mr. Allen's certifications to verify he has them and found NONE. Yet, on his plentiful websites he is saying that he has this lying? Yes, it is. Yes. Jimmy seems to use the 'I will dazzle them by nonsense' rhetoric, hoping that his semi-technical sounding words will suffice to convince strangers of his qualifications but that isn't how it works. Endless websites promising skill sets and products means little when an actual customer comes forward, that is the true test, and he has failed to deliver over and over. We have tested this recently and he seems to always have an excuse for not being able to deliver said service (out of stock, stalkers harassing him, etc). So yeah, he is a fake.

By the year 2006 three of my closest friends and I started our own computer game designing firm, CrypTease with the goal of creating fun and innovative projects to sold to the big companies like EA Games, etc when the time came. You can see us (me on the left) from one of our first publicity photos taken in Boston in 8/12/06:

Using the standard programming paradigms of the time (now outdated greatly), we began on our first game, a vampire FP setting honoring ironically 'Vampire: The Masquerade'. In a year we had the environment programmed but had yet to figure out the correct method and approach to the Engine or OS within it, there were many options out there and then I came upon an idea for an AI that no one had thought of. Here are some of the still from version Beta 3.5 of this game:

These eventually made their way into the actual Vampire: The Masquerade computer game obviously as our ideas were sold and we gained capital for the company and a reputation. Keep in mind that Mr. Allen and his make believe companies and project 'Beyond War' were STILL not anywhere tangible in all of these years, and more excuses were given as to why. A list of 'suspects' were given, their crimes against him and histories about why to justify him not producing this promised work after so long. 

By 2011 I was tired of hearing his stories and hallow promises online but never seeing anything. Living in Ada, it was gradually harder to avoid hearing the derogatory mentions of Mr. Allen. He has many names given to him by people, as I found out into Texas and in other places in Oklahoma too, he had made many enemies in his years. Seeing the opportunity, I realized that he had not filed a copyright or trademark as he claims on his recent sites, he was lying in order to protect his lame and dead project. So, I took his bits and pieces and put them together in a form that would be presentable to another firm. After making his lame creative and sloppy work usable, I amazingly sold it to Splitscreen Studios in Germany for a measly $80,000, and this was after three months of deliberation too. It took some business savvy to sell it because it was so bad, no lie dudes. These pieces of Beyond War were assimilated into Splitscreen's main MMO game 'Pirate Galaxy' and now are a fitted and permanent part of this game, if you look you can find it here and there and we are honored greatly. Meanwhile Mr. Allen swears he owns it all and that it has been an act of stealing trade secrets, etc (which it is not).

Now, after my correspondence briefly with Mr. Allen, alerting him to the error of his ways and how he lost out on his own project to the grinding wheels of business, I am now a part of his elaborate conspiracies, honored with a flow-chart about me! All of it wrong of course. But he thinks that he has done a good job of researching, sadly not even close to the truth. I am now listed in his lists of foes and enemies, a criminal and bad guy...AND THAT IS COOL. Here is my flow-chart!

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