Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Is Jimmy like Einstein?

'I could have been wrong, and like Einstein, failed to leave when I could have – when I should have – for my own safety.'

Finding his old blog is both a mixed blessing and curse. One is reminded how truly insane James Arnold Allen is, with his wild, endless rants trying to wax political and economic (or deep) on one end, and also realize that he is still not put away for them, as he should be on the other. It is remarkable how insane he is, for on this very blog he even posts a LONG rant about Narcissism, his primary mental illness, and is attempting to dissuade everyone that he has the condition. He fails utterly of course, being caught up in his own words wanting to do the equivalent of hearing himself speak. His long-winded posts are meaningless when analyzed, they are full of minced words, condescending tones, arrogance and his ever-present Narcissism.  On one post he even seems to love the idea of being called 'Professor'! Mwahaahahaha!

Simply put, there is no doubt or surprise in that James Allen lost his son's custody to the mother. One look over his many sites and you can see that he is mentally unbalanced and unable to focus, only out to achieve a few things:

a.) Remind everyone how much better/important/smarter he is than they.
b.) Groan and complain about being a 'victim' to his 'abusers'.
c.) Lie about his 'big companies' and being a CEO
d.) Often consider himself an innovator or the inspiration behind something major.

Reading through his lengthy posts, one gets a feeling that he is talking to himself ultimately because no one else will talk to him, or be his friend. Without the internet, Mr. Allen would completely crack. He must feel deep down that his words are being read by millions, that the demagogue in him is valued by the masses due to the fact that potentially the world could find his sites and posts. This is not the reality however. Only his stalking/libel victims and the law care to look over his words, no one else cares. Look at how modest he is here: 

In college, I was compared to Carl Jung – for his notorious essays of great breadth and detail with circular tangents that lost many readers before making their point. Against prejudice, religious dogma, and public sentiment bent on impressing their own ideas on the afterlife and human rights despite any evidence to the contrary or outcry by a small but vocal minority, Jung had to choose his words carefully. Like Einstein, contemporary scholars were in no mood for dissent or undermining advice against their hard fought and bitterly paid formal education. It is in just such an environment I raise my hand and speak to you today – though a full century has passed – for the basis of human nature and human civilization to resist change and disassemble dissent remain.

James is not a businessman, philosopher, author, game designer or any of the things he often wants to claim, most of all he is not a father. He even has the audacity to claim that his stepdaughter was kidnapped from him, no less by the little girl's own mother. There seems to be no limits to the reach of his insanities when he is seeking attention or sympathy. From 2005, the main peak of use of this blog, to the present Mr. Allen remains completely nuts. His endless rants about how important he thinks he is has gone down dramatically only to be replaced by massive conspiracies. Along with this change are his mind-warping comparisons to stars, famous people and other important figures in history, and that is good in a way. His messianic delusion is hidden for the time under paranoia and fear.

Another example of his humble, 'I am so important' nonsense is:

Last week, before a fight broke out not involving me, I was called several things in casual conversation. CIA operative. Narc. Revolutionary. Racist. Terrorist. Philosopher. For a night ending in an invitation to new friends followed by at least 3 fights, it was a fairly good evening. Instigator might be another word, but I had less to do with starting these events than in stopping them before anyone was hurt. Talk is dangerous. The names used were but a few in casual conversation looking for that spark of distraction to dull the pain of an ordinary life for someone else – an uneventful life in what they believe to be uninteresting times. To each charge I turned to conversation, gave reason and persuasion, and eventually elicited the true feelings which met with strange but heartfelt respect from my antagonists. Neither revolutionary, racist, police state agent, nor radical applied in thorough examination – though I might hold on to ‘philosopher’.

It is doubted such a conversation ever took place for several reasons, first he has no friends, and second he would quickly overwhelm people with his non-stop insanity and they would never call him these things. We think other words are more appropriate here to define him but you already know them. Has James ever led a revolution in anything? Not that we remember. In fact, does anyone even know he exists to worry about him? No. He has no deep thoughts, or profound creativity. There is no fire there to exist regardless of strife and push on, he is too weak. His failed Beyond War is proof of that, and his false businesses. He must spend  his endless days roaming around his step-mother's house plotting new conspiracies, piecing together elements that don't belong, and forming links that should never be joined. Pitiful. 

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