Saturday, June 15, 2013

Early Proto-Type of Wacko's 'Goth Police' Site

» VoIP and phone Internet Support
» Server Management & Linux
» Business Creative Services
» Exclusive Content Hosting
We are experimenting with various SNS and email hosting technology at this site. Changes and actions may be intermittent during this development for integrated services.

The Goth Police is a community project of Shadowdancers LLC, building a community of Old Guard Goth Culture exclusive from socialist influence and narco-trafficking potheads in clown makeup.If you are sick of pretentious little Hot Topic mall goths, slimy pedophiles, and balding DJs, come right in. We have just the right table for you with security and privacy.
Membership includes real-world email @ and a private profile, secure voice chat, and PKI-enabled identity.
Beyond a world of criminals and socialist threats that feel more like High School than a classy scene, older shadows endure.

Simply give us your name and email address for details:

What we find hilarious here is that little Jimmy is considering himself the preserver and bastion of the 'Old Guard' of Goth culture while trying to insult the actual active participants in Oklahoma at the same time. What is confusing is that he is too young to be someone trying to achieve this goal since there were two major periods of Goth culture in modern society (the original from the late 70's the early 80's, and during the early 90's. Jimmy would have been scarcely in High School during the second period, and although this isn't unlikely that he was 'into' it, it seems that he trying to be Narcissist in control again. James Allen wouldn't know 'Goth' from 'Screamo' or 'Industrial' and definitely would be oblivious to the many nuances in the music. He is again to direct others to him as their sole 'savior' while remaining separate from society. 

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