Thursday, June 6, 2013

Our 1991-2013 History & Competitor Fraud Explained

Established in 1991 as "SHADOWDANCERS PRESS" and later contracting with Oklahoma Small Business Develompent Corporation and Garrett Book Company of Ada (OK) as "SHADOWDANCERS DIGITAL PRESS" in the mid-1990s, our firm was incorporated in 1998 as a limited liability company in the State of Oklahoma.

Since then, many dedicated efforts to knowingly infringe upon and impersonate our brand by competitors and criminals have damaged the public in context to the 2001 August 11th abduction for extortion and concealment of the son of our company founder.

This abuse is in direct violation of a COURT ORDER, itself rendered by a Texas Court by two attorneys (neither the attorney of the defendant, nor ever present before the defendant or his attorney) and a judge while the defendant was restrained and prevented from entry to the court due to obstruction and theft of summons after arson and physical intimidation to interefere with the defense and trial.

This brutal war crime under color-of-law enacted without any due process in a criminal denial of civil rights supported by the United States and STATE OF TEXAS in fraud and false claim of child abandonment contrary written confession of child kidnapping and concealment framing the abductor's ongoing commercial stalking and harassment of our staff and officers by the abducting parties and their commercial partners in Texas, Oklahoma, and Michigan.

The abductors continue to hold the child in complete concealment for 11 years - violating the court order and for $108,000 USD and demands to seize the legal property and intellectual trademarks of this firm in extortion and ransom activity in written letters.

This plan to premeditatedly conceal the child was testified to as fact by Donald J. Beal under oath October 31 2012, and a State of Oklahoma County Assistant District Judge referred the matter to Federal Civil Court, claiming no jurisdiction to stop a kidnapping by fraud or enforce a court order for return of the baby despite regional enforcement by letters threatening arrest and confiscation of property.

These threats of illegal action were based on explicit claims outside the court order alleging non-payment of the monetary value ($108,000 USD + $250,000 USD + $2000 USD) of the same court order, contrary the report of child kidnapping for extortion and denial of right to ever face the accuser or hear any evidence supporting child abandonment or loss of contact in the previous hearing at any time and ongoing (2001-2012) death threats supporting the childs abduction and concealment in writing signed by the non-parental abductor.

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