Thursday, June 6, 2013
2013 June 5th
Discovery October 16th 2012 revealed the 12 year (August 11 2001 to present) concealment with premeditated intent to kidnap and extort, of the child named in court order # 01-17702-R, in context to threats to steal and resell "Beyond War"™ made September 2012 in extortion threats by Donald J. Beal of ROBERT HALF TECHNOLOGY in Dallas Texas, supporting the taking for concealment of that child and refusal of contact for 11 years or more (2001-2005 in care of D. Beal), in addition to registration of domains to threaten and damage the commercial business and venture investment in "Beyond War", has been produced.
This order, concealed despite demand of habeas corpus issued to the STATE OF TEXAS and STATE OF OKLAHOMA and respective agencies thereof, shows that a previously unknown attorney was appointed by the court to represent the child in a civil lawsuit alleging "abandonment" against the father, and did there substitute himself for the defenant (also appearing, with separate attorney) without consultation or consent of the defenant or witnesses prepared at that time to allege kidnapping - to enter into the record a claim of full evidence having been submitted (despite having no knowledge of the prior 2 hearings or refusal to permit such pleadings or disclosure or discovery) which did not take place under Texas District Judge Miller's direct instruction and with her full knowledge.
As a result of this fraud, the child has been concealed for 10 years consecutively (2001-2013), numerous threats issued to purposefully sabotage the limited liability company of the defenant by the abducting party, and fraud to violate Oklahoma State criminal law (41A O.S. 41A-5-104) repeatedly committed in the kidnapping for ransom and extortion and blackmail of the child.
The child, abducted from the father August 11 2001 by Donald J. Beal in a planned fraud after $10,000 USD was taken as surety of no such threat or dissent in the continued relocation of the family as a unit to the State of Oklahoma (father's state) from the State of Texas (mother's state), is reportedly being medically treated with NO CONSENT OR EFFORT TO INFORM THE FATHER OF ANY ILLNESS OR INJURY by the mother, in violation of the court order and suspected welfare fraud. The child has been accused by DONALD J. BEAL of being mentally ill, in furtherance of such fraud before the court under oath and to express eugenics views to justify a stated plan by the plaintiff and Beal to conceal from the child all information and evidence of the biological father ordered POSSESSION and JOINT MANAGING CONSERVATORSHIP of this child, and such activity kidnapping on face value pursuant to the court order and rights enumerated therein.
The abducting parties (direct actors, concealing family, and commercial partners in record and documents obtained in private investigation of the ongoing threats) have on numerous occassions endorsed others to threaten the father and have on 3 occassions published fraudulent written claims of a commercial nature using the identity of the father (full legal name as domain name) or "Beyond War" trademark, to threaten and intimidate the victim and his family and witnesses to the crime to remain silent and not report or dissent in the failure to SURRENDER THE CHILD AS ORDERED for 11 consecutive years. The family of the child is now calling for International Intervention in this matter, due to criminal negligence by the STATE OF TEXAS, STATE OF OKLAHOMA, and UNITED STATES in the ongoing concealment, blackmail, extortion, espionage, sabotage, and stalking (18 U.S.C. 2261A defined) using computer networks (18 U.S.C. 1030) in onging violation of International Law (CPPCG 1988, defined in but not fully expressed by 18 U.S.C. 1091 and 42 U.S.C. 1981).
These actions fall under a "criminal terrorist hoax" (Oklahoma Anti-Terrorism Act, section 3 b) and numerous other State, Federal, and International crimes, which are described as war crimes in the International Treaty "The Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide" and waive all immunity for civil, criminal, and jurisdiction related protections and limitations on litigation pursuant that treaty. Formal complaint has been submitted and is being suppressed by the UNITED STATES and its STATE OF TEXAS, in ongoing abuse in this matter, and such actions directly blocking the development of the project established in 1996 documents as "BEYOND WAR" (a video game using early-stage cloud computing and distributed computing innovations) in criminal activity and Interstate racketeering, so described under 18 U.S.C. 1961 and 1951, and prohibited under 42 U.S.C. 1981-1989 in context to extortion under color of law violating 15 U.S.C. 1673 in collection by STATE OF OKLAHOMA and STATE OF TEXAS employees aiding in this abuse.
Network abuse by trusted administrators under the guise of legitimate business in context to a child kidnapping appears to be the ongoing claim of this group, and their relationships violate requirements of non-profit activity, link the abusers via allegedly charitable and politically neutral (barred from political activity) financing entities such as National Public Radio (present in the Gebhardt Broadcasting LLC and 104.7 FM "The Rocket" employees acts of terrorism and self-described "spokesman" positions in this kidnapping to deceive the public for commercial sabotage and espionage activity in letters threatening and threats from 2009-2012), and demonstrate how high-technology publicly traded firms can be infiltrated and trusted positions abused by sociopaths and persons with personality disorders, frequently marked by the use of "mental health fraud in public allegations" to justify criminal activity and damage witness credibility in serious (war crime) activity.
Abuse of media administration to target a person, to silence them, and to deprive them of career opportunity by defamation in pursuit of the termination of their parental rights (28 U.S.C. 1738A e) without legal cause, in violation of previous court order, and in taking of their family members as hostages - constitutes a serious (war crime, terrorism) level of violence which requires military response to arrest prior substantial irreparable and serious mental and emotional and physical harm is done. In this case, 12 years of ongoing abuse without trial or due process of any kind afforded the victim, contrary recognition of the parent and his rights, and obstruction by the STATE OF TEXAS and STATE OF OKLAHOMA and UNITED STATES (in which Greg Abbott actually plead "Sovereign Immunity" when sued in class action, in defense of personal criminal liability for his inaction and threats, in the "MARK BITARA et al VS STATE OF TEXAS" legal action on behalf of the victim). Such pleas are waived per Federal Law, and failure of the UNITED STATES to act citing fear of liability for $10 million USD in civil damages or more, so upheld by refusal to recognize parents as having any enumerated rights by the 4th District Federal Court (MARK BITARA et al VS UNITED STATES) only further incriminate and delay the execution of justice in this matter, along with all damages, pursuant to the International Law (The Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, 1988 U.S. Congress ratified UCC treaty placing the matter and subject under 'common law' and waiving right to 'public policy' or any 'Sovereignty' claims in that document).
Despite duress, Shadowdancers L.L.C. and Raccoon Technologies Incorporated contiue their efforts to develop and publish "Beyond War" privately, and have faced numerous blatent attempts by persons directly endorsed by the abductors of the child to hijack, steal, resell, re-brand, and claim credit for artwork, intellectual property, and patent-troll tactics to infringe upon the previous trade secrets and patent-grade work of the firm using the child as a hostage, repeatedly disrupting business so described under "The Oklahoma Anti-Terrorism Act" and "The Oklahoma Anti-Trademark Infringement Act". This activity is considerd criminal, premeditated, organized, and the parties were found in 2011 to be in joint busuiness activity at Gebhardt Broadcasting LLC in conjunction with major (large capital foreign) firms representative divisions in Michigan and California, and BDSM-lifestyle and transgender community websites and event promoters in Tulsa (OK), New York City (NY), and Dallas (TX).
With no disrespect to the LGBT community, the criminal element and abuse of such community networks to promote, incite, support, and abuse the developer (a single bisexual father and prior sole support for the child and family for 12 months) from whom the child was taken out of DALLAS COUNTY and concealed then in DENTON COUNTY (TX) and fraud to conceal this admitted (2003 Sept 20) taking of a newborn baby for commercial ransom and extortion, the interference and impersonation of our products and direct identity theft to incite violence against our staff underlines active HATE CRIMES (18 U.S.C. 249) and civil rights violations (18 U.S.C. 242, 1201, 1202, 1513) in the State of Okalhoma and State of Texas, aided by malicious criminal fraud and foreign financial venture capital linked to child sex trafficking and child recruiting and 'grooming' activities in the Midwestern United States, New England, and East Coast.
The developers of "Beyond War"™ take these allegations very seriously, and after numerous attacks from networks in Japan linked to Michigan counterparts jointly operating domains with the abductor and (an Open Society Foundation 501(c)3 NGO in the State of California, sharing a Director with the for-profit firm in Michigan in the same industry), as well as attacks from other major Internet Service Providers such as "The Planet" (now SoftLayer Technologies Inc., a division of IBM as of June 4th 2013), the very real aspect of child sex trafficking by developers of major utilities in network and data systems are established elements of criminal activity similar to mortgage fraud and securities fraud which the UNITED STATES appears inept and incapable of combatting at present via the U.S. Department of Justice and other rural unsophisticated local, State, and Federal law enforcement agencies.
Western Law Enforcement appears incapable of investigation or witness protetion in their effort to dismiss the severity of this activity as a civil or domestic issue aggravated by Internet technology and ease-of-abuse, and have forced our office to adopt firearms and force protection measures in the United States to remain operational under such conditions and in spite of violation of a court order constituting kidnapping for ransom, fraud by a District Court in false record, false trial without due process or right to face the accuser (defendant held in courthouse during proceeding, refused entry during entire proceeding, refuse right to plea mistrial or other claim in conference with judge after hearing, refusal to provide defendant court order for 10 years on demand paired with threat of arrest and loss of freedom should he enter the State in pursuit of the record himself by Texas Attorney Greg Abbott's Office in written letter).
As the court order shows by clearly enumerated rights being violated in criminal and premedtiated fraud to extort under false cause and claims related commercial advantage, this is a fraud and kidnapping. "Beyond War"™ and its related products remain intellectual property that are privately owned, and efforts to release or duplicate the claims herein remain a form of criminal activity spanning 2001-2013 in the United States.
Recent claims to use Raccoon Technologies Incorporated "Flex"™ hosting brand, in context to $2 billion financial round in Dallas (TX), continue to indicate a "culture of plagiarism and bullying activity" which has now solicted funds from IBM investors for "SoftLayer", and further reduced confidence in the continued efficacy of "The Berne Convention" in the United States for non-corporate entities (individual artists, writers, and small businesses to include privately held companies). It is better to refuse the right to contract with parties engaging in piracy and kidnapping, than to try to argue or enter into Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) attornment and binding mediation as provided by the United States public courts.
This is genocide. It is non-negotiable, not subject to arbitration or mediation, and warrants International criminal prosecution in a pattern of taking of property and reputation similar to the abuses inflicted upon the Native Americans by previous U.S. and State governments. No crime is being committed by the report or plea of the victim in such duress, or any commercial party impacted by threats upon such violation of an established and fundamentally well recognized court order and topic of human rights. Whereupon witnesses have been threatened and all investigation on reports attesting to rape and violence against family members to suppress this claim posted to the victim who is deprived of his ordered entitled rights for a price or fee, in excess of income, and in combination to sabotage his income publicly for the purpose of criminalizing him and perpetually blocking his human rights, there can be no question as to the right to attest to the crime before the public. [Oklahoma Constitution, Article II section II-3 and II-22; II-34 protections from abuse by the court or legal process]
In the course of 2011, direct targeted threats have been sent to Citizens in the nation of Canada, Scotland, Australia, and against Citizens of the United Kingdom who were resident (permanently) in the United States of America, by the abductors in direct context to ongoing extortion and identity theft and fraud activity supporting this child kidnapping. Impersonation of persons of German citizenship and Republic of Germany corporations (GmbH) to execute the fraud in 2011-2012 in letters of $250,000 USD extortion further underline the International criminal nature of the abducting parties in Texas, Oklahoma, Michigan and their business associates in the State of New York, State of Arkansas, and State of California involved in this ongoing criminal hoax to conceal and ransom a child and sabotage a pre-established (1991) United States limited liability company using the 2001 birth and abduction of a newborn baby from the owner of that firm.
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