Saturday, June 8, 2013

Josiah's First Letter to Me.

From: Josiah Deutch <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2012 11:23 PM
Subject: Mr. Allen, you cant be serious?

Mr. Allen,

It has been a year since I first contacted you on Facebook and I see that you have built a conspiracy around me now too. Bored? How is your project going? Judging from what I see on your websites you have MORE excuses on why it has failed. Blaming other people, the ones you obsess over and stalk, and that is not professional, not at all. You cite endless reasons why this and why that, but you and I know they are lies and delusional rants, a smoke screen for the fact that you cannot produce a shred of substantial work in your name to your credit. No bother, I have taken the liberty to do so myself. Remember my up-and-coming company from Ada? The one that I offered to have you a partner on the ground-floor level and you turned it down? Yeah, well that was a big mistake on your part. Now we are corporate and invested with plenty of product to come.
I have taken your failed 'Beyond War' project and incorporated it in 'Pirate Galaxy'. Millions of people now play it and experience various touches of your failed project for real. Remember, the corporate world is an aggressive place and no has room for meek wimps. With our investors and sponsors, we have an army of lawyers and fear no one. Your ideas were infantile and poor but we spiced them up, added some adrenaline and lots of creativity, and now those races and technologies you thought you envisioned are now owned by us. I am one step away from telling our lawyers to have your site shut down for infringement on our rights. Give me a reason not to. Surely you can dig through those endless laws, treaties and statutes to find something to save you? Well, not really...
See, you said you were working on this 'project' since 89 or was it 90? You change your story so often. At that point you were in High School still and had no access to advanced computing or the skills, much less the company you claim you have. The documentary history of your project is not consistent or realistic. You keep changing its 'facts' to suit your lies and forget that other people are watching and studying. Legally you have made a mess for your self in this. Because you do not want to post any play-test models, text group results, cataloging of setting and ideas to any extent, afraid that they will be stolen, you have also denied yourself evidence that it is in fact yours. You could easily and quickly fabricate anything you want, plant a date on it, and say it is your own if you needed. THAT is not how one retains legality of said materials. Where are your plans, designs, sketches? Don't have them? Yeah...
So I took what little you had, plugged into an MMORPG that is already in operation ('Pirate Galaxy') and let it do the rest. Our company works under Splitscreen Studios now as support and is integrating your defunct project into something valid. Cool beans dude! I get paid for it AND take the credit too. You want to wrestle this free from Splitscreen Studios? Good luck.

Josiah Deutch
Head Executive Programmer
Splitscreen Studios
22,765 Hamburg,
info [at]
Fax: +49 40 39906458

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