Friday, June 7, 2013

Jamie Elena, my alias when I go out on the town.

Usually I go to OKC with a small group of others who are in the Tranny crowd for the weekend now, we hit all of the hot-spots in our rounds and always end up in some after parties, interesting ones. As Jamie Elena I can get away with more under the guise of makeup and clothes that I could not as James Arnold Allen, the CEO.

Having since discovering the purpose of the Pink Triangle and the colors for the Transgender scene I now know how to identify them and post them on my own sites. No longer am I am in the closet on this! It takes strength to admit and confess one's life changing affirmations and I cannot hide it, not with my decade of fibs being uncovered and finally laid to rest by my opponents. I must continue on in my new life as Jamie Elena Allen. THIS is why I have not been seen out of the house often, I will not go out as James Arnold anymore, it is not my correct life choice.

Shadow Dancers LLC was not chosen by mistake but I have not been truthful about its origins. It is not connected to some spiritual Native American source, but is derived from Andy Gibb's 'Shadow Dancing' song, a tune popular with the Gay Club scene at the end of the Disco era. The Bee Gees were the staple music for the scene and I grew up hearing up as a child. It is only right that I honor that in my company.

As Jamie Elena I feel liberated and empowered. I can strut and show off my stuff and attract the kind of men that I wanted to be when I was one. During my first stage of this I experimented with red hair, this didn't turn out bad but it wasn't my thing.

I am happiest with my new look, the one that I stick with now, what do you think? Let me know please, and if you live near Ada, I can give you my address and we can meet sometime, maybe go out. Sound good?

I do not have a lot of photos from this session but I will post more soon to show you my transformation from James Arnold Allen to Jamie Elena Allen over the years. 

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