Saturday, June 8, 2013

CrypTease and Beyond War

More damage control eh dude? It isn't working. Beyond War is now our intellectual property and everything to do with it, well really it is now in the hands of Splitscreen in Hamburg, but they paid us well for it. The contracts were lengthy and tedious, but success is a lot of work. As for your business, it is a joke. It isn't real. Wake up. ALL of your photos on your profile are so egotistical and Narcissistic. Only someone wanting to be appearing...appearing important would waste that time, and for nothing. You can't project an image of being someone if you are not, people can see right through the smoke. I read your posts, failed mockery and ridicule and it reads sadly. And no, I have no 'man-crush' on the likes of you sissy-boy. Not even a gay guy would want you! Don't flatter yourself.

I can assume that you have a crush on ALL of the people that you are stalking and writing about then? Right? How about that Cryptease link you gave? Not ours? We took the site down in Feb/2012 after the deal with Splitcreen came through, effectively they bought us out. No problem there. Our project is theirs now, they own some of us, but they paid well! :-) I think you secretly admire everyone you stalk and harass in some way because they are things you are not in life, but want to be. Usually stalkers so dedicated as you are that type, and you are dedicated.

I find it ironic that you are trying to claim that your victims have mental problems when in fact you are the poster boy for them and are the one name dropping them at every turn, tagging laws and such with them as you go. You need serious help. Mental aid because you are cracked. Your replies to the many delusions I cited you shows that, you were still incapable of admitting that you DIDN'T think those things, you just skirted around them while trying to be sarcastic or ironic, and both failed. Dude, we know that you own a gun, but there is no ammo. We know that you don't have cameras around the house, Step-Mommy wouldn't allow it. You are just a paranoid freak wishing he had power over other people and life itself but you don't.

So these emails are 'terrorist' acts? I guess for someone that claims Genocide is done to him at every turn and War Crimes, he can claim anything. You lack a firm grasp of reality on any level dude. I look over your profile (I had to sneak in under another guise to do so, I hope you have fun trying to weed me out!), and laugh daily. No one could so serious in thinking the BS you do, can they? You really don't see the strings that are pulling you as a puppet do you dude? They are there, and once in a while I pull them too. Hehehe...

You saw that our earlier incarnation of Cryptease was at Cannes, good for you! Yep, our first phase, when another director had it all, it was a theatrical thing, but it changed hands and money and was diverted into a video game company. Jealous? Yeh, you should be. If you had ONE achievement you would understand. Sadly dude you are a dud. We and what we were as a company was successful before we became successful. It comes in waves.

I find it funny that you are speaking out now, acting like you have something to say, to account for in your many years of stalking, obsessing and harassing. No one wants to hear what you have to say. If anything you annoy them (they told me that). Your crusade is pointless and you will never get what you seek dude, nothing but more shame. So lay off on the stalking and name dropping, it does you no good in the end. It must be boring to be you, I know I would hate it. I suggest you play games on your computer and quit trying to act like a business man or someone important, actual important people make no effort to show it, and you clearly show attempts at being someone. Dude, you...are...a...joke.

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