Thursday, August 15, 2013

That Whiny Little Bitch James Allen...

He is at it again! Now on his site, at the very bottom, he is listing the 'crimes' committed against him as usual, now as a 'log'. I will list them here and place our usual funny commentary and observations on his crap soon, so don't worry! James Allen is a miserable little bitch. All he does is whine, groan and cry about the lengthy list of so-called crimes against him, over, over, and over, and over again. It is the only thing he can do, or claims he knows. He wastes his time with these rants, using the same bad rhetoric each time too, it doesn't change or improve, it remains the same. Not his story, that changes as he needs it, but his methodology and approach to posting it. He needs to change his diapers once in a while because the crap is over the top and spilling out!

James Arnold Allen is definitely no man or adult. Neither would behave like this constantly. Sure, if someone's life was truly ruined by terrible crimes against them they would respond and react, but not him. Nothing has been done to him, and yet he persists with these drawn out stories expecting someone somewhere to believe him. The law doesn't, the state of Oklahoma and Texas doesn't, and so why would random people who might happen upon his obscure sites? There is literally NOTHING else in his measly life so he focuses all of his attentions to this obsession. 100% of it. Aside from having no skills or creativity, this is the main reason why his 'Beyond War' is never done. 

The logic is, if there is too much mystery about the project (any, not just his), and it has lasted for over a decade with nothing to show for it, then it isn't even real. Beyond War is not real, so we should never expect to see it anytime soon. The guy can't even describe his Space Vampire in terms and language appropriate for the industry, you know - talented like. So there is no way he can expend such talent long-term on the entire scope of his epic pipe-dream. Instead he spends his mental energy on his lame incrimination sites and libel, name-dropping and acting as though it is still 'proof', when it is in fact not. This is why we have no fear over his protective stance with the game project, because we all know that there is nothing to safe-guard or steal from. What you see on his old Beyond War site is ALL he is on it, and that is no lie. 

His play-pretend of using the security key is foolish because apparently it isn't working - I still see everything without trying. Jimmy lives in a world of his own, where no laws of logic apply, where he is an immortal vampire, important CEO and martyr for mankind. So he believes, like he does about all of his insane rants, that by talking about employing the security method that it will work and be real. Obviously it isn't and there is NO WAY it could. If Jimmy actually understood computers, programming and the interwebz he would see that his application and implementation of this is all wrong, but I won't tell you how it is really done, then he would actually try it. He fumbles his way around all things IT like a clumsy child, using old out-dated designs and ideas that are now outmoded and not even in the professional skill-set anymore. He encodes everything from copied templates, and he does not design anything with a personal, professional touch or calling card. 

So I will post MORE whiny posts by our narcissist on here and you can see that he isn't changing his thinking, tactics or anything, not in 12 years. Jimbo's world is small, even for as lofty as he sees himself in it all. It will never evolve beyond what it has been since he started this in 2001, never! Unlike most people, creative and innovative types, James Allen remains the same. He isn't learning new dynamics or angles in his thinking or life, instead sticking to the same whiny bitch system that he has done for so long. It is for these reasons we know how predictable he is and he is 100%. We have yet to be surprised by him in his sloppy libelous habits. It does not take Sherlock Holmes to deduce his next action, or be able to prepare for it since it has stayed the same for 12 years. 


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