Friday, August 16, 2013

Profit for the Prophet

It puzzled us for a long time about where Jimbo got the idea that his Beyond War project was worth $250,000, and we could not figure that out until last night we found out where. On Facebook we had started the Beyond War official page back when we first were making the sale to Splitscreen Studios in Germany a few years ago. On it we clearly stated that we just sold 'Beyond War' for $250,000 and this was in 2011 I believe. 

So, logically Jimmy, who is ever constantly stalking everyone online, including himself, discovered this and then incorporated it into his 'crimes' and what is owed to him mantra. See, since we made that sale a few years ago, it slipped our minds as the money was eventually divided up between our staff where it was due, and then the deed was done, so we forgot about it completely. NOW it makes sense where Wacko assumes its value. This also means that he fully accepts the notion of its sale and worth, and now wants his piece of the pie. That won't happen. 

In addition to this, we also just recently made an extra $150,000 from selling the remainder of the project (mainly the Space Vampire and other non-human races) to another company, Kabam Games, to Imperium Intergalactic War a month ago too. So this added value is now at $400,000 total between both companies and our part in it. Not bad at all for an easy job of taking unused, and lame, ideas and re-presenting them more professionally. More than ever Jimmy feels entitled to that money but it isn't his to take or claim. WE made the sell. WE made the bargain for the pay. WE took the time to present it professionally. NOT him.

Now that there is nothing left to sell from the Beyond War project, we are moving onto the next plan on our agenda. Our dry-erase board of plans for the year is packed with stuff, but next is a series of novels based around the life of one of the Space Vampires, Herr Stryx the Magus, who survived the first intergalactic catastrophe when the QSD were detonated leaving most worlds in the inner core of galaxies lifeless. Now millions of years later he has wandered the worlds looking for life that might have evolved up to sentience only to find himself on Earth during our era. I won't give it all away, but the gist of it is similar to the new Dark Shadows movie but with a Space Vampire instead, who must warn Humanity of the impending danger from the stars, and eventually must defend the planet against the threat for an uncaring humanity. It will be great. Our working title is 'Shape-Shifting Metrosexual Knife Wielding Sexually Confused Robots of the 21st Century' (thanks to James Allen for this brilliant phrase). 

Bobby is working on a ten book series novel deal with either Random House or Baen Books covering the Beyond War saga now, the negotiations have been ongoing for a month now. Until we can lock in a deal close to our own set amount we won't budge, but either way we may have an excellent deal once it is said and done. We are here, in downtown Ada, getting rich off of the (once) lame ideas of James Arnold Allen, and he lives across town at this moment, isn't that irony? We will milk this crap of every drop until we are rich and famous and do not not need to work and can retire at 35, and we are almost there! 

Meanwhile, in Jimmy's world little has changed. He still stalks online, hides with sites while adding more libel and accusations (something he cannot stop from doing), and plots behind everyone's backs. Pitiful dude. It is a shame that we cannot add him into the company, I offered in 2011 but he turned it down. I told him that there is big money on the horizon and he still said no, then after making it he insists on getting his hands on it. How flaky is that dude? It shows where his crazy mind is really at in things. MONEY. Sorry dude, you had your chance and you were too arrogant and stupid and said NO. So there is no contractual workload, allotted pay for duties, or credit for work done. Zero. The creative business is a dangerous one at times and he doesn't have the skill or mind, or experience, to be a part.

In Jimmy's mind, all of this money we made just came to us, but actually we had to wait a long time for the checks to clear and the money to be transferred via electronic carrier, which takes weeks at a time. When you are paid or given large quantities of cash, over $10,000, the process takes a while to do. We had to wait almost 2.5 months for the first payment a few years ago, and then after that regularly until the total pay was made by Splitscreen Studios. They don't just hand you the money at one time, it doesn't work that way. It takes money to make money too, there are fees. This is not my area of expertise, for that you must go to Miguel who is our finance manager. He is an accountant, book-keeper and all else that makes sure we run legally and can show evidence if we are ever audited by the IRS. 

So we imagine that James Allen must be fuming in his spare bedroom, or 'office' right now wishing he has a piece of this pie but he said no. Then he had to create an elaborate (but unneeded) conspiracy to say that we were trying to get his 'trade secrets' and other important sounding things from his 'firm'. Never have I seen someone who runs a so-called company out of his step-mom's house with cats for his staff and a dumpy English girl to fund it all try to pretend he has a firm or company, or that he was CEO over such a joke. It is hilarious and sad both, but he chose his path in the business scheme of things. He has no business expertise or training, and so has no understanding just how it all works. In other words, he is doing it all wrong and letting his mental illnesses run things, and that is why he is nowhere in 2013.

So when you play on Pirate Galaxy or Imperium: Galactic War, look for our contributions, they are everywhere and great to see and derive from Beyond War's once un-usable rubbish. Stuff that Mr. Allen clumsily bumbled his way around for almost two decades on but could never finish. We did finish it all, and we did so well and quickly once we started. I still think it is hilarious that he went to file a police report about it all. He really thought in his crazed mind that business is done this way, how naive dudes! The report is funny to read, but like everything to do with Mr. Allen, kind of sad too. He is so mentally incompetent that he cannot see what he is doing wrong. That day, when he filed, we had NO idea. No one called our offices, or came by from the Ada PD. It was as though it never happened...

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