Monday, August 12, 2013

Jimbo's Bitterness

We wonder why James Allen is so bitter to the world at large? He belittles everything from Sci-Fi, to education, government, gaming, conventions and more in his ego-driven rants every time he posts. Surely if he is so much better than these things he dissed he can show the world his genius? Jimmy has taken part in some part of each of the things he talks bitter about in his measly life and should know that he has no control or influence over them, no more than anyone else. His game is better than those published, his Sci-Fi is more 'faithful' to the originals, his political views are more correct, his Goth image is more real and accurate, his computer skills are visionary, the list goes on and on...

Yet, we are left wondering, if all of this was true, then why is he living in a house that isn't his, he had to swindle his way into by manipulating his parents for, and he is unemployed having to depend on Ms. Botelho for everything. He is unable to pay his Child Support for a boy he never even took seriously as his own for the longest time, and his resume is really lacking in experience and useful skill sets, or education that is appropriate for his image? The questions are numerous and have simple answers often, but others seem to have never been addressed by him. He ignores those questions and observations that oppose his ego and narcissism, which is about 98% of them. Why he decided to rant about Beyond War is beyond us. He has more serious issues that need to be explained and supported, not his flim-flam game in his head. 

According to Mr. Allen, HIS imagination and creativity is better than others, and stands high above them all without even trying to prove it. Yet...he has NOTHING to show for it. I look over his Beyond War stuff and see nothing that makes my inner monologue say, "I wish I had thought of that!". Why is that? If he has truly made a project so breath-taking, then why are we given lengthy excuses and blames for why it isn't tangible? Sure, he will fill it with more lofty ideas and promises, none of which can ever be made, but we are now stuck with MORE unfulfilled promises by the Maestro Jimmy Allen. Could this be his bitterness deep down?

In his ever constant mentally ill race to satisfy his extreme narcissism, Mr. Allen is always going to be better than others, it is a part of his mental problem that he insists he must. We never expect to find him being humble and realistic, it isn't possible. His bitterness is due to his ego angry at the world asking why no one else in existence can see his 'genius'. Obviously that won't happen - ever. So he tries to insult the world and everyone and thing in it to gratify his sore ego. He is fond of acting as though he was from the 'Old Guard' of thinking and creativity but he isn't. He is a hack pure and simple. Now if he had a body of work and a large portfolio and resume to represent this, he would be a different story, but as it stands he is just full of hot air. 

Even though he hasn't produced a single shred of proof of how grand and brilliant his game is, he is light-years, no parsecs, BETTER than every single existing game and system out there, in his sick mind. To him, he is the paragon of brilliance and everything that is best in man. He fails to notice that he HAS to compare to other real games as a matter of context often. These games are worth millions of dollars, for the man-power, time spent, and production costs and we know that is true, but he claims his is now easily worth a billion dollars. 

Already he is frantically adding more to his Beyond War post on his site as I sit and write this, for example, here is more on his Space Vampire being as 'god':

A God that abhorred slavery, war, and death - because it was best described by those attributes when fully employed, and as a living and thinking weapon, sought out the peace of Bhuddist reflection and the inner world - without abandoning the conscious experience of the material world. A God that did not seek control. Because the very knowledge of its existence created a power vacuum in which ordinary creatures could not function or survive if they comprehended the nature of this power even existed. The very idea of immortality became a weapon. Defense of this secret became a never-ending war.

This is quite a paragraph describing his own inner views about himself! Notice how he misspells 'Buddhist' in his brilliance. James Arnold Allen, or Herr Magus Stryx believes he IS this being he describes and we are not joking just to make him seem even more insane. We tire of finding people like him that are so self-consumed and egotistical and yet have nothing to show for such attitudes in this business. There are a thousand thousand wannbe hopefuls out there just like him, with their pet projects, delusional and never completed, so why is HE any different?

Once again we think about his vaguely referenced 'talks of 1998' and cannot even fathom what he is referring to? If these prophetic and visionary talks about computers and game systems was held and he spoke at them, this brings up many questions, none of which he will answer obviously. The simple answer to this is that there was never any 1998 talks by Mr. Stryx over this stuff, it was all imagined in his head. He wants to be put in history as an innovator so bad it hurts, so he constructs these lies and ideas around it, hoping that others will believe him too. Sadly though dudes, there seems to be a lack of evidence for this legendary visionary talk. No videos, transcripts, etc to prove it to us and so we have to count it as another Stryxian fabrication. 

In all, when everything is finally done with him, and he is no longer a menace online with his stalking or libel, and everyone can live their lives normally again (and he is faded memory), we will look back on these days and laugh our heads off madly over his insanity. It is so funny that no comedian could invent this on purpose if they tried, Mr. Allen is just too crazy. People will ask if we made him up and his nonsense but dudes, we didn't, and that is worth a thousand hours of jokes alone.



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