As promised, here is that commentary to his recent posts on his site, his 'logging' nonsense that he insists is more evidence and proof - when in reality, it is just the SAME as before!
Cause: Illegal creation of a referrer site to falsely submit this site to search engines under fraudulent claims, with intent to damage the parent-child relationship, and by forgery and/or transmission of UDP traffic crossing NTT AMERICA INC networks and SOFTLAYER TECHNOLOGY INCORPORATED client sites and network blocks to harass, query zone transfers non-stop (200 packets / min per originating IP), and reset by privilege gain exploits ("hacking") the router equipment of the Oklahoma-based corporation named in those threats in order to bypass protections blocking such traffic in interference in network services spanning 14 consecutive days of August 2013.
Premeditated Threats Prior:
+ June 30 2013 threat by written letter.
+ June 30 2013 threat by written letter.
Premeditated Acts:
+ March 30 2013 attack upon network services.
+ March 30 2013 attack upon network services.
Prior Threat of Murder and Robbery:
+ Sept 11-23 2012 (8 direct letters, 1 public incitement of murder and felony trademark sale for $250,000 USD in criminal plan - accompanied by written description of felony 18 U.S.C. 2261A stalking and sexual assault versus female witnesses in the case in the City of Ada, Oklahoma).
+ Sept 11-23 2012 (8 direct letters, 1 public incitement of murder and felony trademark sale for $250,000 USD in criminal plan - accompanied by written description of felony 18 U.S.C. 2261A stalking and sexual assault versus female witnesses in the case in the City of Ada, Oklahoma).
So these sites are 'illegal' (according to the Allen Laws) and are falsely submitted to search engines (which is never needed since the search engines automatically incorporate interwebz data over time) and 'damage' the parent-child relationship? I hate when people harass, query-zone transfer and hack my interwebz stuff! What would make this true is a little thing called evidence, you know, that tangible and provable substance to make any action real? I suppose in Mr. Stryx's twisted head, THIS is his evidence, but as he found out in a court of law - IT ISN'T. This is tantamount to hearsay and nothing else.
Even though ALL of it is funny, the next line is especially. The June 30th 2013 'threat' was by written letter. Yeah, that is usually how letters are given. Does he mean in the mail? Email? Telegram? Psychically? How exactly is Mr. Stryx receiving these letters? In any case dudes, hahahahahahaha! Good one. Next time I will request that my letters are sent to me written because that will make it easier to understand and therefore read.
Prior threat of murder and robbery? He loves to use the word 'incitement' when he accuses people of things we notice, and we wonder why this is? It makes little sense. Usually someone is made to do something by another it is inciting them, so we are curious here, who is being made to do these crimes? Random people? James Allen, do you have a brain or is it just the stem? The last time I looked, Beyond war is worth nothing, there is NO $250,000 trademark on it. It is no brand or property. It is just in your head and nothing else.
Yeah, I knew you would turn my encounters with Ms. Botelho into 'stalking' and 'sexual assault', it is only natural for a nut like you to do so. I can't help it if she wants my junk! You should ask her about what happened in the grocery department near the canned foods not long ago, we talked, and talked and gradually she was making her moves on ME! No lie. She admitted that Jimmy was a dead-end street but she invested so much money and time, mainly money, into him that she couldn't back away so easily. Let's just say that if it wasn't for being in a public place, we would have gone at it hard-core. There was no sexual assault or rape involved. Ms. Botelho does know my real identity too, and she swore that she will keep it a secret.
Hate sites to conceal a child:
- 2013 - August 1-14, Donald J. Beal, $33000 USD sought in public letter of threat in attack,
(15 U.S.C. 1637 b violation; 18 U.S.C. 1202 violation) - 2011 - 8.3 million ICMP packets July 25 in 2 hour span - Donald J. Beal / to .me site
/ ( / ( / A. Scarbrough) - 2011 - False Libel Claim in Extortion Attempt on concealment of a child; $2000 USD sought,
Brian Young / A. Scarbrough (using real name, public claims & letters) - 2011-2012 - Donald J. Beal (using fake name, direct letters of threat)
- 2009-2012 - Brian Young / A. Scarbrough (using fake name, direct letters of threat)
- 2009-2011 - S. Tappan/Kalista dba Pyrallis Entertainment (adult performer, fined) did threaten J. Allen and K. Kelsay (The Hidden Castle, Norman OK) using similar tactics, means, and on behalf of joint-ventures with A. Scarbrough known as "Oklahoma Steampunk Exposition" and similar ICP-themed performance ventures, incorporating false organized claims with staff of Re:Mission Entertainment (S. Quincy) to damage, defame, and blackmail based upon the child kidnapping and $2000 failed extortion of Raccoon Technologies Incorporated by Brian Young for "TrickConTreat 2009", a former project of Pyrallis Entertainmen VP Raymond Martin subordinate to Ivarr Brockinnson (owner, no fault). Targeting by libel (image appropriation and alteration to support child kidnapping and concealment) documented by private investigation upon and published there by Brian Young in a planned extortion executed July 21 2011 discussed in sabotage of this website July 19 2011 by the parties as commercial extortion in concealment of a child. Such extortion aided in false sworn testimony by A. Scarbrough, then "Director, INFAMOUS PRODUCTIONS LLC", claiming in police report "no job or officer role in a competing business with James A. Allen at the time of these false allegations with Brian Young aiding in (2009) explicit letters of extortion of $2000 USD and plan to "ruin" the business of James Allen supported by testimony (so alleged in writing) of V. Petersen and for her behalf in child concealment.
Mr. Allen is seeking $33,000 from Mr. Beal in some letter threatening an attack? From this month no less? It is redundant to ask if Jimmy has lost his mind here, he is completely insane. If I remember this correctly, it is Jimbo that owes $39,000 in Child Support to his son's mother? Yeah, I suppose he was thinking he could get this money out of him and have $6,000 to spare for himself, to skim off the top. I don't think that is going to happen.
$2,000 more is sought, now from Ms. Scarborough and Mr. Young from the charges that were being filed against him last year? Hahahahahahahahahahahaha! Man what a whiny bitch. He lists these crimes against him as though it was so obvious and planned out by his enemies, with the impression that anyone who reads it will accept it as fact and truth, but again, no evidence, just Jimmy's words and nothing more. I can claim that Mr. Allen was raped by a sloth all day long and can't prove it, this doesn't make it true until you see the scars, etc on his narcissistic ass.
There seems to be a LOT of letters of threat going on here, hmmmmmm, maybe those 200 websites and splashing these peoples' names everywhere online is the actual thing? ALL of those sites posting names and accusing them of crimes is threatening them, harming them and their families but Mr. Allen doesn't see it that way because he is totally insane. I guess it doesn't go two ways for Stryx here in his imaginary world.
This next part here is hilarious. Not only is he accusing Mr. Young of extortion, but he is also stating the conspiracy that he believes was arranged against him by these people. Ms. Tappan was the organizer for the Steampunk Expo, but not Ms. Scarborough who had no involvement and didn't even show up for the convention. Added to this is Ms. Quincy, you know 'Darth Blonde', the girl that Mr. Allen stalked and harassed at previous Soonercons. She tried to hide from him desperately and later said that he was trying to convince her to drink his blood because it will make her into a vampire too (this is not made up). See, Trick-Con-Treat needed $2,000 to run the convention in the fall of 2009 and everyone at that time believed Mr. Allen's lies (being a CEO, rich, having businesses, etc), no one had broken the illusion...yet. Not until the request came to see if he would fund that last part as a tax write-off since he was this mighty CEO with fancy suits and companies. Little did everyone know that Mr. Allen had been lying to everyone for these many years at the conventions and giving them the false impression that he was rich and successful. FAIL. Mr. Young came forward to ask on behalf of the convention since his girlfriend (at the time) was an old friend of Mr. Allen (Ms. Chiles). That simple request cracked the illusion of Mr. Allen's in an instant.
Now Mr. Young knew everyone was being lied to by this narcissistic freak and had to alert the convention scene statewide about it. The warning was given to not allow this suited fraud from Ada in their events since he stalks and libels his victims. The truth about how Mr. Allen stalked Ms. Quincy came out too at the time and everything related flooded all at once about him. The small request for some assistance in the convention by this 'patron' of the convention scene was the crack needed to burst the dam. Since then, Mr. Allen's empire of lies started in 2001 collapsed quickly and it took no time at all for everyone throughout the state to see the light and the lies behind the veil. So there is some personal grudge against Mr. Young for being the one to shed the light on Mr. Stryx's reality. One by one, groups, members of conventions, etc started to take a large step back from all associations with him. NOW they understood where they hadn't before and it was brilliant! Simply brilliant.
Private investigation? Dude, I hope he isn't referring to Ms. Mack because she is not a real PI. Mr. Allen was just saying in so many words that he was using someone else to stalk for him, and she was the one since she was an unknown third party (at the time). Mr. Young didn't have to 'ruin' Mr. Allen's businesses since they are not even bringing in profit or business beforehand, it just cemented the fact that everything was a house of cards built on lies. We find it odd how Mr. Allen is always trying to link whatever imaginary crime up with Magnus being hid or concealed in some way. No matter what, his accusations steer in that direction each time. So on this logic, this very site is 'inciting violence, etc, etc and most importantly the concealment of a child'? Right?
Jimmy, there are over 800 memes with your name and image on them now all over the interwebz and they are beautiful. Awwwwww. You ARE famous now! Guess what, there are more memes on the way too, by the week they are being made and they only get funnier and more biting in their truth too. See, there is no way we are going to create 200 websites to counter them all or the decade of lies, but we can make our own viral splash in the interwebz waters, using the ingenuity of it all. Now your memes will pass into interwebz legend, or a few of them will we are sure. So we are able to pay you back a little from your years of constant libel and name-bashing you loser!
- 2008-2009 - M. Grigg / A. Cox did threaten extortion - letters by D. Beal found there endorsing the fraud in identical child concealment and extortion of a business and trademark cited 2007, 2012 in related blackmail for child concealment claims and threats.
- 2002-2004 - Donald J. Beal (using fake name 2002, direct letters of threat 2003)
Created and hosted website (.com using the father's full legal name established to justify the child abduction and kidnapping) designed to incite fear of arrest on false charge in visitation / loss of income to targeted parent in child stealing (21 O.S. 21-891) and concealment (threatened perpetual) prior false claim of abandoment without right to face accuser due interference including assault at gunpoint (Nov 2002), arson (2002 during trial), and premeditated identity theft of targeted parent by child's abductor (Sept 2002). Such actions undertaken Sept 2002, after a 2002 May court order to SURRENDER the child to James Arnold Allen, which was concealed and ignored from 2002-present (2013) without any notice of location or contact attempted as ORDERED by the court, in ongiong criminal stalking (18 U.S.C. 2261A) of the father of the child (from whom the baby was taken and carried away Aug 11 2001 by D. Beal over objections and call to police for help refused by the DALLAS TX Police Department) during Interstate transport to the State of Oklahoma as prior arranged and paid for ($10,000 USD) by the child's father and grandfather, with consent then of the mother and promise of non-interference in permanent relocation as a family unit (mother, father, 2 children). - 2001-2002 - A. Scarbrough and B. Scarbrough did offer aid to commit murder in support of child concealment and control during periods of time the child was ORDERED SURRENDERED to the father, including the breaking of legs and information to locate and intimidate the parents of the child's father in Oklahoma, jointly (2003 letter by D. Beal, V. Petersen) in concealment of the child. Threats continued in 2007-2012. Aided May 2010 in confrontation to extort by J. Tingle, on behalf of A. Scarbrough so stated in assault.
Mr. Allen just lists crime after crime committed against him as usual. Names, years and everything...but the evidence. See, without that it is nothing. Jimmy, you were never told you were going to be part of the family unit with her or the kids. She left you after your abuse and craziness and had enough, realizing that NO child is safe around you. Thus to this day, you are not around them in any capacity. Yet you try to make everyone else appear as pedophiles, etc to demonize them in turn, but the real world doesn't work that way dude. Sorry, but your lies won't come true if you keep telling them over and over. Only YOU believe them, and Ms. Botelho and maybe Ms. Mack. Three people in the world of billions. Pitiful.
Now having evidence can change that, but you can't fake it or not show it, both tactics you have done and still do to this day. Sad, sad, sad Jimmy. Magnus was never ordered to be surrendered to you Mr. Allen, you remember those two court custody court hearings you missed on purpose? Yeah, that determined that fate of Mac once and for all. Your arrogance and mental illnesses determined ALL of that transpired in 2001 concerning Magnus. See, everytime I read of 'threats', 'inciting', etc done towards you I think of a sissy boy, wearing pink, dainty and feminine, or a whiny little bitch (see earlier post). Real men take a beating and return back stronger than before, not whining on and on about it trying to get attention like a hurt little child.
James Arnold Allen, grow up! You don't have Marfan's, you are not physically sick, you are mentally ill, and that is a BIG difference.
7. BAR UPON UNLAWFUL INTERSTATE SURVEILLENCE VIOLATING 18 U.S.C. 2261A (CyberStalking) and 21 O.S. 1030 (OKLAHOMA COMPUTER CRIMES ACT) in ongoing activity and on behalf of as a customer of COGENTCO.COM (COGENT COMMUNICATIONS INC., a subsidiary of NTT COMMUNICATIONS INC). Operating out of the STATE OF VIRGINIA to follow, harass, interfere with, query in violation of lawful use, and act upon threats for demands of money in excess of a civil order (15 U.S.C. 1673) in support of intimidation by written letters (2012 Sept) to obtain such funds in excess of income from a target, pattern of theft for stated (written) "robbery" from the subject valued at $250,000 USD (written claim in threat to false transfer without a bill of sale), and ongoing violation of civil rights (76 O.S. 76-8) in concealment of a child from 2001-2013 and claims of fitness for Interstate commerce violating 43A O.S. law in criminal public claims on a false writ and false claim of outcome of a court order.
[root@mail log]# whois
[Redirected to]
%rwhois V-1.5:0010b0:00
network:Street-Address:1555 Wilson Blvd, Suite 406
network:Org-Name:Cyveillance Inc.
network:Updated:2011-03-29 17:02:57
Unlawful interstate surveillance? So you pretending you have a PI to stalk your victims is not? Jimmy, you really don't have any comprehension of this wondrous thing called reality. We cannot even guess what this part of your rant is about. Except that it has some tie to your pipe dream game project. Why someone in Virginia would seek out that is beyond us. This does intrigue us because perhaps this person/entity is an ally of ours we don't know about yet? After all Jimbo, you have made LOTS of enemies, and over nothing too, just the mental illnesses in your head. Whoever they are they are using the Cogentco internet service and that could be millions of people in that part of the country. Good detective work moron! Jimmy's genius level deductions are at it again, making those acute predictions and guesses. Robbery? What were they trying to take from you? Your 'top-secret' data base online of your Beyond War project? PLEASE DUDE! There is no such thing. I assume you are implying that they tried to hack into your server and take the data out, if so then they are cool in my book, if not then you are a liar. Lying is what you do well, so it makes sense that you go as far as this to get attention (like killing that poor mole!).
Jimbo, you are a miserable little scab on the face of humanity. Your presence brings us all shame in having to have met you or been associated with the likes of you at some point. It does us no honor or good to waste our time in dealing with you. Sites like this are a past-time, a hobby, and little more with time we can spare. The knowledge that someone like you exists and has stalked obsessively us is sickening. So are the stories of the various crimes and most of all Magnus being kidnapped. You need to be locked away from the world, medicated and talked to by counselors for the rest of your terrible pointless life. I cannot stress it enough how our lives would be better for never having to met or known you, but until that day comes, when you are no longer doing this crap, we will have to defend our names and reputations from your libel. That day IS coming soon however on October 16th, 2013, when you are getting sued big-time for ALL of this, and we cannot wait!
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