Thursday, August 1, 2013

A Little Concerning Sex Trafficking....

One of the recent (in the last 2-3) years of Mr. Allen's stupid smear/demonizing/libel campaign of his many victims he has tried to push the 'Sex Trafficking' theme often. He has tried to link the various people with these crimes around the country, no matter how much of a wild stretch of plausibility and sanity it takes. Even if vicariously the links to connect the dots make you rub your head and ponder what narcotics he is on while writing it. It makes us wonder often.

We can try to surmise what motives he has in making these connections, but we do not really know the true extent of his crazy mind to grasp it all. He really has no clue of course what he is talking about or accusing his victims of in this, and it is quite outrageous at times. Because he is so devotedly a stalker, full-time since he has no job, he loses track of his 'facts' and train of thought and makes completely irrational and foolish comments and observations that blows our minds. Craziness does this to one after a while and he exhibits complete paranoia.

Regardless of the fact that most of his stalking victims actually have kids of their own, Mr. Allen feels that if he can demonize them and turn it on its head against them, they would lose their kids to the DHS as he did in 2001. Wrong. Unlike Mr. Allen, they have functioning households, incomes and lives and have no problems that would interfere in keeping their children. Mr. Allen has NEVER been a parent, never a father figure, or even acted as a Step-Parent for a long period of time, so he doesn't understand how Child Protective Services work. He is on the receiving end of it in a manner of saying, but for not paying his Child Support. 

In the real world, you do not spread false rumors online about people and expect it to take hold by the authorities and then a swift reaction follows. For one thing, if the authorities DID respond and find out that they acted on lies Mr. Allen would be charged with many crimes, fined and put in jail. This would be a happy ending without doubt. We DO hope it happens at the least in this madness, it would teach him something if Judge Kilgore hadn't already. The lesson is: if you don't have actual evidence to match your accusations than you cannot harass, bring to court or stalk people. 

So where in all of this are people 'grooming' their kids and trafficking them into sex trade networks we wonder? Does Mr. Allen even how those seedy, sleazy underworlds work? We don't think he does, because if he did some research he would find out that it is a world apart from that of his stalking victims. His demonizing attempts, this foolish libel, is not going anywhere and we wonder where he thinks it will go? It will be dismissed by the law as everything else has been before it for the same reasons as listed above. 

His poorly made websites are held in time thanks to the Wayback Archive and it reveals that his history of libel and attacks on people were less dramatic then (from 1998-2005) and we have no clue why except that maybe his mental illnesses became worse. This Child Trafficking baloney in recent times can only be influenced by the many, many statewide conventions and events that he is not welcome at, or banned from, that now caters to children too, not just nerdy adults as in the old days. In fact this changing has made these events very safe and protected more than they have ever been, losing the adult edge and fun that was once there, but it is understandable. The parents do not always want to leave their children elsewhere during the weekend, especially if they are trying to raise them experiencing the thrill and excitement of these fan events. 

Not only is Mr. Allen not allowed at these events, but he has no child to bring either to give them the experience,  so he has no clue as to these events and the whole dynamic he is accusing others of. He is just bitter from not being allowed to go, and so he wants to strike back at them all, and cause drama (he is a queen after all) in his typical passive-aggressive manner we all know so well. Sorry Mr. Stryx, but this situation will never change in your favor - ever. You have not only burned the bridges, but bombed all your potential allies too in your psychotic mental illness over the years. This has left you alone, penniless and outcast from all social gatherings. I hope you think it is worth it.

Yet we are STILL wondering about these Child Sex Trafficking accusations he is consistently making....can he provide some evidence of this? Not just some random links to news articles (many outdated now or by sensational tabloid sources), or simply his word, but actual PROOF. Can you do that Mr. Allen? Post those links, photos, court documents, etc to these claims (or any of the many other accusations you give) for us and the law, please?  

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