Thursday, August 1, 2013

Internet Crime? Mr. Allen, You Are Soaking In It!

Today Wacko updated his site again, he has been a busy little nut typing away! Now he is listing and trying to emphasize that his stalking victims are committing various 'internet crimes' against him. Yep, it is true. What is more amazing is that he is doing this on a website that has a long history of accusation and libel, and still does(!) against his victims. Confusing I know, but this is the mind of James Arnold Allen. He believes his is innocent to the last moment, and unable of doing wrong. His massive narcissism and ego won't let him face the reality that HE is in fact committing internet crimes. 

He goes from the usual list of : identity theft to fraud in his accusations on this site and he doesn't even notice that he is making false accusations while doing it. Simply amazing the lack of intelligence in this guy, it astounds us at times, and we forget how truly stupid he really is. He wonders why no one in the legal system takes his theories seriously, look at this from the 'genius':

August 1st 2013

Here are some examples of just how serious Internet criminals are about defrauding and damaging security experts:

CyberCriminals attempt Heroin Setup of Security Researcher Brian Krebs
Original Story (prior)
Related Muskogee OK crime (USDOJ)
Texas City Abducts two children, claims father abandoned them

The same tactics, used in child concealment, are not "a joke" - and cause irreparable harm to the parent, child, and community. Members of the Ada City Police may notice the stylistic similarity between letters used in the Allen kidnapping with the phrasing of the solicitation to buy Heroin for extortion found in this Russian Identity Theft Forum, and hopefully make the obvious connection (that the child concealed in Texas is in fact under fraud by persons using similar community resources and support to kidnap for extortion the newborn baby of an officer of a former $7 billion USD company targeted by competitors owned by foreign national telecom and financing groups with ties to the region this sort of extortion originates in and is considered 'regular business practices' there.)

Yeah, he is quite astute in his observations...not. So his victims (now) are linked to Heroin addicts in Russia due to some assumed stylistic similarity in their letters? Much less this is the 'Allen Kidnapping' AND Identity Theft? Wow, that is a heavy load of accusations there dude, any proof? No of course not. So now his 'company' is worth $7 Billion USD? The rate just keeps increasing here on his make believe companies. James Allen is not an 'officer', even though he WILL experience them in person soon concerning the DHS and a court of law. He is just too simply insane to recognize his mental instability and keeps rolling along the same as before, not holding back. 

I can look over many of his sites, ok, all of them, and see our names splattered everywhere and he has been told repeatedly by everyone to CEASE and DESIST this but he ignores it, finding his own personal excuses on why he can continue libeling them. In his obsessed sick head, he feels he has justification for posting the names and accusations, but lo and behold dudes if his name is mentioned elsewhere! Gods beware! See James Allen suffers from a crippling lack of reality and he is sure that he is the good guy in this drama, but the sad realization must come to him someday that he is the enemy. He is the trouble maker and drama queen, not his victims. 

At one time I almost felt sorry for James Allen, but then I got to know him more and infinitely more about his victims and see how wrongly Stryx is trying to tell the story. He is hiding his past and many shameful deeds while trying to demonize anyone that has crossed his path negatively along the way. He is so mental that he cannot remain stable long enough to make or keep friends, or relationships, and so makes long lines of enemies throughout his life. He whines like a little bitch about everything, mostly imagined slights towards him, and then expects entitlement as well. He speaks down to people (in his simplistic barely educated way) and likes to condescend if given the chance. James Allen is a monster, just short of a true serial killer by not murdering anyone.

But dudes let's not get dragged down to his level or be depressed by him and his insanity, it is too easy to do this, so just remember, if you like online Sci-Fi games go to Imperium  and Pirate Galaxy for those needs, it is where 'Beyond War' went to officially, the usable parts of it all. You can see it in places, alien races and some of the tech.  

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